Omni:How Satanism looks at straight, gay, bi-sexual, group sex?: Difference between revisions

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(added "Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?" source)
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The point is to be an advanced, upright, and decent individual. If one doesn't fill these criteria, then you can have sex with anyone you want and remain the same negative influence upon this world. Nothing can 'change' this.
The point is to be an advanced, upright, and decent individual. If one doesn't fill these criteria, then you can have sex with anyone you want and remain the same negative influence upon this world. Nothing can 'change' this.

==== Sex and the Gods ====
===== '''Author''' =====
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
The gradual degradation of the sexual act nowadays is exactly the outcome of such stupid beliefs that originate from neurotic and insane jews. Remember, sexuality is where we would create more Gentiles, merge with one another, form families and bonds, liberate our Kundalini, use the energy constructively and so forth, evolve to be free, heal Humanity and more things. Jews as the racial and social infiltrators they are, could never find a more sensitive point to attack. On one hand, they enforce insane celibacy, to the point of mental distress and internal destruction of the psyche, that remains unconnected and unexpressed. Even worse, even MASTURBATION will end you up in the biblical lake of fire. You must repent for relieving a NATURAL need. Then on the other hand, they push sexuality to an insane extreme. They will write books, open sick bordellos, shoot hardcore porn (all the porn industry is owned by jews, search for yourself, they are taking pride in it) and create unrealistic and sick expectations in people. Then sex becomes nothing. Sex is nothing today other than a small chemical explosion in the brain, an attempt to evade the jewish matrix for some seconds.
Though even there, the jews and their programs have made sure to make people un-orgasmic, complex, guilty and against even their own last sense of fulfillment and momentary pleasure in a world of restriction and lack of hope. Their doctrines, be these spiritual or others, infest the mind of people so that they find the wrong partners and get even more destroyed sexually; at least the majority of people. There are many sexually sad cases that have fallen victim to that.
Sex in the Ancient World, except for personal gratification, had a purpose, to bring as one. All the 'affairs' of the Gods and them having sex and producing kids with one another, are deep allegorical meanings of bringing opposites together or merging energies or connecting things, bringing together. Sex was spiritual and the births of children in the Myths were the new energies and the new existential and transcendental/spiritual ideals created by the act.
This is entirely different than what sex is and is done for today. The Gods do nothing without meaning. They are higher level of realized beings.
==== Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month? ====
==== Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month? ====

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==== Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI ====
===== '''Author''' =====
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.
Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.
All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.
These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.
Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.
Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.
Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades, MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.
We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.
Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:
Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)
But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.
All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.
All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.
Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.
Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.
Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.
For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.
The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.
Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.
In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.
It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.
'''All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else.''' This only recreates more of the same.
That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.
Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.
The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

Revision as of 19:20, 2 May 2024




How does Satanism view sexuality?


Spiritual Satanism for New People


JoS Clergy



1. All consenting sex in Satanism is free- straight, gay, bi-sexual, group sex, etc. Your sex life is your own personal business. This also includes those who choose to remain sexually inactive, or who are a-sexual. Your sex life, however you choose to live it is your own business!

There are No Mediators in Satanism


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich




Another letter was posted in the Teen group today. A girl is a virgin. She is comfortable with this. Her friend was wondering whether she would have to "lose her virginity in order to become a Satanist."

The point is- remember true Satanism is about being yourself and being free. No one is expected to do anything that they are uncomfortable with or anything that is not a part of their nature.

I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature

— Satan [from the Al Jilwah]

Concerning Kundalini Yoga


JoS Clergy



[...] Human beings are social by nature and have a need to be touched and loved sexually. Orgasm is a necessary release. SEXUAL ABSTINENCE IS EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY!

If one is unable to find a suitable partner, it is important that sexual energy in the form of a good orgasm be relieved as needed by one's self. This is personal and individual. Denying one's self sexual orgasm usually leads to not only serious psychological problems, but physical problems as well and contrary to those popular yogic teachings, celibacy actually impedes spiritual progress.


