Omni:How to read from tarot cards?

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How to read from tarot cards?


Playing cards






For the best result, one needs a Tarot deck with spiritual imagery that does not have any xian connotations and is free from enemy imagery and corruption, then the deck should only ever be used and touched by you. Nobody else should have their hands on it ever under the best circumstances.

After purchasing, clean the entire deck spiritually to remove any external influence from it, then breathe energy into it to empower it and program the deck to be attuned to your soul and your will, and program it to always divine accurately the truthful information you ask for.

Then put it under your pillow and sleep with it for a few days, this helps to further tune the deck to your energy.

Perhaps this sounds a little unusual, but it is how one attunes props to your own energy and soul.

When you do a reading with a tarot deck, make sure your own energy is raised first, then do the reading with a clear mind, tuning into the divination as deep as you can and let the cards be the medium for the information, knowledge and potential you tap into to express itself and lay itself bare to you. Then you interpret the meanings of the cards drawn according to the principles of the Tarot (Good decks will have a manual that explains how to interpret the cards properly).

Again, for the best results, only do one single comprehensive reading at a time, do not try to read multiple people in short order, or ask many different questions in short order, as the energy from one divination will linger not only on your senses, but especially on the cards, affecting the accuracy of readings made right after.

One hour or so is a good time frame to wait, and limiting the number of readings to 4 a day is generally a good rule of thumb for maximum accuracy and effectiveness.

I do not know how having multiple decks would behave, but I assume as long as you clean the area properly and close of the previous reading well while putting one deck away to "let it rest", would allow one to use another deck to do another reading some minutes after without too much energetic pollution to affect the accuracy of the reading, so long one is proficient at handling energies.
