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=== '''Source(s)''' ===
=== '''Source(s)''' ===
==== Re: What is energy? ====
===== '''Author''' =====
Fiery Pluto
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
Energy, considered as chi, is ether in his primal state with no farther manipulation. it is immaterial and the primal creative force that creates everything and that superior beings (like the gods and humanity), created by ether, can manipulate consciously. Alone the ether/Akasha creates casually, so it creates also inferior and negative beings that know only to destroy and to live exploiting creative beings.
==== Re: Soul is immortal? ====
===== '''Author''' =====
OI argedco luciftias
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
The atman/æther/akasha is eternal and an endless sea and can never be erased. This is the fundamental foundational energy of the universe, and this is the energy that your soul is made from. It is true that this energy can never be destroyed. But the way that this energy is programmed may change, it may change into other forms and patterns that are different from how it started. This energy can be imprinted with forces to be carried into certain actions and directions. And these forces may become weak and get erased. Or these forces may be overpowered by other stromger forces, and end up going into a different direction.
Think of a little ice cube floating in an ocean of water. The ice cube is its own object, its own established form, its own self. Now if it melts and dissipates into the water, then it is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. It is dead.
Or think of a balloon. The rubber of the balloon is like the individual specialized energies of the person's soul, and the air inside is like the akasha that it is made from. Now if the energies of the person's soul weaken and disappear, think of that like the rubber of the balloon disappearing. And now there is nothing to hold that air together anymore, and it all dissipates back into the atmosphere. The balloon does not exist anymore, the form that it once was is now dead and nonexistent.

==== The Three Steps of Witchcraft ====
==== The Three Steps of Witchcraft ====
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There is a barrier or a 'gauntlet' that shields the worlds from one another. Deceased souls who are still on the astral can hear and see us in the living world, but those who are not open cannot hear or see them. Consistent meditation breaks down that barrier.
There is a barrier or a 'gauntlet' that shields the worlds from one another. Deceased souls who are still on the astral can hear and see us in the living world, but those who are not open cannot hear or see them. Consistent meditation breaks down that barrier.
==== Exposing Christianity ====
===== '''Author''' =====
HPS Maxine
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
The mass mind is very powerful. When one studies long enough and acquires advanced knowledge of the occult, the truth is utterly shocking. The entire Judeo/Christian Bible is a hoax of catastrophic proportions with a very clear objective using subliminal means and the channeled psychic energy of believers.
The entire underlying theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible is the establishment of the fictitious history of the Jewish people in the mass mind. What the mass mind believes has power and the energy to make manifest in reality as thoughts are energy
This has been reinforced by centuries of Christians being duped into supplying their psychic energy and souls to be channeled into perpetuating this lie, which in the end, will only benefit a select few.
==== Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality ====
===== '''Author''' =====
HPS Maxine
===== '''URL''' =====
[[Destructive Christian Practices]]
===== '''Content''' =====
Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.
Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.
Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.
The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denigrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.
Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.
==== Re: Soul is immortal? ====
===== '''Author''' =====
OI argedco luciftias
===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
The atman/æther/akasha is eternal and an endless sea and can never be erased. This is the fundamental foundational energy of the universe, and this is the energy that your soul is made from. It is true that this energy can never be destroyed. But the way that this energy is programmed may change, it may change into other forms and patterns that are different from how it started. This energy can be imprinted with forces to be carried into certain actions and directions. And these forces may become weak and get erased. Or these forces may be overpowered by other stromger forces, and end up going into a different direction.
Think of a little ice cube floating in an ocean of water. The ice cube is its own object, its own established form, its own self. Now if it melts and dissipates into the water, then it is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. It is dead.
Or think of a balloon. The rubber of the balloon is like the individual specialized energies of the person's soul, and the air inside is like the akasha that it is made from. Now if the energies of the person's soul weaken and disappear, think of that like the rubber of the balloon disappearing. And now there is nothing to hold that air together anymore, and it all dissipates back into the atmosphere. The balloon does not exist anymore, the form that it once was is now dead and nonexistent.

Revision as of 06:49, 1 June 2024


Astral Realm


What is energy, and how does it operate?


