Omni:Can I sell my soul for wealth to be popular?

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Can I sell my soul for wealth to be popular?


Spiritual Satanism


HPS Maxine Dietrich



Popular fiction literature, movies, and media have about as much understanding of Satan and Satanism, as do the Christians. One of the most widespread misconceptions is that upon making a commitment to Satan, one can expect all kinds of free goodies, like a trip through Disneyland, so to speak, along with extreme wealth and riches.

People who believe this are in for a rude awakening. Satanism is the elite of religions. Like Special Forces in the military, we are those who have special abilities; those who are feared and respected by many. The goal of Satanism is that of becoming a god. Unlike all the other so-called “religions” that repress the human spirit, Satanism liberates and empowers the soul.

After we perform the dedication ritual, Satan begins investing in us. We discover talents and creative abilities we never even knew we had. We become much stronger and more confident through striving to put these to use and in bettering ourselves.

Contrary to what Anton LaVey wrote in the Satanic Bible, Satan does not approve of sloth, laziness, apathy [not caring about anything], drug abuse, and being unmotivated. LaVey, himself worked hard. This isn't to say we aren't free to do as we please in our off time, but Satan expects us to make something of ourselves.

Satan is a good Father to his children. He gets on to us when we are doing something destructive or detrimental to ourselves. He motivates and guides us to be the best we can be.

Inner strength and confidence come from knowing one is able to defend one’s self and not have to rely upon others. Being an adept at all aspects magick takes time, effort, and dedication.


Those who refuse to better themselves are at the mercy of fate. Fate can be cruel and unforgiving. "Today is NOT the first day of the rest of your life." Every action you have taken up to this point has established a foundation and pattern in your life. This isn't to say this is permanent, as everyone can change, but change will not come without plenty of effort.

Unlike those who are without, we have Father Satan to direct and guide us. Father Satan knows everything about us, inside and out and where we are headed. He is all-knowing, and can save us from making some very serious mistakes, but those who do not care and make no effort to better themselves can find themselves without.

Father Satan is always there to help and guide those of us who make an effort to better ourselves.

Satanists are encouraged to live life to the fullest, to grow, evolve, and to empower ourselves. This is true spirituality, unlike the other religions that destroy the soul by advocating their followers do nothing and abstain from life. As a result, they become nothing and eventually slide into spiritual degeneracy.

Wealth, Power, Fame...


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich




The enemy has indoctrinated humanity with endless lies about Satan and our Gods, of whom they've made into hideous monsters in attempts to terrorize everyone into avoiding them at all costs.

A major lie is that Satan is supposed to be some slot machine jackpot.

The enemy promotes these lies in an attempt to destroy Satan's credibility.


Our Gods come here to help us help ourselves, giving us knowledge. Unfortunately, because of the enemy (and everything smacks of issues like this in multiple worlds; a modus operandi, history of the same), has populations of worlds under their attack in most dire and desperate circumstances, our Gods are like a lifeboat in the middle of an ocean and become literally swamped and inundated with pleas for help as soon as they are manifest.

Satan helps a lot of us in desperate situations, especially if one is unable to help one's self. The enemy knows how miserable the worlds they infest become, being cut off from spiritual knowledge and power.

They try to set Satan and our Gods up to be expected to fulfill every whim.

The goal is for each of us to work on and develop ourselves spiritually, applying the knowledge they give us.

For those who are dedicated and have real serious issues, Satan and our Gods have helped and continue to help many.

Re: Question #1213: sell my soul to the devil





This is just a christian myth made up by christians to scare people. You cannot sell your soul because it's your own and nobody can take it from you, and Satan does not give instant money like a genie. Satanism itself is a Spiritual religion and we focus here on empowering and elevating our souls. Our souls are more important than material things and if you have a strong soul you can use magick to bring material things with ease.

Re: Question #1213: sell my soul to the devil


Ol argedco luciftias



Why would anybody want to buy your weak little soul? What do you think it is worth? You can't even do the most basic psychic abilities yet. Your soul is not some valuable thing for the gods to want to take, because they are so much bigger than you. It is like comparing a tiny spark to the entire Sun.

But the gods can help teach you how to take care of your soul, how to use it, and how to make it stronger.