Omni:Is Jehovah Real?: Difference between revisions

From JoS Wiki
(Created page with "=== '''Category''' === [Choose the most relevant category from the List.] === '''Question''' === [Write the question a person may ask on the forums.] === '''Source(s)''' === ==== [Copy and paste here the title of the source article which answers the above question.] ==== ===== '''Author''' ===== [The original author of the information. If it is unknown, like some pages on the JoS site, just put JoS Clergy. Include titles of each person; don't just write "Cobra".] =...")
(→‎Category: Answered by category/ found source/ answered question/ provided author and url/ and added content required)
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=== '''Category''' ===
=== '''Category''' ===
[Choose the most relevant category from the List.]
Jewish Magic

=== '''Question''' ===
=== '''Question''' ===
[Write the question a person may ask on the forums.]
Is Jehovah Real?

=== '''Source(s)''' ===
=== '''Source(s)''' ===

==== [Copy and paste here the title of the source article which answers the above question.] ====
==== The Real Tetragrammaton: Further Exposing Christianity ====

===== '''Author''' =====
===== '''Author''' =====
[The original author of the information. If it is unknown, like some pages on the JoS site, just put JoS Clergy. Include titles of each person; don't just write "Cobra".]
JoS Clergy

===== '''URL''' =====
===== '''URL''' =====
[Copy and paste the original URL. No need to shorten it or create a hyperlink, as it helps to see the source.]

===== '''Content''' =====
===== '''Content''' =====
[Copy and paste the most specific, concise answer to the question. It should not be the entire source, although don't leave out anything important. Do NOT write your own words or content here.]
While I have made many references to "jehova" and that filthy jewsus nazarene, for the umpteenth time, neither one of these entities exist. Both are thoughtforms to some extent and there are enemy extraterrestrials such as the greys who work under the reptilians out there for the enslavement of the Gentiles on this planet, along with some enemy Nordics who pose as these fictitious entities and also promote them. Before there were modern cameras and available information regarding extra-terrestrials, occultist Aleister Crowley when in a trance drew a picture of "Jehova" and it was an illustration of one of those bulb-headed greys. Ok, enough said, but If I don't repeat myself ad nauseum giving some background on this, people who are new will be lost regarding what I am now going to write.

Latest revision as of 16:39, 26 August 2023


Jewish Magic


Is Jehovah Real?


The Real Tetragrammaton: Further Exposing Christianity


JoS Clergy



While I have made many references to "jehova" and that filthy jewsus nazarene, for the umpteenth time, neither one of these entities exist. Both are thoughtforms to some extent and there are enemy extraterrestrials such as the greys who work under the reptilians out there for the enslavement of the Gentiles on this planet, along with some enemy Nordics who pose as these fictitious entities and also promote them. Before there were modern cameras and available information regarding extra-terrestrials, occultist Aleister Crowley when in a trance drew a picture of "Jehova" and it was an illustration of one of those bulb-headed greys. Ok, enough said, but If I don't repeat myself ad nauseum giving some background on this, people who are new will be lost regarding what I am now going to write.