Category List

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Revision as of 22:24, 20 July 2022 by Blitzkreig (talk | contribs) (new categories)

List of Uncategorized Pages (although some pages may need multiple categories)

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Page Categories are listed below. The bold ones are main categories, with those below them being subcategories.




-Al Jiwah

-The Origins of Satanism

-New to Satanism (This should include the 'For Those Who are New to Satanism' pages, any 'Welcome' pages, 'Dedication' page, or any pages concerning basic information about the soul or meditation which may be relevant for a very new person.)

-Satanic Rites

-Spiritual Warfare (including the 'Join Hell's Army' and any other pages on RTR's. This can also include relevant information from Exposing Christianity/Kabbalah about how the enemy attacks Gentiles. Additionally, this may include basic meditations or exercises which are necessary in warfare, such as Returning Curses. )

-Testimonials (includes any official testimonials, such as about interactions with the Gods or about Satanic practices.)