Omni:How to do justice?

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How to do justice?


Fighting Back


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



One of the most important reasons we clean our auras is to rid ourselves of all of the negative energy that we encounter on a daily basis. Much of this comes from others in our immediate environment. The workplace can be especially troublesome as well as the home for many. Negative people include those who forever whine and complain, but do nothing to try to alleviate their situations, those who are forever putting others down to make themselves feel better or to divert their attentions from their own personal worthlessness, those who blame everyone else for their woes, those who take out their anger and frustrations through abusing others, and the list goes on endlessly.

Satanists do not take abuse.

There is a very simple meditation one who is experiencing the effects of another’s negative output can do:

1. Clean your aura and chakras thoroughly, as you do not want to trap in any negative energy.*

2. Expand your consciousness to your aura and *feel* your aura.

3. Relax and tune into your aura.

4. Visualize your aura as an outline and protective barrier. The outline should be brilliant white light like the Sun because white light deflects everything.

5. State this affirmation: “My aura is powerfully and totally deflecting [name of offender’s] negative energy in every way and sending it directly back to him/her.”

This meditation should be done with intent and the affirmation repeated when you come into contact with an offensive individual. Just visualize and feel your aura, same as is in the above and repeat the affirmation a few times, [three times is fine here, once you have it programmed into your aura] and watch that person’s negativity destroy him/her, instead of affecting the people who must tolerate being in the same vicinity.

No Satanist should ever have to put up with or take abuse. The average person absorbs the negative energy and suffers accordingly after the negativity has built up. The offending individual benefits by venting hostility or negativity on others and often thrives on it. The people who unknowingly absorb the energy can suffer anything from depression to illness and get caught in a vortex of negative energy, while providing the offensive individual with a negative outlet. The above meditation puts a stop to this, but remember, it must be reinforced frequently.

In addition to the above, visualize the negative energy the offender is sending out, grey in color, and direct it right back to his/her aura, clinging to it. Remember to clean your aura afterwards.

*TO FULLY CLEAN YOUR AURA, recite a Satanic rosary, with the seed mantra for the Sun, while visualizing yourself engulfed in brilliant white-gold light. Focus the vibration into your entire soul. You can choose whichever mantra for the Sun you feel comfortable working with, as both are effective: "SURYA" SUUU-RR-YAH or "RAUM" RR-AHH-UUU-MMM. [Be sure to roll your R's]. Vibration is much more effective in cleaning the aura.

Freeing the Soul


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



With knowledge and power, one can supersede so-called "karma." We are all well aware of reincarnation, many of the people in your life, for good or ill, you have known before, especially family members. These relationships can last many lifetimes. Some of them have a negative effect on us and are destructive to our growth and wellbeing. The same negative relationship is repeated over and over, back and forth, in different ways, times and bodies.

The good news is, with the proper knowledge and taking appropriate action using this knowledge, we can remove these negative people from our lives; thus setting ourselves and the offending ones free from the control of the evil will of malignant powers.

To begin, enter into a trance and go back through your lifetime, as early as you can remember. Write down the persons involved in every negative/destructive relationship you have ever experienced in your life. Leave the positive/beneficial relationships out of this, as these are people we want to continue with.

Negative people can include parents and in many cases, siblings, relatives, schoolteachers, former friends, enemies, spouses, lovers, and/or people who have used you or harmed you in any lasting way, either physically or psychologically. Family relationships are the most powerful, this includes spouses and significant others.

Take your time with this exercise. You can always go back and add more names to the list as old memories surface. Negative karmic relationships are something we need to cut from our lives. Remember when you judge each relationship, that no relationship is perfect.

The most negative relationships will be obvious and you can soon go to work on them. If there is any serious repressed anger that cannot be dealt with, outside of retribution, then perform the appropriate revenge ritual/s. Get it over with in the here and now and be sure to vent everything. This will act as a cathartic and is very therapeutic. You will then be able to heal emotionally and psychologically.

It is best to perform the working during a waning Moon. This working should be done every single day from a full Moon to a new Moon to ensure it will be effective. Workings done only once, are rarely very effective unless one has exceptional power and/or the stars are in very favorable positions, which is rare. The Moon should *NOT* be in the signs of Cancer, or Libra, nor should it be void of course.

