Omni:How do I deeply clean/purify my soul?

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How do I deeply clean/purify my soul?


Deep Cleaning


JG Lydia



Step 1: Do the F-RTR (now that we have the Shattering and Tetra, you can do those as well).

Step 2: Vibrate Vi-Suddhi 7x in each chakra. Pronounced VVV-EEE-SSS-UUU-DDD-HHEEE. For the D, have the tip of your tongue where it would be to say D, then hold it there lightly as you vibrate. It’s like a deeper-tone of T and the tip of your tongue is a bit back, not touching your teeth. This is how I’ve done it all these years and it was more effective than the other variations I have read and tried, as this pronunciation was from HPS Maxine and not the internet. If you can’t vibrate the D then just tapping once the D sound will suffice.

Afterwards, call upon a Demon if needed. I worked extensively with one, a “lesser Demon” so don’t assume it’s going to be someone listed on the JoS. There’s no need to find a sigil, the Gods are highly psychic and telepathic and know when we are in need of assistance.

Step 3: Visualize a small Sun, maybe the size of a basketball. Have it floating in front of you, the exact location doesn’t matter as it’s going to move around you as the process continues.

This ball of light is like a magnet. It is going to draw out all the curses and chains in your soul, astral body, all of your being. You will feel or sense, or see for those who can, ugly chains and objects being drawn out and into the ball of light. It will be like chains of varying lengths; clamps shaped like staple removers; spears with hooks on the end; dirt like sand; and other objects. You might do a small shudder or shake as the process is happening.

When the space in front of you, your Solar chakra area, feels done, move it down to the front extension of your Sacral and Base chakras and repeat. Then your knees, repeat the drawing out process. Then the bottom of your feet. Then around the back to your pelvic floor area, where a lot of stuff may come out of your Base chakra and general area there (reproductive organs, and so on).

Then bring it slowly up along your back, keeping it next to each chakra to draw gunk out from each of the back extensions of your chakras. Then to above your head, from the Crown; then 3rd eye area; then down the front again for each chakra. All your chakras will benefit from this, you can also do it to the side chakra extensions.

Note: Anything in the middle chakras will come out through the extensions of the chakra, either the back or front or both.

When you are complete, the Demon will take it all away.