Glossary: Kundalini
Kundalini: Components/States of the Soul
1. An energy of consciousness that is amplifying. Kundalini energy makes things grow, improve and advance.
2. The creative principle of nature, the Divine Mother (Shakti) and also "God". It has to do with understanding the natural laws of the universe. The Serpent of Satan is the key to infinity and the key to finalizing Satan's Work on Humanity.
Author(s) and Source(s)
- JoS Clergy
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- High Priest Hooded Cobra
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The SERPENT OF FIRE is the symbol of kundalini. It lies dormant, coiled at the base of the spine, beneath the Muladhara chakra. The objective is to ascend the serpent [powerhouse of energy] from the base of the spine, through all the seven chakras and out through the crown chakra at the top of the head. In order to do this safely, all seven chakras must be completely open and unobstructed.
In order to handle a large amount of bioelectricity safely, one's body must be strong and all of the seven chakras must be fully open.
Kundalini is the life force and is very sexual in nature. This is the reason the Christian church and other RHP religions ban masturbation and all forms of sex. Sex is the creative power; it is one's use of the life force to create another human being. When one is trained and adept, the use of this force can be applied to many other objectives.
Hatha [physical] yoga can be a big help in stimulating and opening the chakras and very recommended. By increasing our level of physical flexibility, the life force flows easier. One only needs to look at the stiffness of old age and the ill health that accompanies it, old age precedes death.
There are many different methods of awakening this power. Some of these include:
- Chanting- Vibration is very powerful. The power of sound can break glass, weaken steel, and cement structures. Vibrations cause the chakras to open and stimulate the kundalini at the base of the spine.
- Controlled Breathing (pranyama) - Different methods of controlled breathing are specific to each chakra. We are all aware how important the breath is to the life force. The Egyptian God Thoth has said many times "Life is in the Breath."
- Visualization and concentration- Through visualizing and focusing our minds on each chakra, we can open, close and control them.
- Revamping the bioelectricity ideally, should be done slowly and gradually. One's physical and spiritual self is accustomed to operating on a certain voltage of bioelectricity.


While advancement in the Serpent is one of the most great shows of spiritual advancement and the list goes, and it should be the aim of all spiritual Satanists (DE FACTO), there are other things that need to be cleared out in order to get a clear view in regards to the Serpent, and what it does, what it is, what can be done etc., what are the 'limitations', how they can be surpassed etc. Also, people always need to take their OWN considerations and experiences in regards to this.
First of all I have to debunk the "Harry Potter mode" which is the expectations many people have from the Serpent. Somehow, many people, consider that the Serpent is some sort of entity that when raised, all one's life problems go away, everything goes perfect, you get all you ever desired, things fall from the sky magically, you suddenly go to the Astral, all your hang-ups disappear, you can fly to Orion and get back, and the list goes. While this is partially True, this is not the whole Truth. While the leaps made by progress and advancement of the Serpent can be like this (especially if one's Soul can take it after many years of practice) this is not always the case. Yes, to a normal person many of the Serpent abilities can seem like Godlike, or otherworldly. There is more into it. This is what pushes many people to want to push it with the Serpent. This is the dialectic of the enemy that once this is raise, like a magical wand, you can chill with the Gods, attain so called "equality" with them or that you become equal to them or some other garbage. This is not the case and anyone with a decent understanding can figure this out. Nothing in nature is created equal.
The most accurate way to understand the Serpent is as an energy of consciousness that is amplifying. The more one's body can gauge, the more it can take. The more it can take, the more it can do with this. The more it can take and gauge inside, the bigger become the powers of creation within a person. Creation as quantum mechanics show and we have scientifically discovered, largely has to do with the Consciousness projected onto forces of the universe, which then manifest as matters. Everything is sound and vibration. The more upgraded is the body and the system, and the more this natural energy and fills one like a battery, the more this ability to "create" increases. It revitalizes, empowers and advances whatever it touches.
This is the creative force of the Universe, and also, "God". "God" is nothing more than the creation and destruction principle. In plain, NATURE in this case, or as people call it rightfully, MOTHER nature. The same creative principle of Nature, the Divine Mother, is actually inherent here. The representation of this is represented by the Serpent. This is a generic term. Satan in the same way, like all other beings in existence, was created by this spark of creation (which evolves all living species that are alive, from bacteria, to Humans, to every living being), which is this certain and particular energy- in plain “God” in this sense as in "the first creator". It takes billions of years for species to go from bacteria, to finalization into a human being, and the list goes, and there are infinite outcomes on how much they can turn out to be. The message of life is to keep life alive, going and evolving. For the things that can't be put in words, it’s better they aren't, as we will disgrace their meaning. But let's hope that along these lines, these are understood.