Astaroth's Eastern Connection


JoS Clergy



[...] In truth, the Eight-Fold Path is the observance and practice of the following, which greatly amplifies the powers of the mind and soul: [...] 8. Maithuna - Sexual activity, either with a partner/s or alone. Orgasm is very necessary in both activating and in amplifying the life force. This is why the Christian Church and Muslim program, in an attempt to remove all spiritual knowledge and power, are always condemning, and placing restrictions on sexual activity. [...]

Important Information About Serpent Yoga


JoS Clergy



[...] Sexual orgasm opens the chakras. As I wrote before, many authors of meditation books out there advocate retaining the semen and such. Most are now dead and none has ever lived to any great age. There are exercises one can do with the above, but these are not to be done continuously, as these books claim. Orgasm is necessary for both physical, psychological and emotional health. [...] Also, I happen to know that orgasm and an active sex life are essential to spiritual advancement. This is the main reason the Christian churches have attacked human sexuality; mainly sexual pleasure, vehemently. Orgasm acts to open the chakras and to stimulate the Serpent. [...]

Satanism and the Kundalini Serpent


JoS Clergy



[...] Kundalini is the life force and is very sexual in nature. This is the reason the Christian church and other RHP religions ban masturbation and all forms of sex. Sex is the creative power; it is one's use of the life force to create another human being. When one is trained and adept, the use of this force can be applied to many other objectives. [...]

On Virginity and Sexuality


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



On material terms virginity is not a sign of 'purity'. On the other hand, one is not a bad person because they have many sexual partners, either, as Xianity professes. Conflation of spiritual statement and material reality to an extreme extent, and without logical background, is an exclusively jewish owned and authored way of thinking.

What the jews do on a consistent basis, is they lie to people based on fake spiritual pretext. For example, they used spiritual virginity which is a concept of having clean chakras, and say that this is the 'proper' sexual way to go, and pervert this into a false spiritual concept of not having sex to suppress women or men. Women have suffered from this greatly.

Jews over the camp of fake analysis of the ancient world, they of course claim the ancient world was a never-ending hyper-sexual gangbang, devoid of any dignity or consciousness of partnership, in typical kosher propaganda that "Gentiles do union as unto animals", based on statements from the Talmud.

It is very true, and I have stated it over the years: Without prostitution and legal brothels, society will collapse. Humans, and this is based on our emotions, chart and nature, have a large variety of sexual preferences. Within the concept of sanity, consent, and non-pedophilia, these have to be indulged as one indulges in food or drink.

As one understands here, this is not exactly an issue of morality, but an issue of reaping what you sow.

People today think that by changing moralities, you avoid consequences, too. This is not the situation. You can change your outlook about particular modes of sexuality or decisions about your life, but choosing things will create consequences regardless.

The question therefore here is not what christianity or modern subconscious preachers do preach. The problem is not a problem of morals, but rather, understanding of one's decisions and where these lead.

This is a manifestation not of itself, but of larger metaphysical and spiritual lack of balance. Of course, this has catastrophic manifestations in any society it is placed upon.

One is relinquished from the requirement to think, and one thinks that there is some sort of recipe in entering heaven. Today, the jews transfigured this later into the "Sexual liberation ideology" where your sex worth is counted by your partners or how sorts of strange sexual deeds you do. This is the reverse of the "Holy virgin". After this, we have the "Unholy Slut" which is equally created from xianity as a moral "evil".

The above problems are wrecking our civilization equally and have done so in the past. We are now in the hyper-slutdom phase where many people are getting emotionally destroyed on a consistent basis and people are just being permanently unsatisfied.

How did this come about socially, is because before this state, we had hyper-virginity. Christianity vilified all sorts of sexuality, but only procreation for creating more slaves. Sexual suppression is a constant in christianity, because this leads to disastrous effects.

