Omni:What happens after the death?
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What happens after the death?
Death, Hell & the Afterlife
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Many people are understandably frightened in regards to "Hell" being a place of torture, eternal damnation, and fiery torment. Personally, since coming to Satan, I have had extensive experience both in working with human souls who have passed from this earth, and in seeing Satan's Hell which is a safe place for the souls who are there.
In contrast to souls who go to the light when leaving their physical bodies through death; Satan is responsible and protective. He sends Demons to escort Satanic souls to Hell. This is to ensure these souls will be protected from the light, which is of the enemy. In addition to working with many different Demons, Satan has had me work with human spirits. Though their physical bodies are dead, they are very much alive and do not like being referred to as "dead." I am talking those of importance in Hell. Most spirits who have resided in Hell, have reincarnated. Some are still there for specific reasons. I can tell you, Satan's Hell is not some place of fire and brimstone, but a safe haven for souls who are of Satan.
Also, one does not obtain power through or after one's physical death. We take ourselves with us, our personalities, our abilities and one's spiritual power. Hell is dimly lit, from what I have seen of it. Lilith told me this is for two reasons; one being to protect the souls who are there and for another, light is power. Satan's side has been deprived of power. They lost a battle, though, not the war.
The experiences in death are highly individual. People who are vulnerable to the enemy, as I wrote of in the above, are at the mercy of the enemy. All of this has to do with past and present lives. There are others who for whatever reason, often an important issue, refuse to move on and remain as ghosts and stay here on earth. As I wrote of before in a sermon on ghosts, there are often serous unresolved issues such as one being murdered and others not knowing, one's corpse not being properly buried and such, as it matters to the individual. Others just go to the astral. Much has to do with one's spiritual beliefs if any, as one ties into corresponding energies. Satan protects those who are dedicated. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is physical and spiritual perfection and immortality, so you don't have to die and reincarnate, and forget everything you learned in this life all over again.
Satan takes care of his own. I asked a VIP human spirit of whom I have been working with, what happened when he died [after he fell to the floor following his swallowing of a cyanide capsule]. He told me four of our Gods showed up, took his astral hand, lifted him from his body and took him to Hell where others he knew who had passed on were already there and where he has been secure, safe, and very protected. Another VIP spirit who also swallowed cyanide was escorted this way. The VIP spirits have been segregated, as they are given extra protection.