The Three Steps of Witchcraft


HPS Maxine




]you have to have energy to work with, and the stronger the energy, the better. The stronger your own energy, the more energy you will naturally be able to raise, direct, and handle. The more experienced you are, the easier this becomes. All of this is like working a muscle. The more you work with it, the stronger it becomes. You can either use your own energies, or use external energies by invoking them.


Using Runes and vibration is one of the quickest and most powerful ways of raising energy. Other ways are using the foundation meditation or through just visualization. You raise the energy and should feel it strongly, throughout your entire body. Other ways include Hatha yoga, Tai Chi and/or breathing exercises of your choice.


Energy does not have the reasoning power as to *HOW* what you want is coming to you. Energy takes the path of least resistance, unless it is programmed. For example, many of you want more money. Don't just affirm: "Money is coming to me." This could manifest, if undirected, say on a job where you handle money, like a cashier for example, or through your paycheck, as usual. That is the easiest way. You have to further affirm: "Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me." "This money is all mine to keep and spend as I wish." You should also affirm "in a very positive and happy way for me". You don't want a loved one to die and leave you an inheritance or get the money in a way that would be unpleasant. So your affirmation would go something like this: "Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me."



Directing Energy from Azazel


JoS Clergy



To make full use of your abilities in magick, it is important to be familiar with energy; sensing it, how to absorb it, detect it, send it out and manipulate it. This comes with meditating, sensitizing yourself to it and working with it. With consistent practice, power meditation will naturally increase your bioelectricity. You will be able to feel this energy often, just by being aware of it.

Protecting Yourself


JoS Clergy



Regardless of what you do for meditations [we are all individuals], following a meditation/yoga session, etc., one should be absolutely still and get what I call an 'energy buzz'. This is where you feel like you are glowing with energy, vibrating with it or anywhere where you can feel the energy of your soul, which was amplified by the working you just did. Experienced meditators know this feeling. It comes minutes after a yoga session, after doing breathing exercises, invoking energy from the sun, and many times after cleaning one's aura and chakras. Just sitting still and meditating on this energy buzz helps to amplify it. This is your energy; your power. When you have this going after your meditation/yoga session, that is the time to make your affirmations. When stating affirmations, these should be in the present tense, a short phrase that is to the point. Such as: 'I am safe, secure and protected in every way.' 'I am successful in my job.' 'My job is safe, secure and protected in every way.' 'I now have a secure job and the pay is adequate for me.'

All affirmations must be stated in the present tense as the mind/soul does not understand future tense such as 'will' happen. Visualize the white-gold light all around yourself, as this is the astral energy that will work to manifest your affirmations. Build this astral energy. Relax, but affirm with intent and focus. If your mind wanders, do not be upset, just keep bringing it back.


The more brilliant and bright the energy, the stronger it is.


Try to think of other things and get your mind off of your working so it can do its job. The energy of the soul is much like having a savings. Most people have some financial back-up of some sorts. The same should be done with the energy of the soul.

I also want to add here- skipping meditations, sporadic meditating, doing workings haphazard and such; because everything begins in the mind- your PC that you are using, the chair you are sitting in, the desk your PC is on, streets, buildings, supermarkets, windows, nearly everything in this world that is material- THE IDEA CAME BEFORE THE MATERIAL MANIFESTATION! Someone thought of something and designed it in their mind before they made it a reality.

The same goes for your workings on the astral. You are building a situation for yourself, whether it be a secure job, personal success, secure financial situation, personal protection, whatever. When your energies drop, as with skipping meditations, sporadic meditations, then this unfortunately opens the door in your life for unfortunate occurrences and circumstances. Don't allow this to happen. Keep your energies high and you will be ok though all of this.

Specific Meditations


JoS Clergy



When using power meditations for a specific purpose, it is very important that you cover every aspect of how you want the energy to manifest in your affirmation. For example, when making an affirmation to attract money, if one only affirms for attracting money, the money may come and even be in one's hands, but this could be like a bank teller or cashier or the money may belong to or be taken by another. Get it? The mind does exactly what it is told to do and does not understand specifics unless it is *told* EXACTLY how the energy is to manifest. The easiest route is always taken by the mind and aura regardless of what that route is. This is why it is so important to be as specific in as little words as possible with your affirmations. Energy does exactly what it is told to do. [...] Another example is with weight loss. Just affirming to lose weight is unwise. You certainly wouldn't want to lose weight through an illness like cancer. It is important to affirm "I am losing excess and unneeded body fat in a very healthy way." See what I mean? This is very serious. All workings must also be able to manifest in reality. In other words, they must be physically possible.