While many people accept the above, they do not see the other side, that over sexualization, is also causing the same problems in full intensity as the reverse. It is the mirror of this behavior. Race mixing, hyper-sexualization of everyone and even young children, modern porn addiction, and all sorts of other problems, are also because sexual energies out of control cause all sorts of problems. Marriages and having a family are becoming difficult, children are thrown on the streets and so forth.

The above is how the jews both created pseudo-virginity of submission, and also give you endless porn websites until your brain becomes sexually dysfunctional. Both result in the weakening and failing of the sexual system, and what is necessary for pleasure, sanity and procreation.

The solution to this however, is not a return to hyper-virginity and fake morals of christianity, as these contradict nature, and always end up again in the above - this is the same as how anti-christianity leads one running back to "Christ". Leaving the bad cop jew to go to the good cop jew, is only going to get you equally ruined. Historically this has been proven to never work.

You cannot borrow any morals of xianity, be these good or evil morals, as always these are from the dysfunctional souls of the jews, and they backfire. If anything, these are exported to the Gentiles to cause them social destruction, inner desolation, and destruction of the soul.

Both the moral "Evil" and the moral "Good" of Christianity are two jewish concepts, manifested from the lack of balance and insanity of the jewish soul. The perfectly chastite son of a Rabbi, and the hyper-slut of the low level which is an abusive life that makes sure she will destroy as many lives as possible, are both the same thing.

The same women that first were the "Chastite" daughters of Rabbis on which xianity was based, ended up as pornstars for Brazzers in a very frequent basis a couple years later. Later on, they also concocted movements such as the "Sexual liberation movement" or Marxists fronts to destroy societies and social balance in Goy lands.

The jewish wives at home promote the ideology of women being goyim and locked into the kitchen like animals.

Then, they tell the goyim women: "You shiksha goyimess, you will be saved as my friend Nathanaela Robertstein did, she became a total hoe on every man she ever met and she ruined the lives of thousands of males whom she teases, big lolz, and don't forget to get a foreign husband that is 'exotic' for extra liberation gains. Now please do not mind me when I take care of my 5 children with rabbi Shmuel, because I'm a good wife and we co-author our latest literary work: "How to sexually fuck up the Goyim: Advice for becoming a dysfunctional Marilyn Monroe type of slut for your jewish liberation from jewish mental infections we caused to you" by Screw the Goyim publications".

The jews vilify legal and actual prostitution, gentile sexual norms, sexual honesty and consent [many jews are making cases for pedo and all sorts of other insane garbage of their tribe], while, ironically, their daughters are the lowest of the low and the inventors of most mindsets of the lowest and most underhanded ways of abuse of sexual power and prowess, or insane ideologies like kosher feminism.

If one lives in clown world then sexuality will also be part of the same clown world.

Before all of this took place, what was the constant was far less psychological problems. That being the situation, a lot of things of the above were not the case and not a problem. The rise of psychological problems, psychological scarring, insanity, endless drugs, brainwashing since infancy, unnatural life, do all give a precedent for creating sexual malfunctions.

If anything else malfunctions so will the sexuality, it's only to be expected.

As such, sexuality was likewise "Free" in accordance to the nature of people, and not mental brainwashing, "Sunday School" or alternatively, jewish "Sexual liberation", are not the solutions. These are only repetitions of problems that only lead back again into themselves.

Essentially what this ends up to is removing jewish influence and letting nature take it's hold, self discovery, and taking control of the mind. Removing this will redefine the rules of our existence drastically and make things return faster into a natural order.

On Homosexuality


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Gender does not change throughout lifetimes. There are men who are feminine in their behavior, and there are men that are masculine. Same with women, there are feminine women and masculine women. In terms of behavior, soul, thinking and all this. I could never believe that one can in past lifetimes be another gender, it just feels wrong to me and except of that, I have enough knowledge to know differently.

Being homosexual hasn't got to do with your gender, but your polarity and something else deeper too. So, as it has been said, it’s in the psyche.

For instance, one can be a man with a masculine prone tendency. He isn't necessarily searching for a female or male. Just someone who is feminine. Whichever gender the male would want, as a partner, is a whole different thing again in the Soul, but it's more than just polarity. It’s in the setup.