When one is given birth, the purpose is to “awaken god” inside, and then advance on this force of evolution the self. One then becomes “higher” than God which sort of on its own is an energy. This energy is internalized and one becomes “God” themselves and consciously. The "mother" or "creative principle" is then attained and re-connected. This is the “Unity with God” and this is achieved through the Serpent. Satan is Higher than "God", as "God" is in his bidding and usage. This is the myth of Shiva, that is born but then understands reality, and therefore can understand, negate and control the "laws" of Nature, plus the "given" direction by nature, which is "Karma". This is the teaching of establishing control onto what once controlled the practitioner. As for the energy itself, a good name, can be living potentiality (?). It can be used for creation or destruction equally.
This is why Satan even in the enemy texts, is called 'The greatest angel of God'. This is not literal in that he was "created" by any space jew thoughtform, but it just means the ascended ones actually are advanced in the use, power and understanding of this very energy. With "God", all is possible. Lilith is equally slandered as the Wife of Satan who is the mother of Humanity, but the enemy hides this in many of their texts, in order to hide the root of religion which is actually, a two sided Paganism. God and Goddess must become "One" in order for them to become "God". The very same goes for the parts of the Soul, the Ida and the Pingala. The Serpent also personifies the "Child" or the Second Birth, as thus the shedding of skin and it personifying the hermaphrodite element. This is why Satan in the "bible" affirms himself higher than "God". Because he is, was and will forever be. In all the Ancient Texts, the Gods are in the ones who command "God" or this particular energy.
In the same way, the Kundalini energy makes things grow, improve and advance. This energy can be indeed be painful and a very big strife to raise, and for the weak it can crush them, this is why it’s very important for people to have broken all their blockages and flaws before proceeding in pushing this energy upwards. Even the Egyptians talked about this. If this force touches hang-ups, mental issues, unstable mental grounds, incessant fears and the list goes, the same growth will be created on this. If it touches a golden mind and Soul, the growth will be similar. This is why it’s important people clean their "garbage" before they proceed. This is why I put emphasis on delusion and stuff on the other message. All desires to delude one's self, or to achieve power without wisdom, or to leave hang-ups hanging around, can be amplified. The nature of this energy is to not leave any of these "around" and it will almost violently try to break through these, which will eventually lead people to create a soap land or just guide themselves into failure.
This is the "One God" and the "One God" being a kike, is a rip-off from the context of this energy. The jews are trying to pretend they are the "Gods" because they "Create and Destroy" similarly to this energy. When one awakens, raises and achieves this energy, they can too become "God" or in other words, partake in the use of this energy for creational or destructive purposes. The active and the passive parts of the Soul unite, which allows creation with this particular energy. As the enemy claims openly, the achievement of this energy is the most threatening thing to their agenda, while they themselves really. It expands, empowers and evolves, all of which the enemy jews do *NOT* want Humanity to have in any way. Why they do this is openly claimed by them: Because they are an alien species in war with the Human species, meant to enslave and destroy us. The enemy alien hive banished and attacked this power of Humanity, as to halt its advance and destroy it.
The most important thing is to know, that even "without" the Serpent one can really become an exceptionally powerful Siddha. The bioelectricity or life energy in itself, or the Sexual energy, is enough for this. This is how many martial artists sever boulders in half. The Serpent will just make everything even more powerful and alive. This is its role. It builds, advances and evolves the grounds upon which it’s activated. Another lie in regards to the Serpent is that it creates "All Knowing" in that people think they can know everything, or do anything etc. The Truth is, that even after one raises the Serpent, they still have to advance. The hard thing to explain, is that while everything can be made possible with it, it doesn't mean that upon its rising, everything is miraculously possible. It takes time, persistence and growth, and above all, KNOWLEDGE. The Serpent increases the capability of all of that, and brings the spiritual labours one takes, into a whole new level of effectiveness. The Serpent is by itself given by Satan to Humanity in order to hasten its evolutionary process and its process to perfection. I repeat, hasten. It’s not a magical button that one presses and poof they are on cloud 9. It is not a magical genie that many want to make it to seem, but its powers are unlike anything else.
Now to see something even more obvious. In Norse Mythology, we have the Yggdrasil which is actually a shape of the Soul. The Eagle/Hawk sits on the top of the World. The Eagle/Hawk was chosen by Adolf Hitler to personify the Reich. The highest state of Human development, the Crown chakra that is open and fully functional. The "Serpent" must be snatched by the Eagle/Hawk on the Crown and must be brought on the "Top of the World", to rise the path of Yggdrasil. This is the symbol of the Eagle catching snakes in emblems.
