Omni:How to cure a vaginal infection?

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How to cure vaginal problems?


The Moon 3321


HPS Maxine



Kabalistic/Magickal Square of the Moon for empowering chakras, strengthening a debilitated Moon, and for help in health and overall spiritual advancement related to the Moon


The mantra for the Moon is for 81 days in a row. It is important never to skip any days, as this will cancel out the entire work.

Begin the mantra when the Moon in its full phase, is strong in its home sign of Cancer, or when it is in its exalted sign of Taurus. The Moon is at its most powerful when it is full.

DO NOT begin this mantra when the Moon is in the signs of Scorpio [its fall] or Capricorn [its detriment].

Begin the mantra on a Monday, during the hours of the Moon.

Begin during night hours, when the Sun is completely set and it is dark, and the Moon is visible, the brighter the Moon, the better.

Ideally, each day, the mantra chosen for the Moon should be recited during the hours of the Moon for that day. This is ideal, but regardless never skip any days, regardless of the hour.

Ritual/Magickal Rulerships for the Moon:

The home and family, food and drink, restaurants, hotels and inns, water and liquids, domestic affairs, women, early childhood, the mother, the public, emotions, feelings, instincts, the memory, unconscious, habits, childbearing, moods, the psyche, early memories.

Parts of the Body ruled by the Moon: The breasts, the womb, lymphatic and other non-blood body fluids, perspiration and saliva, the stomach, and the digestive organs.

Diseases: Excessive or deficient body fluids, manic/depressive, menstrual problems, colitis, diseases of the bowels.


On "Yoni" Health ~ For Women~






If there are any women here who frequently get Vaginal upsets then there are ways to heal that.

  • For Yeast infections- Try to avoid taking antibiotics unless necessary, they lower the immune system and kill a significant amount of your gut and vaginal flora.

Limit your sugar intake and add probiotic rich food to your diets such as Water kefir, Yogurt and Kefir (grassfed and sugarless is best), fermented foods and if one cannot handle dairy, a good ole' probiotic supplement does wonders. I speak from experience. Start taking probiotics immediately after heavy antibiotic use. A healthy gut flora is a strong preventative for Vaginal imbalances.

  • Vitamin C- Helps heal yeast infections and supports Vaginal infection healing. Also a good immune booster.
  • Colloidal silver and Various herbs for all fighting bacterial infections of the Vaginal. Coconut oil included.


  • Get adequate sleep and practice living a stress free life as much as possible. It can be difficult in this crazy world but do the best you can. Meditations are a must!
  • Cod liver oil has pure vitamin A and D which is great at strengthening the immune system, general health and fighting infections. I think it goes without saying that a healthy body really makes a real difference.
