Omni:Why is There Suffering in the World?

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New Age


Why is There Suffering in the World?


Why is There Suffering in the World?


JoS Clergy



Now, again, most of you here are even somewhat aware of the extent of the extreme negativity, and this is an understatement, contained in both the Bible and the Koran. In reading through scriptures for reverse Torah rituals, the curses against humanity are prolific to where one can't even begin to count them all. Curse after curse, after curse and the damnation and the most utter debased depravity. One does not have to read the Bible or the Koran cover to cover to be influenced by or to tie into the most hideous energy contained therein. Just focusing on this is enough, and by focusing, I mean attending church, and of course, Muslims "pray" 5 times a day, facing east in the direction that with the gravitational pull of the earth, amplifies energies.

So, just how much energy has been put into and is still being put into such extreme destruction and negativity? This has influenced this world and everything in it. Much of the populace is steeped in it, though lifetimes. One individual alone doesn't have too much power, but how about tens of millions? Most people aren't even aware of the subliminal. I like to do crossword puzzles and in nearly every book, they have the biblical crap. In other words, this is supposed to be common knowledge.

Wonder why there is so much fighting and family break-ups?

Luke 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Matthew 10:21 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. [This one is a given with Jewish communism, where many children were brainwashed into turning their parents over to the so-called "State" to be put to death].

Matthew 10:35 For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-

The above is only a very small portion of where human focus and energies have been going for centuries. It doesn't matter whether a follower has read the Bible cover to cover or is even familiar with its contents [as most people who follow such depravity are not], he/she still connects with the energy and with more available information regarding the human mind, one can see this is a fact. What one thinks, believes and the energies one ties into and identifies with determines what one is and where one is going in life. In addition, even those who reject the Christian and Islamic programs or who are non-believers are affected, as the mass mind is powerful enough to influence the world. The mass mind is more powerful.

Both with Christianity and Islam, the focus is on suffering and death. Followers live for their death. The filthy parasitical worthless Nazarene is worshipped - torn, ragged, beaten and bled dry. deader than a doornail. DEATH. Every mass/church service focuses on the death of that Nazarene. Then, of course the cannibalism 'Eat me" "Drink me, " as this creates the necessary ties for Jewish ritual murder to succeed where they take an abducted Gentile child into a secret back room of a synagogue and proceed to butcher him/her after tying him/her to a cross in simulation of that Nazarene and then drink his/her blood. The foundation for this is in Deuteronomy- the book of instructions on how to carry out living blood sacrifices. The Jews even openly claim it as such as to their Torah.