Omni:How do I quit smoking?

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How do I quit smoking?


How To Defeat Alcoholism And Drug Abuse [Update: Defeating Food Addiction]


HP. Hoodedcobra666



Ask also of the Gods with a sincere heart to lead you to a solution to this problem, as the Gods always help people in dire need. The Gods NEVER turn down a honest prayer out of the heart of the distressing man.

One more thing: If the situation is very serious and longterm [and you know you cannot get out of this without the use of substitutes] it is NOT a negative or bad choice to actually seek professional help in a counselling union or anti-alcoholism facility.

In fact, combining this method with the knowledge from JoS, and returning to the embrace of the Gods, will heal you faster.

Yet, you must be ready to exercise logic and willpower to limit this beast of a habit that has went out of control in your life. You must see drunkedness and drug use as your enemy now, and an enemy that eventually is trying to kill you. You must disassosciate yourself from this, and understand that the real YOU wants to be healthy and in a good life.

This enemy, is very real, and must be destroyed if you are to live a good life. Another delusion that must be banished is the delusion that this is really "you". It comes "from you", but this is not the "real you".

The real you is the person who came out bravely here to ask for help, and wants to fix that. That's the mind you should listen to from now on.

You don't "Truly" want this for yourself, your True Self does not want drugs and drunkedness to take you in and to bring you into a ruinous future, it is the body that aches for these things, mostly out of a response to gain a quick rush that it needs for issues of emotionally avoiding other circumstances that might make your life difficult right now.

You can be open here about what these problems are, and to vent them out. Merely speaking about the problems to the family here, will make you feel like a great weight has been lifted, especially if people aren't hearing you in your normal life. People will hear you out and care for you here.

The cause of these life and internal issues that led to that problem, CAN be fixed. Circumstances can only be addressed, when you focus very much on first setting yourself in order and getting sober. After you regain your power from these mortal enemies, your newfound willpower will be able to be used to even out almost every problem that have led you there in the first place. You have that power in you as a Spiritual Satanist.

With that stated YOU TOO, YOU CAN DO IT. The point is to DECIDE THIS, and then exercise enough WILLPOWER to finish this task. This is the simple recipe.

To assist your WILLPOWER, you are going to do magick, workings and prayer, in order fortify your mind and slowly de-program it.

Valefor's Power Ritual as seen here: , can be used to facilitate a connection with Valefor and ask him with kindness to help you heal from this ruinous situation. Valefor will assist you and put you on the proper path. There have been cases of miracle situations with this, so be open to miracles, but be aware that real change will take time.


A positive affirmation you can do is this: "I am free and absolved of drug abuse and alcoholism. I have the willpower to quit, and I am strong. I can deny overdrinking and I always deny doing illegal drugs.

I deny this easily and effortlessly because I love myself and I believe in myself, I want to do good to myself.

I lead a healthy and advancing lifestyle. I want to be healthy and I am healthy.".

Repetition must be done all the time with this, which will eventually make this ingrained into your mind. Affirmations like this can be adjusted, and will over time train your mind to understand the new rules that you are setting for it.

Quitting smoking, very sore lungs, important Book/ PDF





A few months ago, an SS linked the book EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING to his message and I saved the link. Last week I felt I was being told to read it. Once translated by deepl Pro, I read it in 3 days last week and by Saturday I would FINALLY be free of this horrible poison.


Brother, Sister, if you suffer from this horrible poison, read the book, it is JUST HUGE and free yourself before it is too late.

Ask for help from our wonderful Gods if you are determined to free yourself.