Always word affirmations in the present tense, as the right side of the brain does not understand future tense - i.e., "will" never happens and the mind does not understand future tense.

As with all workings, you must have faith and will that what you want will manifest itself. Desire is very important!

When you are finished with the meditation, no matter what the meditation is for- PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND! Let it work and do its job! Don't think about it or dwell on it or you will interfere with the energy.

Never spread your energies thin. Work on one problem at a time. The more places your energies go, the weaker they become. Evergy should be directed like a laser.

The Fourth Dimension


JoS Clergy



The Fourth dimension is what we experience when we astral project, communicate telepathically, or experience in an altered state. When someone breaks a limb, the limb is placed in a cast. When the cast is removed, the limb is withered, shriveled, and needs rehabilitation in order to retain its former range of movement and strength.

Meditation opens a part of our mind that has been defunct in most of the population. Centuries of Christian control have made most of us unaware of the fourth dimension, as spiritual knowledge has been systematically removed and suppressed. As humans, we can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Insects can see ultraviolet light and more. Many animals can sense things that a human cannot. Just because someone cannot see or hear something; that does not mean it doesn't exist, as with ultraviolet light, X-rays, gamma rays and other forms of energy.


I was confused about the fourth dimension. Azazel came to me and I asked him about this and he told me, even though he is physically elsewhere, his consciousness is beside me.

There is a barrier or a 'gauntlet' that shields the worlds from one another. Deceased souls who are still on the astral can hear and see us in the living world, but those who are not open cannot hear or see them. Consistent meditation breaks down that barrier.

Exposing Christianity


HPS Maxine




The mass mind is very powerful. When one studies long enough and acquires advanced knowledge of the occult, the truth is utterly shocking. The entire Judeo/Christian Bible is a hoax of catastrophic proportions with a very clear objective using subliminal means and the channeled psychic energy of believers.


The entire underlying theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible is the establishment of the fictitious history of the Jewish people in the mass mind. What the mass mind believes has power and the energy to make manifest in reality as thoughts are energy


This has been reinforced by centuries of Christians being duped into supplying their psychic energy and souls to be channeled into perpetuating this lie, which in the end, will only benefit a select few.


Why Christianity Attacks Sexuality


HPS Maxine


Destructive Christian Practices



Sexual energy is the creative life force that liberates the kundalini, and is a direct threat to their agenda for enslaving humanity.


Psychological hang-ups manifest themselves in the chakras, which are the key components of the soul, and create blocks that prevent the ascension and circulation of spiritual energy, both in the 7 main chakras and in the 144,000 nadis.


Because of the suppression of this knowledge, humanity is operating at 1/5th-1/10th of the total potential. The energy centers remain closed and dormant, cutting the world off from other dimensions, blocking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential, in order to keep power in the hands of a "chosen" few.


The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony. The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denigrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally.

Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness. The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together.


Re: Soul is immortal?


OI argedco luciftias



The atman/æther/akasha is eternal and an endless sea and can never be erased. This is the fundamental foundational energy of the universe, and this is the energy that your soul is made from. It is true that this energy can never be destroyed. But the way that this energy is programmed may change, it may change into other forms and patterns that are different from how it started. This energy can be imprinted with forces to be carried into certain actions and directions. And these forces may become weak and get erased. Or these forces may be overpowered by other stromger forces, and end up going into a different direction. [...] Think of a little ice cube floating in an ocean of water. The ice cube is its own object, its own established form, its own self. Now if it melts and dissipates into the water, then it is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. It is dead. Or think of a balloon. The rubber of the balloon is like the individual specialized energies of the person's soul, and the air inside is like the akasha that it is made from. Now if the energies of the person's soul weaken and disappear, think of that like the rubber of the balloon disappearing. And now there is nothing to hold that air together anymore, and it all dissipates back into the atmosphere. The balloon does not exist anymore, the form that it once was is now dead and nonexistent.