One guru when talking in regards to advancement stated that it can be like a trampoline effect. He was entirely right. The Serpent can be like a trampoline. While the energy of the body and the Astral body can be dramatically increased by the rising of the energy, that doesn't necessarily mean this raises wisdom, or makes one intelligent, or that they will get the muscles of hulk hogan, unless there is a healthy basis for this. Imagine this like you are on a trampoline and you jump in order to see what lies past beyond the a wall. Beyond this wall is enlightenment. The Serpent is sort of like what raises you high enough to see beyond the wall, but the purpose is to finally overcome the wall. It can raise you high, but you have to successfully cross the wall and finally be able to do what you are supposed to do.
Energy, maturity, wisdom and knowledge, must all come hand in hand and must be balanced. This ongoing struggle does not end with the rising of the Serpent, and NEITHER SHOULD IT. An imbalance in any of these places will just have the adjusting outcomes. Using the trampoline to get into outer space shouldn't amaze anyone. What matters is one achieves the goal of finally awakening their Spiritual self and actual power.
Now make no mistake, the using, rapid advances and anything else made with the Serpent can be potentially painful sometimes, like a spike in one's bioelectricity. This is the same on how the presence of Demons and Gods can actually make one feel pain or rushes of energy for days after contact, especially when they are new. There are certain stages of advancement that can indeed be "painful" if one has blockages. If they don't, the whole process should be empowering, and generally smooth, but this is not always the case. In many texts the Serpent is called the Dragon Of Chaos for a reason. If the mind is cluttered and is unclean, it will make it bad. There are people who by accident or by misusing meditation will arouse the Serpent and not have the desired outcomes. This is why we are telling newbies to strive for balance and steady steps, and gradually go with the flow. Many people see the tree but they don't see the forest. Power is one aspect of everything. Let's say one has a broken car and they put the strongest engine and rocket fuel on it and turn it on... If the car is not in a good condition, it will just break down. And then of what use is the engine, the driver and anyone else.
Though rest reassured, Satan our Creator has thought about this too. Before one proceed with the actual Serpent, they are to awaken the Sexual energy and make it rise, which has (almost) the same effects with the Kundalini energy. The sexual energy in itself and its control can make people do miraculous feats. It’s an energy of growth, unites the Soul and actually, does everything the Serpent itself does in order to prepare the Soul with the necessary build-up until more and more of the Kundalini energy can flow. This reassures people can build powers, Siddhis and everything else. When the Soul is united with the forces of the Serpent, all the powers can rise, all the powers can amplify and everything else. In other words, one can grow insanely powerful by control of this force.
Then slowly, the similar but stronger Kundalini energy will come up gradually and later. It doesn't need to be forced, and all bodies need to be caught up. One must steadily and ambitiously work towards this goal and feverishly. One has to aim to succeed and not just puff their ego about it. Success is what's important here. Imagine this as amplified sexual energy. Like sexual energy, this is live and conscious. Many people mistake the Sexual energy for the actual Serpent. While they are co-bound and co-operational, and almost the same, the intensity is different. The Sexual energy has to be risen and mastered first before the Kundalini kicks in. The Kundalini has to do with understanding of the Natural laws of the universe. The Risen Masters of the Pagan civilizations co-created civilization with understanding and on the basis of these eternal and irrefutable laws.
In short, you still have to work, do magick and everything. It’s just that with amplified powers this can be far easier than before and as one goes, they can advance past of the point of having to strive as much. However, I repeat, this is not a magical genie, it doesn't mean one instantly becomes all knowing, it doesn't even more one is an actual, immortal God, it doesn't even mean one cannot descend back to a state of decay. It must be actively cultivated, kept up etc, and one has to reach checkpoints to get the whole system to adjust and make the energies become permanent and fix. The "all knowing suddenly" fake hoax and pill was stolen from the initiated state of Gnosis or Samadhi, upon which one drifts into a deep realization of the cosmos, themselves and reality in general. It’s beyond intellectual and emotional knowledge, but emotional and intellectual knowledge are the decoders of this state which make the "infinite" capability of this understanding, manifest physically. This can't really be explained in any simpler way than this.
