Omni:What is The Third Eye?

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What is the Third Eye and how does it function?


What is The Third Eye?


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. It is located on the middle of the forehead above the brows and along with the 6th chakra that sets in back of the third eye and the pineal gland; it is the psychic sight of the soul. In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. Because of centuries of humanity being cut off from practicing power meditation where energy is circulated like blood where it is needed, many areas of the human soul have ceased to function. This is another sad result of Christianity.

The third eye contains the last of the three knots. Once this knot is open and energy flows through, the crown chakra is easy to open. The third eye contains the astral sight. Through the third eye, astral images are transferred to the brain. The third eye is also important in telepathy and influencing others. I have found in willing others, thought energy should strongly be directed to the other person's third eye, even though this cannot be seen. The third eye is receptive to energy directed at it.

The third eye, along with the sixth chakra, controls the eyesight, the sinuses and the skin. It is with the third eye that we can see auras, do scrying and see energy. The pineal gland and the sixth chakra are behind the third eye.

The third eye is the front of the 6th chakra. The 6th chakra is where the Ida and Pingala serpents meet. When the kundalini pierces this chakra, it opens the last of the three knots. A flash of light is often experienced when this occurs. Opening the 3rd eye is a major step in consciousness.

How the Third Eye Works


High Priest Hooded Cobra



The third eye is not directly connected to imagination and therefore not strictly tied to visual experience (Solely) as many expect. It's indirectly connected to it. The third eye has deeper understanding than the basic imaginative part of the mind which takes over in dreams, for example.


The third eye's most important manifestation is the ability to understand better, effectively giving you better 'intelligence', but not school smart intelligence necessarily, but wisdom. You will notice the more you work on the third eye, the more wise you will become in your meditation, the more your meditations will be felt, and so forth. This is a process that takes time.

The senses may not start to begin being visual. This is why this is the 6th sense. How this works you will understand by your own person. One example is your instincts may be amplified so to say. In advanced levels we have premonitions, dreams and so forth, while on the last levels (this can take decades or more), we have total knowing and the ability to (at least in theory), get and know everything.

A correctly worked 3rd eye also allows one to enter the state of "Gnosis" and understanding. This state bleeds over to your more linear everyday awareness, making it better, gradually and bit by bit. It cannot be rushed in that case.

To reach the level of seeing the Gods and actually listening and communicating to them at 100% exactitude is harder than most people believe. Many people like to believe otherwise, but if we examine this in reality, we realize there is no need for anyone to overestimate or underestimate themselves, just work like a legitimately curious and advancing person instead. It's also useless to beat one's self around the bush for this not happening, as the Gods can communicate with you in other ways which you can understand. Therefore you need to keep advancing without much worry.

The most important thing about the third eye is not that you can see fairies, this is indeed far more of an imaginative faculty. The real third eye deals with discerning truth, wisdom and understanding. Your imaginative faculty also increases and may need separate training. You many need to do visualization exercises to reap full benefits from such. People who are naturally more imaginative will have this part easier.

To completely open the third eye is not that much of an issue (it can take a few years), the issue is to learn how to use it and also to maintain it open, which requires daily work. Indeed we could place work on the third eye, however minimal (it can be a few minutes a day) on one's daily and "must-do" schedule.

To successfully open the third eye, one also needs to work on the periphery and the crown. Aside from this, one has to be patient and self-aware to notice actual changes in perception. The third eye again, deals with understanding of truth and perception more than anything else, making both senses more keen. If one struggles to open this, this can range from many factors.

One factor is the material factor, which can be helped with a headstand, less toxic or polluted diet, diet is individual, etc.

Another factor is the spiritual factor, which may need intensive cleaning and empowering, and lastly we have the mental factor, which is a mind that is either too imaginative, or too afraid to see, or too mistrusting towards the self to accept what it sees.

Either of these tendencies can be cured with training, crossing out things to find if they are IN ACTUALITY correct, and by one proceeding with an inquiring mind. You don't need to 'delude' yourself and flat out brainwash yourself to advance spiritually. A healthy open stance is good. An inquiring mind with deeply embedded knowledge that the spiritual is factual (which it is and there is no debate about such), is enough for a good foundation. Then you go from there.