Omni:Am I a jew?

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Am I a jew?


Re: Question #1438: How do you know if you are a gentile or a jew?


HP. Hoodedcobra666



You are fine with the Pagan Gods and they feel like home to you?

You don't have any jewish known ancestors who were following judaism?

You don't have any extreme physical jewish traits, but even if you have a few, these don't end up nowhere in denying two of the above?

That's all basically. One isn't a jew.

The striking majority of people there are not jews. Jews are a fringe minority in on the planet.

Re: Question #1438: How do you know if you are a gentile or a jew? #2

Author AFODO



There are different methoods.

-Blue light meditation: If it's not irritate you, you probably have a gentile soul.

-Dedication ritual: Jews can't be dedicated, and if a jew tries to dedicate him/herself he/she might have bad experiences after that.

-Opening a the chakras: jews does not have gentile chakras, therefore if you can empower your chakras with the JoS methods, and if you are opened your chakras, you are not a jew.

-Working with a god: simply asking help from the gods, or working on something specific with one of them. A jew can't work with our gods nor do they recieve any guide.