Omni:Are demons evil? / How demons aren't evil?
The Gods
Are demons evil? / How demons aren't evil?
About Demons
JoS Clergy
There is no reason one should fear Satan's Demons. When treated with respect and approached with honest intentions, they are truly wonderful.
Their greater purpose is to teach humanity.
When we make friends with the Demons, they often visit revenge upon those whose intention is to wrong us, and they also watch our backs. I have seen my enemies and the enemies of my loved ones punished before I even had to ask.
Many of the Demons specialize in the teaching of ethics. This right here attests to the reality that Demons are not evil. [...]
The Demons are very human friendly. I have had the privilege of having them work with me and teach me. I have established true friendships with several Demons who have helped me in so many ways. I have learned so much from my Demon teachers. Given the destruction of ancient libraries and centers of learning by Christians, so much knowledge has been lost forever. Sometimes Demons can be strict in encouraging us to better ourselves, but this is for our own well-being and development. [...]
The popular grimoires and occult books available in the mainstream bookstores are a major source of trouble. The grimoires were written by Jewish rabbis and Christians. The Demons are NOT "empty shells" as enemy kabbalists claim. They are not the "qlippoth." The Demons I have worked with have very powerful, positive energy and are very much alive.
JoS Clergy
All the Demons in the Joy of Satan section are human friendly, want to work with humanity, and when properly approached through Father Satan will respond in a friendly and positive manner towards the people who want to work with them. They are the ORIGINAL GODS of humanity. Some very very few of them, were once humans, tens of thousands of years ago and they therefore understand how humanity needs help to advance spiritually.
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.
In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.
As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.
Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.
When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.
The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.
These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.
Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.
As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.
Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.
While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.
Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.
Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).
Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.
Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.