Omni:Are demons evil? / How demons aren't evil?

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The Gods


Are demons evil? / How demons aren't evil?


About Demons


JoS Clergy



There is no reason one should fear Satan's Demons. When treated with respect and approached with honest intentions, they are truly wonderful.

Their greater purpose is to teach humanity.


When we make friends with the Demons, they often visit revenge upon those whose intention is to wrong us, and they also watch our backs. I have seen my enemies and the enemies of my loved ones punished before I even had to ask.

Many of the Demons specialize in the teaching of ethics. This right here attests to the reality that Demons are not evil. [...]

The Demons are very human friendly. I have had the privilege of having them work with me and teach me. I have established true friendships with several Demons who have helped me in so many ways. I have learned so much from my Demon teachers. Given the destruction of ancient libraries and centers of learning by Christians, so much knowledge has been lost forever. Sometimes Demons can be strict in encouraging us to better ourselves, but this is for our own well-being and development. [...]

The popular grimoires and occult books available in the mainstream bookstores are a major source of trouble. The grimoires were written by Jewish rabbis and Christians. The Demons are NOT "empty shells" as enemy kabbalists claim. They are not the "qlippoth." The Demons I have worked with have very powerful, positive energy and are very much alive.



JoS Clergy



All the Demons in the Joy of Satan section are human friendly, want to work with humanity, and when properly approached through Father Satan will respond in a friendly and positive manner towards the people who want to work with them. They are the ORIGINAL GODS of humanity.  Some very very few of them, were once humans, tens of thousands of years ago and they therefore understand how humanity needs help to advance spiritually.