Homosexuals are as natural as Heterosexuals. Homosexuality occurs in animals. Bisexuality is also natural.


Sexuality and the Metaphysical


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



I considered writing this post for a few reasons. Over the years myself, I had to think about this matter a lot and went into more than one conclusion; In the end what I clearly understood is what I will relate to this post. Which I found to be the only fundamental fact when it comes to such things.

As a forum member has mentioned before, and as it's known, all people have the Ida and the Pingala polarities. Any gender and any person can have more of either polarity in their soul. The main issue people do not get, is that if this will manifest sexually or not, is a whole different aspect in itself. Every person spiritually is both male and female. The soul has both aspects. Now there is a serious misconception here, which ties sexual choices with spiritual advancement. From this came rise to forceful theories such as the jewish madness which says people should be killed or made to 'repent' for their sexual choices, and many other negative things.

Like in the J(N)ew Age community where people are told that "Drugs help them" advance and so forth, and that they must at least 'try them' or whatever, the same is done about sexuality. People are sometimes forced to 'repent' their sexuality, or think that in order to advance spiritually, they have to become gay, bi, or just be celibate.

This has gone in both directions, to where now the enemy is forcing the latter end, even towards pedophilia and other insanity and mental diseases. This came from mass sexual repression, insanity about sex, and at the same time over-sexualization of even children. Which bleeds all together, from all sides, into a mass insanity.

There is only ONE mistake in sexuality down to it all. To not leave your sperm and sexual energy go to waste and be unprogrammed. This is the wasting of the 'seed', not masturbation or sex. Over the centuries due to spiritual ignorance, a lot of insanity has been created around sexuality, either through deprivation, or basically mainly due to Judaism. In short, this energy needs to be used for your spiritual elevation, goals and so forth. But that is the ONLY real and worrisome 'mistake'.

If we have a person who is spiritually of an Ida (feminine) dominant nature, that will not necessarily make them a homosexual. They may be of the more nurturing type, and more after aggressive and dominant women. On the other hand, a woman who has a very high Pingala element, may be into dominating men very much, acting with more masculinity so to say

Now, how these manifest, can range. The man in the first example may be extremely feminine in their love affairs, quite the contrary in their general life. In other words, sexuality and behavior do not always relate, but most of the time, they do.

Sexuality in general is the striving for what one does not have. In other words, gay passive men may be after overly masculine, male men, for example. Women who are lesbians of the pingala type, may actually be after feminine women of the same type. This is a way to look at things when people have a more spiritual nature. When they do not, and that is NOT bad/and/or "UNETHICAL", this may range, change or whatever.

Gaps left at the soul and internal needs that are not met, have to be 'replaced'. One example is drugs. People who are too lazy or don't even know about meditation, can get into hallucinogenics, in pursuit of spiritual experience. In the same way, people who lack particular elements, MAY or MAY NOT try to find these in partners.

The natures of such desires and how these will manifest, are affected by MANY, uncountable factors. Do drugs exist in a civilization? Does one have money to buy them? Are meditation books available? Is the person someone who is careless or careful about their life? And so forth.

Depending on if a person is susceptible to change, likes to experiment, and so forth, one may know or may not know exactly 'who they are' and 'what they like'. This can be the case of people who don't have enough self-knowledge about things. As someone spiritually advances, this gap is sorted out. There are people who are more easily influenced, and some who can hardly be influenced at all. One example is how in the past, christians tried to push and 'cure' homosexual people, ultimately torturing them and worse.

Now, society is heading past the level of equality (thanks jews) who try to return us into the middle-ages by over-extension of their own sexual depravity, which masquerades as some sort of sexual preference. In short, the humiliation over one's sexual type, and making one's self a worthless human being, either a hetero-savage-islamic or an extremely effeminate traitor of one's race and so forth, both these are jewish creations.

