Omni:Does time exist?

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Does time exist?


Time Travel is possible






Time is very real, and certainly all people and beings of the planet, will attest to the movement of time, which is of decay mostly, passing, maturing and aging. Everything that moves or rests, has a dimensionality of time in this dimensional existence. The point of neutrality and perfect balance that is one extremely stable is also the most powerfully moving. Even the stillness is a vibration that is in itself moving.

Zero does not actually represent any reality, as there is always something, thus everything has a force of time attached, created or any kind of way you can grasp upon.

Your perception of time does not affect time, but it is only ones perception of it. If I enter meditation and in 2 minutes I experience a month, this is only an internal experience that has not affected the actual time. It is a bending of ones inner forces not a bending of time.

Ancient people did actually try to represent this and teach time both as part of mental, spiritual, magical and ethical guides to fortify a best use of time, such as creating positive forces of karma, and movements. There are a lot of cycles and circles of time taught based on the matrix of this Universe, the matrix of the Planets, of our own blueprints and more.

There is always an arrangement, a code, an order, a chronology, a timing, a rhythm, a resting and a movement, and nowhere to be found any zero, any nothing. Every geometry of existence is based on actual existence, and never nothing. Nothing and zero so often stated is actually the fulfillment of time, ie. time is accepted, and overcame by the rules which it proposes, and one can access more than this, but never less.

So if one wants to be smart, one needs to think the term of beyond in ways of adding upon not in conflict or subtracting.

Aside from a basic logical view of things, wasting time of extremely complex subject that cannot be understood, if ever at all in full, is simply one trying to be a smart-ass and wasting time.

If one understands the nature of existence by the lenses of time, one is a God. The kindergarten level at least, can make one a full discipline war machine against decay and purposelessness. Yet this is only mental poison and faulty vectors of thought that create a shock factor emotionally and propose nothing for actual knowledge, wisdom or practicality.

At one point Saturn will show one how wrong they are, if continually they live on Neptune. One is always free to do any kind of drug and "escape" time, basically die.

Dying does not equal freedom. Zero does not equal reality and existence. Living, actually having time, is freedom.
