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The Gods


Are demons real?



JoS Clergy




So much has been distorted, warped, and perverted by enemy programs masquerading as “religions.” With the coming of Christianity, the Original Pagan Gods were blasphemed as monsters.

The original meaning of the word Demon comes out of the Ancient Greek language and was later perverted entirely by the enemy programs to mean "evil". Demon means God Or Goddess, "fate, the fate of a person", the demon of one's self [the soul], one's lot or given fate in life". [1] All Ancient Philosophers especially those of Greeks were associating with Demons, who gave them spiritual knowledge. Their writings were perverted, mistranslated, but above all destroyed. When Christianity took over, lies that the Demons were evil became prominent.

           Demon is an Ancient Greek word meaning "Knowledgeable One", "God/Gods", and then it is also a word for the Human Soul. It was the holiest term for referring to all that is “Divine”. This is because with spiritual development, every man and woman can become a "Demon", as we have been given the ability to "Know" and to become divine beings, bringing outside us our inner powers and divinity. 

The word for "Demon" is also closely associated with fate and the human soul. For this reason, the Ancient Philosophical texts use terminology such as the infamous statement of Heraclitus of Ephesus states "The fate of each man is his Demon". Man’s soul is called “Demonic”, since it contains the essence of the Gods. Meditation brings this essence to surface.

How the above is attained, is through meditation. The Demons act as aids and helps for human beings so that we too may achieve this end goal.