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The website below is just too gruesome to be fully reposted here with images and all, so I’m letting just the link, but it’s the brutal truth of what is happening in South Africa, and being repeated in Europe and other areas. Just ignore the xtian biased bullshit. It’s still informative and a punch in stomach on liberal race-traitor Whiggers.

DO NOT CLICK on it if you can’t handle really sick stuff, or still stubbornly insist on clinging to stupid beliefs about diversity and multiculturalism. Blind idiots deserve to personally find out what you’ve wrought on the rest of us!


Below I quote the text without photoes but only links to them, so that sensitive people can read.

“I Killed Them Because They Were White”

Posted on March 13, 2010 by INCOG MAN

Police sketch of unknown White girl, horribly burned to death by blacks in South Africa. She was still alive when the black bastards lit her up. Look at her: This could be your own wife or daughter!

IF YOU’RE NEW to this website and, like many Whites today, wondering what’s now happening to America, then I ask you in all honesty to think about what’s going down in South Africa (Zimbabwe, too) when it comes to White people. The mainstream media is keeping deathly silent about any of it, since they know if White Americans had any straight-up info, they would surely start questioning the whole PC deal.

“Well, what’s all this got to do with me?” You might ask. Plenty! Besides any last shred of humanity you might still harbor for members of your very own race — after all the White guilt trips instilled by the Jew media — what’s happening in South Africa is coming your way, if not already. Think that’s so impossible? Ask the shades of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, gang-raped and tortured to death in Knoxville, Tennessee.

What do you think the real power structure has been doing to America over the last 50 years? How about the last 10? Our race has been purposefully and gradually rendered powerless; our brains are now pickled by a continous drip-drip of multicult propaganda, while at the very same time they’re exporting our jobs and filling our countries with the flotsam and jetsam of the planet!

The Silent Genocide of Whites in South Africa

These kind of murders are not some random occurence, or anomaly. No way. Over 68,000 White people have been viciously killed since the end of apartheid. Proportionally, it would be like hundreds of thousands in the US. One way to put it all in perspective is to imagine living in a US state that had these kinds of brutal crime specifically directed at your race; what would you think? Would you still keep your mouth shut and just watch more nonsense on Jew TV, hoping it never happens to you or your loved ones?

If the races were reversed in any of this, we would see the liberal media and black race hucksters screaming bloody murder on the airwaves 24/7. Hell, they would be demanding we invade the country!

In addition, this whole situation should be a wake-up call to the White race on how these people really are, how they act once they gain real political power over us.

For example: Black South Africans hold political meetings were they literally chant “kill the Boers! kill the farmers!” Julius Malima, the Youth League president of South Africa’s ruling political party, the ANC, recently held a outdoor rally of thousands of black Johannesburg University students where he led the crowd chanting this very thing. Whites tried to get Hate charges filed over the event, but President Jacob Zuma backed up Malima and the Whites only got the runaround by the majority black government. They don’t care!

Blacks in South Africa are openly racist against Whites. The more you study the matter, the more you’ll get pissed off at all those Hollywood liberals who go around kissing Nelson Mandela’s ass and holding telethons to drum-up more money for blacks, like they did for Haiti recently. Did they even think to do all this for the survivors in recent earthquake in Chile? It’s not fashionable to help out Whites.

Whites in South Africa are not only getting violently murdered, but are also being fired from jobs to make way for blacks and they end up living in shantytowns. Meanwhile, the country’s infrastructure is falling apart, blackouts and urban blight are common, corruption is rampant. The SA is quickly descending into a typical African nation.

ANC political boss and South Africa’s current President is a polygamist with 5 wives, and has numerous children with other women. He was once tried for rape of a HIV-positive woman but, not surprisingly, acquitted, forcing the accuser to flee the country for her life. The former Soviet Union trained him in military, intelligence and subversion tactics. This corrupt bastard has over 750 charges brought against him so far, but remains unscathed.

This kind of person is represented through-out the South African power structure, all the way down to the police on the street. Corrupt and often anti-White. White people frequently get no justice, sometimes the police don’t even show up to the scene of a crime for hours. Last year, a White man was actually held at gunpoint while black policemen took turns raping his wife. Merely reporting a crime puts Whites in serious danger from the police.