Now as for the "age" or "when" this is supposed to happen, there is no defining age or time, at all. This would depend on the Natal chart, past lifetime condition, physical condition, work put in meditations and everything else. People who have advanced in this regard in their past lives, can have faster progress. Power in itself that is "Above the ordinary" in this life can be traced back to strong and powerful bloodlines, a strong and advanced Soul into this energy etc. This is imprinted in the actual Soul and when one reincarnates, part of this is carried with one, same as the general condition of the Soul/Consciousness at the point of reincarnation. When one re-awakens the Serpent, they can proceed further. The power one has is not to be taken for granted as Serpent energy, it could be discipline from other things, like yoga and advancement, which works around the clock in the same way. Tie this into what was conversated in the part 2. In simple terms, more life, the better. Less life, frailer, weaker, etc etc.
The other hoax going around is that somehow, "someone has to be deemed worthy" by some external Source to have been granted the Serpent. This is not True...In a sense. While in one sense, the knowledge in regards to this is given by the Gods and close contact with them, they key to everything is knowledge. [...] It only has to do with the amount of labour one puts in meditation, persistency, ability to "take it" and the ability of one to deal with it. This is the whole "judgment" and it’s not really "ethical". [...] One other hoax is that the Serpent must happen in a very particular way. While some rules are followed, this is not always a necessity. This adjusts on one's personality and everything else. Lack of expectations is the best route one can take. The only key is to ADVANCE SPIRITUALLY.
Another large hoax in regards to the Serpent is that people understand the "Non Duality" of existence. This is a spiritual concept of understanding the creation and destruction of nature. While people understand this internal and spiritual concept, that doesn't mean all the crap like the enemy says that "All is one" and pushes communism and pacifism behind all this nefarious crap. [...] In a world where nobody else can do anything spiritual, of course, they are the "one authority". The fact that there are beings with whom we are "partaking" into the same physical plane or place, doesn't mean we are all "one" or all from the same "root". [...]
As for how the Serpent links with Ancestry, this has to do with the Race, family etc. This also ties into to the alien jews, and how they too themselves have some sort of "Serpent" but is not in any way related to Satan, in any way, shape or form, as they are not his offspring. Races that are largely spiritually advanced, family lines that have been practitioners and the list goes, do also tie into this. As thus the Pagan obsession with family lines. This is why all Ancient Civilizations had castes of people, and not because they were "Racist". It’s just that for the betterment of civilization, the people who laboured themselves in spiritual advancement, had to marry with others who did this, for the betterment of civilization. Even the enemy practices it now. This is why we have "King families" and all these things. However, the case of Spiritual evolution doesn't really exist as of late, but only the economic differences. In plain, no real Aristocracy of old.
[...] How much would they be able to "Create" on their own? Would the Pyramids be possible or anything great that well over-extends the powers of "one" person? Humanity is powerful in unities with strong persons and the enemy knows this too. This is the Brotherhood of the Serpent. One understands after a point that there is no point in this useless loneliness and division that makes many people think in these unfruitful ways. Only then can great things can be created. [...] Capitalism and Communism should ring a bell. Both methods of approach do result in absolutely no outcome and fail miserably to achieve anything long lasting. The Satanic Gods taught humanity the art of civilization in order to advance themselves.
They didn't plant people in mountains to emphasize on senseless hyper individualism, neither they created everyone in "one" slaver mass. Even the countless and infinite multitudes of the Natal Charts can show this evidently. One person is good in art, one is good in fighting, one is good in music, the list goes. All these people put their talents together and they make something that surpasses what every one of them alone could create. The enemy follows a strict, working, caste system, where everyone gives the power bestowed to them by nature and this is in mimicking the old system. This gets stuff done and advances EVERYONE. With that related to the Serpent, everyone becomes amplified and stronger, and as thus, the whole of civilization advances. The collective hatred and attacks on the Serpent, do in turn, attack civilization in general, which is advanced by the Serpent of Satan. The people advance, the civilizations advance. The people stagnate, the civilizations stagnate. The people de-evolve, the civilizations de-evolve. Racial mixing and bastardization causes and amplifies issues in this. The further one advances spiritually, the more one is meta-genetically purified. This has an impact on the physical existence, the mental existence and all planes one exists.
Satan is the Master Civilizer and he is the original "Mason God" that was worshipped as the "Architect" before the stupid Shilluminati of the Jews took over the original one. The Serpent and the realization of creative capability was the capstone of the Masonry, that made people aware of the laws of nature, and as thus, able co-creators in the side of "God", as "Gods" and potential "Equals" with Gods (in the ability to create like them). With these being stated, there are always exceptions in the rules and for this also ties in the natal chart and as stated, the general condition of persons, families and Souls, Races, Ancestral past and the list goes. What we had to explore was the general middle line in this all. The Serpent of Satan is the key to infinity and the key to finalizing Satan's Work on Humanity.