Others attach themselves to your soul via strands resembling those with astral projection. They are NOT all "silver," as most popular books lead people to believe. I have seen gold and bronze colored strands and there may be even more colors, so assume nothing. Perform the Detaching exercise to remove these ties.

Make good and sure, the other person (as well as yourself) is completely sealed off when you remove the attachment. Don't try to do more than one person per session. Start with the worst individuals, living or deceased. If you don't know whether they are dead or alive, it doesn't matter. When you are finished, clean your aura.

Different people are best dealt with each with different sessions. At the end, you should feel lighter, freer and at peace. Thank Father Satan at the end of each session. He is the one who brings us the knowledge we need to be free.

Relationships can be as addictive as drugs and alcohol. These types can be extremely difficult to get rid of and detach from. You must be 100% sure you want to let go. I have seen in many cases, there is often a need in the victim, where the other person attaches, such as one who is lonely and vulnerable and then the wrong person comes along and attaches [often unknowingly] and a love obsession can develop.

If the above is the case, it is best to try to work on programming your mind and soul to be free of the person first. This can be done by stating affirmations such as "I am totally and completely free from [person's name] in every way." "All of my emotions and feelings for [name of person] are completely and permanently gone." You can do both the detaching and affirmation meditations at the same time, but you have to make sure you WANT to let go, otherwise this can be a waste of time.

How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



The Black Arts


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich




Always remember, after any black magickal working to clean your aura and your chakras with a bright light, as that of the sun. When we use and draw upon negative or destructive energy, a residue can remain clinging to our auras. If this is left, it can cause problems, as energy tends to attract energy of the same wavelength. This is especially true with those who due to a lack of knowledge, invoke energy, instead of evoking it and then use it for destruction, thus creating a tie. Taking the time to clean your aura will rid your soul of anything negative that could cause you problems. Take your time at this. When you are able to see your aura brightened and your chakras as well, then ask your pendulum if you are completely cleansed. If not, ask what needs more work, going through your chakras one by one with yes/no questions that the pendulum is able to answer.

When finished with ANY ritual, it is important not to think about the ritual or your desired goal. Let the ritual alone to do its work, as dwelling, worrying or rehearsing the working can manifest the wrong energies and interfere. When we worry, or dwell on the outcome, we can sometimes alter the results we worked to influence. This is where void meditation is essential. Regular practice of void meditation gives us the ability to turn off unwanted thoughts and influences.

Workings of revenge and black magick are best done when the hated one is asleep. During sleep, the victim’s psychic defenses are down and the subconscious/suggestive mind is wide open.


About Black Magick


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



Ethics and a certain code of conduct is necessary for civilization to continue and individual self-control is also very important. Sometimes someone is having a bad day or things are said or done many times, unintentionally. However, if someone is seriously out to harm you or deprive you of justice, you have an obligation to fight back. Satanists are not victims.

The working of Black Magick requires strength of mind and skill. Wiccans and others who have been indoctrinated by Christian anti-life teachings usually lack this skill and therefore are at a major disadvantage.

The stronger we become in mind and soul, the more powerful we are at all times. Regular power meditation, chakra work, and visualization are essential. One does not need to resort to ritual for retaliation. When we have a strong, focused mind, others will feel the effects when we think intensely of them or when we direct our energies. This is important to remember where family and loved ones are concerned. We all offend each other every now and then, but when we have a powerful mind and aura, we must remember this and be in control. Our anger can cause others to have accidents and misfortune, even when this is not our intention, if we do not control our thoughts and our anger.

As for others who are purposely offensive, just focusing on them and letting your anger loose, with a strong, well-trained mind, will usually do the job. I have had things happen on my own, without having to do any rituals.

Advanced Satanic Magick


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



When performing advanced black magick and working with elemental thoughtforms, advanced poppits and such, it is important to know the difference between "evocation" and "invocation." NEVER invoke the energy to create these beings if they are to merge with a hated one to do destruction! When we invoke energy, this creates a link between ourselves and the victim. The only time to invoke is for love magick when we truly love someone and wish to merge with them.



