Omni:How to get rid of negative karma?

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How to get rid of negative karma?


Freeing the Soul


JoS Clergy



To begin, enter into a trance and go back through your lifetime, as early as you can remember. Write down the persons involved in every negative/destructive relationship you have ever experienced in your life. Leave the positive/beneficial relationships out of this, as these are people we want to continue with.

Negative people can include parents and in many cases, siblings, relatives, schoolteachers, former friends, enemies, spouses, lovers, and/or people who have used you or harmed you in any lasting way, either physically or psychologically. Family relationships are the most powerful, this includes spouses and significant others.

Take your time with this exercise. You can always go back and add more names to the list as old memories surface. Negative karmic relationships are something we need to cut from our lives. Remember when you judge each relationship, that no relationship is perfect.


It is best to perform the working during a waning Moon. This working should be done every single day from a full Moon to a new Moon to ensure it will be effective. Workings done only once, are rarely very effective unless one has exceptional power and/or the stars are in very favorable positions, which is rare. The Moon should *NOT* be in the signs of Cancer, or Libra, nor should it be void of course.


Make good and sure, the other person (as well as yourself) is completely sealed off when you remove the attachment. Don't try to do more than one person per session. Start with the worst individuals, living or deceased. If you don't know whether they are dead or alive, it doesn't matter. When you are finished, clean your aura.

Different people are best dealt with each with different sessions. At the end, you should feel lighter, freer and at peace. Thank Father Satan at the end of each session. He is the one who brings us the knowledge we need to be free.

Relationships can be as addictive as drugs and alcohol. These types can be extremely difficult to get rid of and detach from. You must be 100% sure you want to let go. I have seen in many cases, there is often a need in the victim, where the other person attaches, such as one who is lonely and vulnerable and then the wrong person comes along and attaches [often unknowingly] and a love obsession can develop.

If the above is the case, it is best to try to work on programming your mind and soul to be free of the person first. This can be done by stating affirmations such as "I am totally and completely free from [person's name] in every way." "All of my emotions and feelings for [name of person] are completely and permanently gone." You can do both the detaching and affirmation meditations at the same time, but you have to make sure you WANT to let go, otherwise this can be a waste of time.

Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul


JoS Clergy



Ok, so here is the meditation:

Begin at the waning part of a full moon [from the full to the new phase], a full Satanic rosary should be said, vibrating the word 'MUNKA' 108 times. YOU MUST DO THIS FOR FORTY DAYS STRAIGHT WITHOUT ANY INTERRUPTIONS IN THE DAYS! This is pronounced 'MMUUUUUU-NNNN-YAH-KAH.' I can't put in the Sanskrit lettering here as the yahoo does not support this font. The 'N' is like the Spanish Enyay. The above example for the pronunciation is 100% correct and works wonders.

For using Runes:


Anglo-Saxon: UR

Germanic: Uraz (Uruz)

Gothic: Urus

Norse: Ur

Anglo-Saxon: Ur

Icelandic: Ur

Norwegian: Ur


ANSUZ (God) [Always remember the code-word and true meaning for 'God' is one's self]

Germanic: Aza (Ansuz)

Gothic: Ansus

Norse: Óss, Áss

Anglo-Saxon: Aesc, (Os, Ac)

Icelandic: Óss, Áss

Norwegian: As

See The Runic Kabalah 666

When you are finished with the vibration, you need to do your affirmation for 9 times. 9 is the number of endings for workings like this.

For example: Engulf yourself in white-gold light like the sun and affirm:

"I am totally and completely free from [whatever is binding or hindering you]."

Another one, for a hampered love life:

"I am totally and completely free and absolved from any and all former vows and ties regarding my love life and extending into past lives." "I am now totally free to have a happy and fulfilling love relationship with whomever I consciously desire in my present life right now."