Omni:Can SS adopt a child?

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Can SS adopt a child?




[HPS] Lydia




It isn’t right for an innocent child to be left without parents or a home.


What is not natural, is flying to foreign countries and adopting random children who are not of your race. That’s just weird. If anyone wants to adopt, you should do it within your own race, and do a ritual or working to bring the most suitable child to you, one with good synastry with you.


It is definitely best for a child to have both a mother and a father. But is it acceptable for orphaned babies and children to be raised in orphanages, where they are neglected and unloved, and have no sense of belonging? The next best thing to having both parents, is to have one parent. Not no parents.

Our ancestors would be appalled with us for leaving our young racial folk in orphanages simply because we are like “oh but a child needs both parents” or “oh but it’s best to have your own children instead”.

On to a related topic: mixed race people. If you are mixed, why not adopt from the race you are majority of? For people who are part/mostly Black, or part/mostly Asian, or part/mostly Aboriginal, there is an endless amount of babies and children up for adoption. They need a loving home.

The same goes for Whites who have a genetic illness. Yes, we are striving towards becoming Gods and healing our DNA and perfecting ourselves, but to be realistic, this could take a while. A long while. Perhaps yet another lifetime of work. So why not adopt an innocent baby from your heritage in the meanwhile?

Consider yourself a guardian for your people, to save the young members of your folk from being neglected and probably abused. Give them a good and loving home, give them the support they need to become the best they can be. That’s what our ancestors would do.