Omni:Why chakras are not open by default?

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Why chakras are not open by default?


The Chakras


JoS Clergy



The chakras are referred to as "seals" because the enemy aliens sealed them in humanity to prevent our acquisition of godly power and knowledge. We have been cut off from spirituality and the astral world. Thousands of years ago, we were as the Gods, until the earth was attacked and there was “war in heaven.” Our being sealed has caused the human race to degenerate. Imbalances in this energy and blockages, along with holes in the aura cause drug and alcohol addiction, depression, a lack of concern for the feelings of others and other forms of life, abusive behavior and many other things that plague humanity. By actively attacking and suppressing sexual energy, the all-important serpent is kept trapped within the base chakra, where it lies dormant. This is why the Christian Churches condemn sex, to keep humanity in darkness, ignorance and spiritual enslavement. By activating and opening the second chakra which controls sexuality and creativity, the serpent awakens, begins to rise and ascends through the seven major chakras, empowering the soul and bringing enlightenment, understanding, and awareness, along with many psychic/spiritual gifts and abilities.