Omni:What should I do after I opened my chakras?

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8 Fold Path


What should I do after I opened my chakras?


Joy of Satan Ministries - 40 day Self Empowerment Program.


HP. Hoodedcobra666



Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection, Void Meditation

Should be done daily without fail, no matter what you add to your program. In cleaning your Aura, you can add the RAUM mantra when this feels right to do.

Things you can do are as follows: Add additional meditations from the Joy of Satan meditation Page. Experiment. The program until the 40th day has taken you to where your chakras are aweakened and your bioelectricity is open, exactly as promised.

For instance, the breaths in Kundalini Yoga can be increased daily by one or two until these reach 100. Same thing with breathing in the Positions in Hatha Yoga. The same can be done for Breathing. You can add more breaths when you feel ready.

As far as working with your chakras, you can add additional meditations. This program when mastered will be fairly easy and will not consume much time at all. It will be about 20 minutes total in your day. Upon this you can add more meditations in accordance to the Joy of Satan meditation Section. Do not fear to experiment. Just know that once you add a meditation, make sure to keep on it daily. This will ensure you will be steadily moving forward.

Stay Strong, keep fighting for your own evolution and Satan. Let’s get back what is, has been and will forever be ours!