White men incarcerated often face gang-rape at the hands of black prisoners, organized by the black police!

And Whites everywhere in the country can end-up as victims, not just farmers in remote rural areas (the actual number of White dead over-all is even higher). One of the commonest sights in city neighborhoods are all the enormous security precautions taken by White families. The homes are like fortresses: High walls with barbed wire and embedded broken glass, klieg lights and attack dogs. Black criminals use markers and spray painted symbols on the walls to alert other blacks to the defenses and crime potential of the residence.

Folks, these South African Boers, or Afrikaners, are White people just like you and me. They may speak a different language but they are our kinsfolk. Also, Whites don’t usually behave like this — never have. Regardless of what the Jew organization SPLC tries to say and all the old photos from a hundred years ago they endlessly play-up on the “History” Channel. It’s all a part of instilling White guilt so the real power structure gets away with turning our countries into profitable third world slave states.

From an article on a South African trial case for one of the few black animals brought to justice (watch videos below):

“I killed them because they were white.” These famous words were spoken last year by William Kekana, who participated in one of the most horrendous incidents in which the entire family of Mr. Clifford Rawstorne was wiped out, consisting of his fiancée, baby, as well as his own mother. Even this massacre of an entire family would not have made headlines, were it not for the fact that one year-old Kayla was executed on her very first birthday with a shot in the head. Needless to say, the two adult women were first raped before being killed.

Read that paragraph back and think deeply on the kind of animal who would shoot a one-year old baby girl in the head. And it was on her very first birthday, too! These filthy animals have little or no compunctions about doing things like this (some Negro did this to a black baby in my “news region” just a couple of years ago).

These “people” will also have a little fun before they kill their White victims by raping and torturing them. Imagine suddenly finding yourself at the hands of such animals without any means to defend yourself?

What don’t you get White people, for crying out loud? Look at these photos of Whites victimized:

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The survivors. These South African Whites came within inches of losing their lives at the hands of brutal White-hating animals.

The dead. The last thing these White people experienced, before their world turned black forever, were brutal animals beating, raping, stabbing, shooting, or even burning them to death. This is only a bare few of the White victims.

A glimpse of the HELL these people suffered before death:

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Old White man with his head bashed to pulp and dumped into his own bathtub like a sack of garbage by murderous black killers.

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Whites horribly victimized by insanely evil black killers: 1) Woman raped and throat cut in her own bed. 2) Woman gang-raped, hung-up by the feet and gutted out like a fish. 3) Woman gang-raped, slashed and finally killed by a broomstick jammed way up her vagina and into her body. 4) Little boy literally beaten to death against a wall. 5) Old White woman killed with a broken bottle jammed up her rectum (blacked out because it’s so grotesque). Can you believe this shit?

(DO NOT click it if you are sensitive)


Blacks in South Africa are so sick, they still believe in a form of demonic witchcraft called “Muti.” Teenager, Anika Smits stayed home from school because she was sick and blacks broke into the house, gang-raped her and then cut off her forearms while still alive. They wanted her hands for voodoo crap. She bled to death and her father discovered her body when he came home from work. The black boy chopped up in the photo above right was discovered in a witch’s hut by SA police. On the bottom right, is a close-up shot of a White baby’s toes tightly wrapped by a black maid with stolen strands of the mother’s hair, so they would fall off and give her some powerful amulets. SICK!

The Jew media in the US never reports on any of this. Why? Simply put: They don’t want Whites to get wise, that’s why. They definitely don’t want us to get angry and start demanding answers. It’s already bad enough with all the rip-offs and wars they have going on.

And think a minute here: Why do they constantly broadcast news on White murderers in the US; some of them not even arrested or the bodies even found? Like that missing sheriff’s wife, the Caylee Anthony case or this recent White pervert named Gardner in California whom they suspect of killing 2 young girls. The media goes on and on about these crimes, but somehow cannot find any time whatsover for crimes against Whites, no matter how horrible!

Compare and contrast this media treatment of White criminals with what’s really going down, not only in South Africa but America, Canada, Britain and all our formerly White nations.

Are you pissed yet?”

End of the quote.

Who’s responsible for bringing all this horror to White people in South Africa and Western countries like America