Omni:How do I become a god?

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8 Fold Path


How do I become a God?


How to Summon Demons


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



The goal of Satanism is to become as a god. This means self-empowerment through consistent meditation and using the powers of our minds and souls to accomplish our goals and personal desires.

As we progress through our own efforts, we become more and more adept. We should be able to rely upon our own powers instead of the powers of others outside of us

Astaroth's Eastern Connection


JoS Clergy



In truth, the Eight-Fold Path is the observance and practice of the following, which greatly amplifies the powers of the mind and soul:

1. Asanas - Physical positions of the body such as in Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, the Five Tibetans, and Tai Chi. One must work on and strengthen the physical self through gentle stretching, and manipulation of the spine to facilitate the safe ascension of the serpent. The physical body must be free and flexible, otherwise energy may become trapped. When one consistently performs power meditations, one raises extreme amounts of energy that must be properly directed and above all, free.

2. Pranayama - Breathing Exercises

3. Dhyana - Meditation

4. Mantras - Vibration of words of power to obtain certain goals and/or personal powers

5. Yantras - meditation upon sigils and certain symbols [used along with vibration of mantra for maximum effectiveness]

6. Mudras - Certain seals such as hand positions which activate the vril [chi/witchpower]

7. Bandhas - Energy locks which stimulate and direct the serpent

8. Maithuna - Sexual activity, either with a partner/s or alone. Orgasm is very necessary in both activating and in amplifying the life force. This is why the Christian Church and Muslim program, in an attempt to remove all spiritual knowledge and power, are always condemning, and placing restrictions on sexual activity.

By practicing all of the above, one will greatly enhance and amplify his/her powers and shorten the time in achieving the godhead.