Omni:Can the demons show me proof?

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The Gods


Can the Demons show me proof?


Re: Proof of Satan?





The issue is some people are so skeptical to the point where not even definitive proof of something will reach them. Even if they got the signs they wanted or the proof they asked for it may not be enough and they may still have doubts and keep asking and asking.

Skeptical people need proof I understand, but the proof you need is there. It just has to be received on a personal level. You just have to be willing to keep working on yourself, and to learn and open your mind to new possibilities, Be willing to accept the truth when it becomes apparent to you, and be willing to learn and understand our Gods and let them become present in your life. Then the proof you seek will make itself known in a way that is meaningful to you.

If you truly wish to have a connection with Father Satan and the Gods, ask. Ask them to teach you, ask to gain a better understanding of them and to get know them. Show them you are serious and you will be taken seriously and they will guide you in the right direction.

Keep studying Jos and meditating. Open your chakras and your clairaudience points so you can hear and better communicate with the Gods. You can start meditating on Father Satan's and speak with him.

You can meditate and speak to Father Satan and the Gods any time, They will hear you regardless if you are open enough to hear them back. and over time you will start to grow a relationship with them in this way.

Re: Question #1390: Proving the existence of demons





Besides what has already been said, I would also like to share my thoughts on this matter.

Many people approach this with the wrong perspective. Instead of expecting a Demon to prove themselves to you, you should be considering how you can prove yourself to them.

Some individuals are extremely disrespectful to think they can demand anything from a Demon, even if they perceive it as something "minor."

Take a moment to reflect.

Why would a being that has existed for who-knows-how-many hundreds of thousands of years, advanced beyond human comprehension, bother with moving a random object on your desk or making your life happy and comfortable just for the sake of it? In the universe, everything follows the principle that there is an exchange or a reason behind every occurrence. Nothing happens without a purpose.

So with that in mind, who are you to make such a demand? What makes you special?

The Gods will indeed reveal themselves in people's lives, but only when they choose to do so, and only after you have proven yourself. If you want special treatment you will have to behave in a special way and do special things.

The Gods have nothing to prove to us humans. It is we who must prove ourselves worthy of their divine influence.

Re: Proof of Satan?





You have to enter the world of meditation more deeply, of advancement and see for yourself.

The beauty and the extraordinary proof is available behind a curtain that we ourselves put up, and no one else is able to pass by it but ourselves!

Satan wants us to see the miracles of existence and the supreme degrees of possibilities we have as humans and children. To enable this will, we have to enable ourselves in this path.

Continue with your meditations and advancement. Do Gods Rituals and be curious and a force of desire in this path, you will receive everything that is to be received in time, in levels and abilities.