JoS Clergy





High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



One of the first things I want to mention here in this sermon is that Satan does NOT place ANY restrictions on hate. You are completely free to hate whomever or whatever you choose to. Hate is a normal, natural emotion. When hatred is suppressed, it can cause one personal damage in many different ways.

Hypocritical Jewish-invented New Age crap, along with Wicca [Christianized witchcraft] and related incessantly promote and support injustice. This again is another Jewish indirect method of creating lawlessness to where injustice and crime are so out of control, many Gentiles walk right into the kosher trap and readily give up their rights in return for ultra-strict laws, where again, there is even more injustice as is with Jewish communism, which has its foundation in the Judeo/Christian Bible.

Few people stop to think and consider that ANY emotion can destroy, including that “love” that these hypocritical movements keep trying to promote. How many of us have loved the wrong people in our lives? Wasted love on the wrong people… people who are undeserving of our love? How many lives have been completely destroyed because of misplaced love? Marriages, partnerships, family relations, friendships that should never have taken place and much more. Think about it. No emotion is without consequences. Look where Christianity has gotten people… misplaced love on that foul Nazarene and human-hating alien entity they call “YHVH.”

Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewishinvented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of humanity.

I mentioned in a recent audio sermon regarding Satanic movies, such as “The Devil’s Diary” the 1978 movie “The Initiation of Sarah” and many others, how justice is subliminally portrayed as something evil. This is mostly directed at nonSatanists, as we Satanists know the truth. Satan stands for justice. Without justice, civilization ceases to exist and the Jews who are working to bring it down know this. Without justice crime gets out of control and much worse, like what is happening and has been happening for many years to an extreme, as the Jews have taken control of our legal systems and nearly all other key positions where they wreak havoc on Gentiles.

My main reason for this sermon is regarding properly directed hate. The Jews fear hatred, especially when it is directed and of the masses. It has been said that “faith and love can move mountains” so can hate. BUT, always remember this… there is a stupid saying “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This means that one can change… BUT, each and every one of us has to live with the past. The past does not just miraculously vanish and go away. Mistakes we have made and many other things will dog us to the day we die. Some things do go away, but most things do not AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO COMPLETELY FUCK UP YOUR LIFE.

Satan does NOT want for any of his people to be in prison. When one is in prison, one is extremely restricted and is useless in fighting for our cause. The Jews know this and they also infiltrate many different groups that THEY HATE and want to corrupt and through this, they encourage members to commit crimes and such that will place the member in prison, where the Jew no longer has to worry about him/her. This is and has been a strong tactic of theirs for centuries. Once someone has been in prison, most often, his/her life is ruined in more ways than one, even if he/she does get out. This is no way to go. When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage, try to calm down and STOP to think. Most acts of hatred and rage result in nothing very substantial. Going on a rampage and shooting up everyday people accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. Lashing out violently and attacking others in most cases, the person full of rage will end up in prison. End of story.

When you find yourself seething with hatred and rage and ready to literally burst with it, call upon Satan to send Demons to collect it and to deliver it to where it belongs and to where it WILL accomplish something and do the enemy the most damage. This can also be saved for a ritual. If you really feel a need to vent, just let it out either in a formal ritual or even in a private session [formal rituals are not necessary for this]. Just make sure to ask Satan to send you a Demon to take the hate energy, as I already stated above. Don’t waste your hatred or lash out in an uncontrolled act of violence. Yoga helps us to detach from our emotions in a positive way. This way emotions can be directed. If the injustice of the world is really getting to you, then have a personal session every day to vent that intense hatred. Demons will be happy to take the energy and apply it to the enemy.

Most people are so much in a hurry, few stop to think or even consider the consequences of their actions. It may feel good and provide a very short-term release to lash out in acts of violence, but in the long term, sitting behind bars is no way to go. Everyone should perform the reverse torah rituals. This is also a very good time to vent your hatred. Hatred is something to be acknowledged, and like any other emotion, it should be properly directed. Satan and his Demons are here to help us with that.