National Socialism AND SATANISM
National Socialism, Satanism, 666 and the Black Sun

The National Socialist Swastika is the reversal of the Ancient Sanskrit Swastika. Most things in Satanism are backward. The swastika is an important solar symbol. The sun signifies the procession of the equinoxes and the synodic vernal point of the Zodiac eons of time. "666" is the kabbalistic square of the sun. "When the various völkisch and German cultural societies began adopting the Hakenkreuz as their emblem, then, they were just as conscious of its anti-Christian potential as they were of their own anti-Semitic intent. This was not Paganism as a pure, Earth-Mother-worshipping cult (such as the modern Wicca phenomenon) but paganism as a movement set up in opposition to Judeo-Christianity as well as to Communism, Capitalism, and Democracy, which were all creatures of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy."¹
The reverse swastika of the Nazis represents the "Black Sun" as it is backward. The Black Sun is of the void. It is a black hole where all light is drawn in and nothing escapes. The black sun is Plutonian in concept (astrologically) and represents the necessary death and transformation before new life can occur. Those of us who have meditated on the symbol of the black sun has seen the lightning bolts emanating from the center as in the National Socialist symbol above. This is the void of creation as when the blackhole can absorb no more into the vacuum, it implodes like an atom bomb and this is where the "Big Bang" of creation originates.
The red and black of the swastika are the colors of Satan. The SS wore black uniforms, with the death's head skull and nearly all of their insignia were in silver- the metal of Satan. The lightning bolt is another Satanic symbol used by the Nazis (The SS Runes). It is also a coincidence that Satan and his Demons have revealed to many disciples that they are from the constellation of Orion. The Neo-Nazis have been using the slogan O.R.I.O.N. (Our Race Is Our Nation) for a long, long time. Orion is seen throughout Egypt in the alignment of the pyramids to the stances of Thoth. Egypt is synonymous with Satan. The entire Third Reich was based on Satanic principles. The survival of the strongest and a return to natural law. The Third Reich was the first serious enemy of xianity in centuries and was a paragon of Satanic government. The Assyrians were known as the "Ancient Nazis."
"The serpent refers to an ancient symbol of Germanic belief. At the battle of Hastings, the flag of the Saxons shows a golden serpent on a blue field. The motifs which we find throughout the völkisch and occult impulses in Nazism: that the serpent, which represents Satan to Christians, was considered a sacred symbol for the Aryans.² The virgin bitch is always seen stepping on a serpent. Stepping on adversaries is an ancient Jewish practice as with the feast of Purim where they tread on Haman. Link
The Jews have turned everything of Gentile culture into the epitome of "evil." The color black has become synonymous with "evil" but quite the contrary is true. In Norse culture, before the invasion of xianity, the color black represented new beginnings. Black is the container of light as the God Beelzebub said "Darkness is light turned inside out."
Our Pagan roots and heritage were labeled as "Satanism" by the Jews. "Satan" is actually a Hebrew word for "adversary" and nothing more. Everything connected with Gentile and especially Aryan culture was branded "evil" and our people were reduced to "sinners" and born into "original sin" which in its basis makes it a crime to even be born. This is exactly how the Jews have felt about Gentile, especially Aryan peoples, as they have been relentlessly working to destroy us for centuries. The essence of Paganism is Satanism. What passes today for Paganism is a joke and a watered-down version placating Jewish dogma. Wicca has so many Judeo/Xian overtones it isn't even funny.
¹ Unholy Alliance, a History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, Second Edition, ©2003