These don't have to do with one's sexual choice. This has to do with the quality of a person as a person. Like all people eat, some eat in a civilized manner, some eat from the floor, and others like jews feast on feces pie. In short, to focus on the habit of eating or 'ban' it is useless and retarded. Only a xian would think of that. I noticed the problem is that people aren't sexually accepted. This makes a lot of people feel at odds with themselves, fearful, and on the other hand, we have a pendulum thing going on in society.

Now spiritually speaking, we know there are three channels. In the female body, the left and right walls of the vagina, and the whole vagina, all connect to the Ida, Pingala and Shushumna accordingly. The same goes for the head of the phallus. The head of the Phallus is the gate to the Shushumna, the sides of the Ida and Pingala accordingly.

In general, people are also polarized accordingly in the Soul, women, irrespective of sexual choices, are tentative to the feminine, and men are tentative to the masculine. The anus of both genders deals with the Shushumna, the central channel. This is why for SPIRITUAL anal tantra, it's important people to understand how this works in order to advance them. For material purposes, different rules apply, so to say.

NOTE: On spiritual people. People who are just a material body, they work by "denser" laws.

Natural psychics and mediums can feel the most sensible things in a space, so to say. Others are more resilient, others oblivious. In short, it's not spiritually 'better' to have a particular way of sexuality, and another one is not worse. It all depends on the spiritual openness of the person, and how it affects them individually.

Then, we have astrology transits. People are influenced by such, and they change by such, may want to experiment, or depending on the person, they may NOT want to do this.


In other words, even if you inject yourself with testosterone, that doesn't necessarily make you more masculine at the soul, or if you inject estrogen, that doesn't make you more feminine in the soul, either. You are absorbing results here, not causes that come from the soul. You are covering at the symptoms so to say. This affects it from a far and indirect level, and the soul is only from a far distance affected by such actions. The above is why healing, balancing of the soul, has to happen on the inner light/the soul first, to have a permanent transformation effect.

In short and before some people are uselessly infuriated, what I am trying to say, is fairly simple: no matter the modifications you do on your body, no matter your sexual partners, or what you choose in that way, real unity and balance in the soul will ONLY come from meditation. This is what people should be after, and that is the aim.

All the anti-oxidants in the world, isn't going to give you an immortal soul or clean your aura, so to say. In the same way, all the sex or food in the world is equally irrelevant and not that big of a deal unless it's done with a spiritual insight to it. There are levels of sexuality, and it depends on the person. Some people are extremely psychic to the point even minor contact can create serious contacts with others; other people are extremely numb spiritually. That doesn't mean they are not affected, but it's not in the same level as other people.


I also notice there is a lot of confusion and force by the jews to confuse everyone, no matter their sexual vocation. One example is how a lot of girls like 'adventure' guys, so the enemy tells them to go date criminals, and many times they wind up dead. Sorry, it wasn't hollywood. This is one example. This hiding of the spiritual aspect of our desires is created in such a way to blind people and make people waste their life chasing anything but spiritual advancement, which is what people should be after to become really content.

The point is that people seek completion through their sexuality in one way or another. This is evident in astrology. People who lack a particular element, can be attracted to people who have that element they are lacking, for example. This is perfectly normal as people look to complete themselves, so to say. Others stick with people of their own element, and that is good again.

The ultimate recipe is to be with people that make you better, advance you, and uplift you spiritually, so to say. The point is to become a better and more advanced person. The details are up to you, and responsibility to the responsible.

Socially speaking, as far as civilization is concerned, a civilization that only has strictly gay people and so forth, or solely lesbians, cannot procreate. Nature takes precautions of such and makes the majority of people with the necessary heterosexual tendency to reproduce. The enemy like all balances, they try to throw this one out in either way.

They don't really care which way, just enough so that balance is overthrown so they can destroy and take over things. This is a problem for every civilization, but so is retarded Abraham celibacy that leads to murder, people feeling emotionally destroyed and so forth. Any civilization that does suppress women or feminine energy (Even expressed through women themselves, or gay people, or people with feminine polarity) does collapse, and is a civilization of savages.

