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Line 108: Line 108:
despite the presence of many Ancient historians whom were very accustomed to
despite the presence of many Ancient historians whom were very accustomed to
recording important events and stories. Very suspicious, to say the least.
recording important events and stories. Very suspicious, to say the least.
So how would the conquests and the spread of islam have benefited the jews?
Other than islam being a jewish program that worships a jewish god/agenda, as for the
actual events as historically recorded, it has been proven that the major
conquests took place with a great deal of jewish aid and worked in favor of the
At this point in time, much of the Pagan Eastern world was attempting to banish
the jews from their midst due to centuries of ongoing problems with them.
Thievery, ritual murder and other attocities were common in societies where the
jews decided to settle, and were the reasosns many Ancient Gentile societies
either banished or attempted to banish them. Ancient Rome, Persia and Egypt
declared laws at one stage or another expelling the jews for these very reasosns.
So in order to solve the problem of constantly being banished or suppressed from
the Gentile societies which they invaded, and in order to take control for
themselves so that they would be free to carry out their acts undisturbed, the
jews needed to divise a plan to help them infiltrate the top levels of the Gentile
societies and place themselves within all of the major positions of power. What
better way of doing this than enforcing their own customs, beliefs and practices
upon the people of these societies, establishing their own religion as the major
religion, their own "priesthood" as the ruling class and essentially forcing their
own alien culture onto the Gentile Peoples of the region and forcing them to
worship their own "god" and their own prophets. If they could judaise everything,
they would hold the reigns of control. Islam was the perfect means of doing this,
and as has been stated, islam is merely judaism in a different form.

Revision as of 15:38, 27 June 2023




Did Jews Create Islam?


Islam, the Jewish Religion by The_Fourth_Reich666


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



EVERYONE MUST KNOW AND UNDERSTAND- ISLAM IS THE TROJAN HORSE THE KIKES USED TO GET TO PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE EAST- Like Xianity, it was imposed on murder of all Pagan populations and any other murderous method and with seas of blood for the native populations. Like they always do with the trojan horses they inject, is how they pretend that these religions are somehow "anti-Semitic" while In fact, the jews made these religions in order to control the Pagan Populations of the people and keep them away from their Pagan [Satanic] religions. In order for a trojan horse to work, there have to be some identical things to the original religion, as in robust "antisemitism". This is only for the blind masses, who unconsciously hate on the jews, but through their trojan horse hoax religions are actually controlling totally and abusing their so called "haters". Islam is nothing more than another jewish religion through which the Arabs/Easterners are totally and fully destroyed and controlled. What the jews have done, is they created two programs, based on what would each host society accept. They made the Arabs through this way an insanely vile, spiteful and aggressive people, whom they never originally were before Islam. They made a proud race live below the animal level. Like xianity brings the worst poison out of the Soul of someone, Islam does the same, as they all relate to the same jewish root. The deeper one goes, the more "jewish" they become in their actions, thoughts and deeds. Simply change the name "Allah" with "JHVH" and you have the bible. Let alone, Islam is chock full of communist, sexist and brutal ideology. This all stems from and relates to its jewish root. JHVH and ALLAH is actually the same murderous thoughtform of the jewish "religion".

Islam: the Religion of The Jew


Zildar Raasi



As we know, islam is a false program created by the jews in order to weaken the Gentile Eastern world and destroy the original Pagan-Satanic religion. The following article linked here proves this further. The quran and other islamic sources, including much of the mainstream jew-run media sources, like to claim that islam and its prophets arose in the Middle East and began preaching and spreading, before the islamic conquests took place. This is not the truth.

The events known as the islamic conquests, which were in truth organized genocides of the Pagan Gentile Peoples of India, Arabia and so on, came BEFORE the writing of the quran, the invention of "prophet muhammad" and the installment of islam as the official "religion". The mass genocides were intended to wipe out the Pagan Gentile ruling classes and severely weaken and destabilize the Pagan Gentile world. Islam then served as a tool to further enslave the remaining Gentile populations, remove all Spiritual Knowledge and bring the People fully under jewish abrahamic control.

