Omni:How old is the Universe?

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How old is the Universe?


Einstein’s and other kikes’s crap about the universe


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich




Lilith appeared to me. This was right after I read in the book concerning the “Big Bang” theory and how the universe is supposedly “15 billion years old.” Now, note again…”15 billion” again, the number 1 + 5 = 6. She told me that “Big Bang” theory was a total crock of shit.


That theory concerning the universe being 15 billion years old is based on Einstein’s crap. Again, Jewish lies. This in turn is based upon their stupid torah and then we have the muslim idiots who refuse to admit that the earth is older than what is stated in the koran, like the kikes- so all scientific enquiry is scarfed and stymied [Jewish roots].


Well, she then left and I went on reading and that book even stated that before Einstein’s theory, the general belief was exactly what Lilith told me- the universe had no beginning or end.