On the other hand, a civilization that is too feminine, is extremely tolerant, extremely 'open' and cannot make any serious division between the members and so forth- chaos. In the middle ages we suffered from the abrahamic hyper-masculinity, now we suffer from abrahamic induced hyper-femininity. There will be no warrior spirit, no order, no defenses, no cohesion, nothing.

Again, the above are not fixed "rules". It’s just an explanation of some terms. You are in your own to see and know yourself. This may take more or less time, depending on the person, and that is great again. After all everyone is in the same self-knowledge trip.

Spirituality and inner empowerment and wisdom reveal what is what. But again, this is no problem, feel free to research in any way you see fit and advance towards this.

The point is to be an advanced, upright, and decent individual. If one doesn't fill these criteria, then you can have sex with anyone you want and remain the same negative influence upon this world. Nothing can 'change' this.

Sex and the Gods


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



[...] The gradual degradation of the sexual act nowadays is exactly the outcome of such stupid beliefs that originate from neurotic and insane jews. Remember, sexuality is where we would create more Gentiles, merge with one another, form families and bonds, liberate our Kundalini, use the energy constructively and so forth, evolve to be free, heal Humanity and more things. Jews as the racial and social infiltrators they are, could never find a more sensitive point to attack. On one hand, they enforce insane celibacy, to the point of mental distress and internal destruction of the psyche, that remains unconnected and unexpressed. Even worse, even MASTURBATION will end you up in the biblical lake of fire. You must repent for relieving a NATURAL need. Then on the other hand, they push sexuality to an insane extreme. They will write books, open sick bordellos, shoot hardcore porn (all the porn industry is owned by jews, search for yourself, they are taking pride in it) and create unrealistic and sick expectations in people. Then sex becomes nothing. Sex is nothing today other than a small chemical explosion in the brain, an attempt to evade the jewish matrix for some seconds. Though even there, the jews and their programs have made sure to make people un-orgasmic, complex, guilty and against even their own last sense of fulfillment and momentary pleasure in a world of restriction and lack of hope. Their doctrines, be these spiritual or others, infest the mind of people so that they find the wrong partners and get even more destroyed sexually; at least the majority of people. There are many sexually sad cases that have fallen victim to that. [...] Sex in the Ancient World, except for personal gratification, had a purpose, to bring as one. All the 'affairs' of the Gods and them having sex and producing kids with one another, are deep allegorical meanings of bringing opposites together or merging energies or connecting things, bringing together. Sex was spiritual and the births of children in the Myths were the new energies and the new existential and transcendental/spiritual ideals created by the act. This is entirely different than what sex is and is done for today. The Gods do nothing without meaning. They are higher level of realized beings.

Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



While being a "trans" doesn't automatically make you into a jew, to promote the same dialectics about the subject that the jews have authored, makes one a jew in itself.

What you do with yourself and your body, is your own choice. How you eat, have sex, define your sexuality, is your own choice. With all the outcomes this entails with it.

Regardless, all of what is written about the "Gods", oftentimes written by Feminist and other "Academics" that want to create claims about "Transgenderism" or confusion about "GBLT", is nothing but spiritual allegories, which some people choose to take in in this way to feel justified in their decisions.

In the past, none of this jargon writing was necessary. People were understood for what they were. People behaved normally, and there was no need for a "Month" in which we will see children twerking in trucks dressed in jeans, or in strip clubs being thrown dollars on them. None of this ever existed before, nor what led us there [Christianity] existed before.

With the advent of Christianity/Judaism and its binding, a lot of people were repressed. This repression, was a rife ground for the jews to promote many of their subterranean plans on confused and repressed people.

In the Ancient World, there was no "not acceptance" or "intolerance", and therefore, there was no need to go into these great lengths as we "go" today, with all the unhealthy extremes these bring with them.

