Omni:What is Sanatana Dharma?

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What is Sanatana Dharma?


An overview of the human soul and purpose of Sanatana Dharma





Sanatana Dharma or modernly known as Spiritual Satanism is the original religion of mankind. Let it be borne in mind that religion had no significance until the attack of the enemy, and that Sanatana Dharma was known as the Cosmic Law.


Originally Sanatana Dharma is the Cosmic Law. Sanatana Dharma respects and follows the laws of nature. This includes not only the preservation of the greenery of forests and mountains, but also the very nature of human existence.


Sanatana Dharma is not a law that if you break it you go into the fire forever, but a law that is obeyed in order to achieve the supreme deed i.e.


Sanatana Dharma is just that true and right path, a set of natural laws that when respected and followed give successful results and achievements. The fact of how someone will walk that path and respect and enforce those laws is individual. In addition, Sanatana Dharma provides knowledge on how to attain godhood and to become the best you can become. The knowledge left by the Gods is precisely the knowledge of how to strengthen all our bodies and become one of Them - the Gods.