The quran and deluded followers of islam claim that this "religion" spread due to the followers of Muhammad traveling the east and spreading the word, acquiring new converts as they went by performing miracles, trading goods etc. This is a very fanciful story, and one which is NOT coroborated by actual historical events. The truth paints a very different picture and we are taken back to the Ancient Pagan Tribes and Civilisations of Arabia and the Middle East, who were brutally attacked and besieged for centuries by violent psychotic bandits who were the true founders of what we now know as islam. These attacks left trails of blood accross the globe and ended in the destruction of Ancient Gentile culture and the enslavement of our People which is still effective to this day

There never was any "prophet Muhammad" who led the Arabian people in efforts to convert the tribes to islam. Muhammad never existed, but was fabricated AFTER the conquests had taken place in order to be used as a tool, no different than the christian "jesus".

So who did orchestrate the spread of this vile program? Who was this program meant to benefit? The following article will illustarte how it was in fact the jews who instigated and developed this program as a means of judaising the Pagan Eastern World, eliminating the original Pagan religion and practices, removing the power from the hands of the Gentile Pagan ruling class and developing a new system of rulership that placed all of the power and wealth in the hands of a new ruling class who had a jewish blood line. Afterall, Muhammad himself was described as being of jewish decent, having jewish ancestry and even taking jewish wives and thus birthing jewish children. Whereas this character of Muhammad never existed himself, this is symbolic for how the jews placed their own in positions of power in the newly developed islamic world.

Actual historical records show that the creation of islam as it stands today, the writing of the quran and the invention of the fictitious Muhammad actually came AFTER the events now called the islamic conquests, and not before as mainstream media and muslims will have you believe. The conquests and destruction of the East took place before islam was actually created as a means of further destroying the original Pagan religion, cultures and knowledge and further weakening and enslaving the Gentile People. The purpose of the conquests, exactly like the Inquisition that took place in the West, was to eliminate the Pagan Gentile Royalty, slaughter the Pagan Priesthood and destroy Pagan Spiritual Knowledge, thus enslaving the Pagan Gentile People who were left totally cut off from their original identities, their original leaders, their original Gods and their original sources of Empowerment. They were reduced to mere slaves working for a foreign master. The program of islam was installed after this in order to ensure the continuance of this enslavement.

There in fact was never any mention anywhere of any established religion called islam, or any prophet by the name of Muhammad, during the times at which the violent conquests were taking place and there is no evidence for it having existed yet at that point in time. These religious aspects were created and fed into the records years later. This is no different than how the so-called biographies of Muhammad only appeared over 100 years after he was supposed to have died. During the time he was meant to have lived, not a word was breathed about him despite the presence of many Ancient historians whom were very accustomed to recording important events and stories. Very suspicious, to say the least.

So how would the conquests and the spread of islam have benefited the jews? Other than islam being a jewish program that worships a jewish god/agenda, as for the actual events as historically recorded, it has been proven that the major conquests took place with a great deal of jewish aid and worked in favor of the jews.

At this point in time, much of the Pagan Eastern world was attempting to banish the jews from their midst due to centuries of ongoing problems with them. Thievery, ritual murder and other attocities were common in societies where the jews decided to settle, and were the reasosns many Ancient Gentile societies either banished or attempted to banish them. Ancient Rome, Persia and Egypt declared laws at one stage or another expelling the jews for these very reasosns.

So in order to solve the problem of constantly being banished or suppressed from the Gentile societies which they invaded, and in order to take control for themselves so that they would be free to carry out their acts undisturbed, the jews needed to divise a plan to help them infiltrate the top levels of the Gentile societies and place themselves within all of the major positions of power. What better way of doing this than enforcing their own customs, beliefs and practices upon the people of these societies, establishing their own religion as the major religion, their own "priesthood" as the ruling class and essentially forcing their own alien culture onto the Gentile Peoples of the region and forcing them to worship their own "god" and their own prophets. If they could judaise everything, they would hold the reigns of control. Islam was the perfect means of doing this, and as has been stated, islam is merely judaism in a different form.