Ancient people were also healthier, and would accept things as they came without the need of an exclusive month of worshiping dildos on trucks. They were not running billions of dollars of campaigns to convince people that they are trans, genderless, or whatever else among other pus infested mind constructs people are enforced to harbor nowadays.

Therefore, for the Ancients, grossly misrepresenting their own mythology and myths, were not necessary acts for them to "advocate" about severe self acceptance hangups they had, because, they primarily, accepted themselves and others more.

Mythology, cannot be used as a substitution for the morbid insanities of our present day era, unless one of course, is a jew on a mission to confuse.

If I decided I am to befriend a crocodile that might eat me, that should not be ascribed to Sobek and some myth about "being eaten by Sobek". Likewise, every statement in the myths, has nothing to do with literal information.

Another example, say that I am a crazy scientists that wants to do breeding between bulls and human beings. If I was a kike, I would use the existence of Centaurs in Ancient Greeks, to claim that they did Genetic Engineering and other nonsense, to justify my insanity. This subject is no different than this, holding the same underlying thought process which is not only gross, but jewish.

The same dialectic of making spiritual information sound "Literal", is what the jews are doing with all of our myths, creating perpetual confusion. This confusion and lying is so high, that certain terms have been fully perverted.

In Ancient Greek, the "eros" means love, but it also means "when the minds come in contact". In Ancient Greece, there was a form of a relation between males or females [same gender] that was called "Pederasty", who had to do with growing children's minds by teaching them of the divine subjects and to teach them to be attracted to the divine, no different than schools should be doing today, or were doing in all Pagan cultures.

The above, had nothing to do with sexuality, any more than today teachers are older than the taught children. All of this, came from the mistranslation of two words, one being "Eromenos", which means "The one who goes toward" and "Erastes" which means "The one on whom another is moving toward". From the root word "Er", we also have the word for "Ermes" that deals with the mind and the connection of the mind.

Similar forms of relations of friendship and teaching, clearly take place in civilization, military and so on, but the jews could care less about common sense, as they found out some strange loophole to promote more biblical and jewish hoaxes in that regard. In the Military, for example, the older generals teach the younger generals, and the older generals have relations with the younger- the list goes.

Jews, purposefully mistranslated and liberalized the above, saying that the Ancient Greeks practiced institutionalized "teenage- old people" relationships, same as they say that in Sodom and Gommorah people were having sex with sheep and goats, and horses, on a daily basis.

After they did the above, we know the rest of it and how it escalated. The lies kept piling up with centuries, and now we are where we are. Jews didn't leave the situation to its own fate however, and would attack further, using this mistranslation that they KNOW was the case to later justify further abominations with many "arguments", such as NAMBLA and other doomsday deserving "organizations" to destroy society.

NAMBLA of course, has nothing got to do with anything even describe above, they are literal ghouls that run around trying to force themselves to legitimatize "pedophilia" all the way even to infants. When normal people see these things, they rightfully go insane, as all of these are unnatural. Jews promote these, to make our civilizations implode or harm them.

These events, never occurred, or were condoned, and were always looked upon as insanity, but the jews promote these strongly now, stronger than ever. Endless abominations were written, and we can count on the jews to write endless abominations ad infinitum in regards to all of this.

The so called "Scientific" community promoted these lies, which later were adopted by all sorts of criminal pedophiles. The same situation occurred in the rather unstable "Trans" community, which the jews were trying for decades to feed something to make them part of the same dialectic as they did with the "Pedos".

The same overlapping lies were done for everything in history, in order for the jews to create lies and defamation for the Ancient Cultures. They knew, after all, that nobody was going to open up a dictionary or have any understanding from the "Goyim Animal Cattle" and that the Gentiles, who lacked in education and were taught to hate their own culture, had adopted a wrong perception of it that was created by the jews.

Similarly, jewish and other "thinkers", in need to justify moral decadent things of the present world and in particular, doings of the United States, perverted copiously a lot of things such as "Hermaphroditism", "Androgyny" and other terms, are "Literal".

