Omni:How I can program my aura?

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How I can program my aura?


The Aura


JoS Clergy



The aura can be programmed with hypnosis. Read the page on hypnosis to make maximum use of the following workings. Now, with dealing with the aura and subconscious mind, one must always be 100% clear on every aspect of what is desired. With love, we don’t want one who is unavailable. With money, we don’t want it to come to us through tragedy- this sort of thing. When working with the mind and soul, energy takes the quickest and easiest route to bring us the desired result and if every aspect isn’t covered, any undirected energy will seek out whatever is available. Color is especially important when programming the aura. Below are examples of how we can effectively program our auras to do things. Remember to always state your affirmations in the present tense as the subconscious mind and soul do not understand “will”. Visualize and feel it as it has already happened and is in the present.

For example: You want love in your life: Visualize your aura while you are in a trance, the deeper the better. Breathe in energy and affirm several times in the present tense: “My aura is attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate, whatever].” Change the affirmation to suit your own individual needs. Affirm this with meaning, five- ten times while breathing in energy.

To attract the love/lust and or attentions of a specific person: Affirm: “I am programming my aura to attract and act on _________’s, aura. He/she finds me very attractive and sexually irresistible.”

You want/need protection: Breathe in powerful white-gold light. With the inhale breathe it in to meet in the middle of your body, packing it in brighter and brighter. With the exhale, keep expanding it. The energy should grow brighter and brighter. Affirm: “My aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times.” This a good exercise to be done on a regular basis, for building a strong, protective energy field.

You want to make a good impression: A powerful aura will often influence others to grant you favors. Affirm: “My aura is making a very positive impression on _______.” If this is a job interview, [“the person/s interviewing me tomorrow”, whatever]. “The people hearing my presentation, the group”, etc. Always state this in the present tense. The subconscious mind does not understand the word “will” and “will” never comes.

For keeping unwanted individuals away: Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels. Affirm: “My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.”

To heal yourself: A lot of energy is needed for healing. Breathing in energy from the Sun is excellent for empowering one’s aura. The Sun also contains all of the colors of the chakras in their most pure and vibrant states. The Sun [666] is one of the most powerful sources of energy there is. When one is ill, there is an imbalance in the chakras ruling the body part/s that are injured or ill. To heal, you must work with both the color of the ruling chakra and its opposite to create a balance.

Breathe in the color of the energy of the chakra ruling the injured or ill body part and affirm: “I am breathing in __[name of color]__ energy that is balancing my __chakra__ and healing my _______.” When you are finished, breathe in white energy to balance your aura.

The auras of others can also be worked with and programmed.

From reading the above, you should by now be getting the idea and able to improvise your own affirmations.

To protect loved ones: Put a powerful white-gold light around the person. For more powerful workings, this is best done in a deep trance. Affirm: “I am placing a powerful protective aura around ______.” This should be done regularly, and can be done while the loved one sleeps. This is best done during a waxing moon [from a new moon to a full moon] as the energies will amplify as the moon keeps increasing in light. To be very strong, perform this working every day, affirming 10 times.

For inciting lust: Put a powerful red or orange aura around the person. Affirm: “_________ is experiencing irresistible sexual obsession, desire/lust for me.” “_________ finds me sexually irresistible.” You can masturbate using sex magick and drive the energy into the desired one’s aura. This is best begun on a Sunday or Tuesday during a waxing Moon. Never do this when the Moon is in the celibate sign of Virgo, though.

For inciting love: Put a powerful green aura around the person. Feel strong feelings of love as you program it. Affirm: “_______ is falling deeply and uncontrollably in love with me.” “_________ is obsessed with me”, etc. You can also use sex magick here as with the working above. This is best begun on a Friday during a waxing Moon.