Omni:Do JoS accepts any job?

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Does JoS accept any jobs?


People Of All Lines Of Work Are Accepted In The Joy Of Satan


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



... All work is dignified, and all work is honourable. All work has my respect personally. All people who do something deserve respect. Having done all sorts of things, I tell you this, there is no dishoroable work.

The mentality that there is any, while society and existence functions on many layers, is a mentality that is errant. This mentality was produced by forgetfulness that a society is upheld by the hands of many people, and overt focus on one's case.

If one becomes the best at what they do, a good life is ahead of them, no matter what this profession is.


Everything and every profession is accepted in JoS, we hold no discrimination, no matter who you are or what you do, from the darker areas to the brighter areas of life.
