Omni:What did jews do?

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Why do Jews Appear to Hate "Christianity"?


Redpillers FAQ: Why do Jews Appear to Hate "Christianity"?


High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Judaism has stolen and malformed everything from Gentile religions, so that is normal that they have allusions and other things. The exported lie of "Monotheism", let alone the garbage about Jesus etc, was only for their enemies to consume.

Jews, before they managed to destroy and attack Gentile religions, they always infiltrated them first to steal and adopt as much as possible. No different than how today for example, they have hijacked all the Nations they later on want to destroy.

After this parasitism is done, they steal the adopted things, present them as their own, and malform the past about their enemies. Their religious tenets are the highest manifestation of this rule they followed.

Then, people who hate them for doing this to them, are so confused by cultural loss, that they end up hating their OWN culture, simply because they hate the "jews" for what they did to them.

The jews however, ensuring that nothing is left behind of cultural knowledge, misdirect the "Goyim" to hating their own culture again, and going against all the tenets of their forefathers. And this brings us to the point of "Christianity".