The Male and Female Soul are aspects of the Ida and the Pigala, and not the physical body beings turned into another form. The so called "Androgynous" allegories are about union of the soul, and have nothing whatsoever to do with your physical form, or what you choose to wear, or anything like this.

There are allegories where Inanna transforms people into animals and so on, and all of this is allegory. This is not to justify the Furries movement, but of course, a jew might discourse about these as we are very used to this.

None of the myths about Tiresias, Hermaphroditus, and all of this, have to do with getting strange surgeries on yourself, one's feelings about one's "Gender", or adopting a so called "identity". Adopt whatever identity that you want, but the Gods can stay out of this.

These are myths about spiritual allegories and certain spiritual attainments, they are not justification for wearing or not wearing a wig, or choosing to live your life in a specific way.

The stories about the "severing of the Androgynai" is part of Platonic Myth about how the parts of the soul are divided through the process of incarnation, which is a law of the universe, and nothing else.

The rest in regards of this are actually English perversions that were borne out with the interest of a specific type of people, that projected their own vain pursuits towards the Gods, with aggressive temper and because they were not loyal to their own decisions. These have nothing to do with all what you write.

You are free to be whatever you want and consider, but the whole gross destruction of every Pagan and Mythology story to justify your choices, is not helping anywhere, and it's what the jews do in order to justify what they promote as "Unjustifiable", ie, for trans people to exist.

It's not unjustifiable, you do what you want and be who you want to be. It's unjustifiable to destroy all of Pagan culture just to justify yourself behaving in a certain way. Inanna didn't change people from male to female in Dr. Shekelstein's bed. All of this is spiritual allegory for activating the male and female parts of the brain and soul.

The activation of both in unison, is a code for the word "Androgynai", which is also a word for the living families and couples that have children with normal marital union in the real world, ie, family.

Using all of this as a justification for promoting these things, is subversive, and is borne out of the jews. Higher culture for this reason is wrong and nonsensical to be destroyed, but it keeps happening anyway, not only because of gross mistranslated from America, but because every "need" the infinite need and hangup generating populace might have, has to be "justified in the abominations of the Gentiles", which is why the Jews are doing by grossly misrepresenting our mythology and religions.


Transgenderism and all of this, is a perversion from occult teachings through gross externalizing of them. What occurs socially is a situation of living humans and their choices, not of anything much else.

Jews couldn't lose an opportunity to slide everyone into yet another meaningless avenue for once more, by causing social division and hate.

Regardless, they will push it for social disunity, causing people complications, and pretending they support the transgenders while they authored the culture that preached their execution among many other people.

Plus, it pays handsomely to engage people into these lifestyles, especially if they opt in for doing operations all the time. It pays well for the jew to spend a decade on end, just looking for a lip filler or something, and spending all of one's existence on these matters.

They know this will create social unrest by using them as a militant battalion on the pretext they have "no rights" while they have same rights as everyone else, using them and keep making them militant by telling them they are not accepted while all their needs are met etc etc.

Of course, as far as jews are concerned, no tolerance is to be practiced against these people, and their execution is something they consider normal for a long time. Jews preach execution and denial of all this, because they know what a bothersome and time wasting issue all of this is to have socially.

Pedo and all of these exaggerated forces the jews promote, are part of this. Jews knew Pagans had no acceptance problems in adult sexuality with consent, but they pretend like everyone does, to promote insanity in the populace and make these people feel offended, moving everyone into insanity.

When they feel like this, they promote them to full fledged degeneracy and social destruction for literally no reason.

The brain of the jew is very simple on these matters. If it does damage, cause chaos and disunity, and generally affects negatively everyone involved, they will promote it. If it's a waste of everyone's time, they will promote it, and if they make shekels while they are at it, they will promote it on full force.

It also all comes at the "extra benefit" of many people running back to Christianity, so to promote all of these lies and force them, is a Win-Win situation for the jews, who as a result, full fledged and full force promote these things now more than ever.


Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),

Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades, MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have

Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)

Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)

MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)

Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.