Omni:How to improve eyesight?

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How to improve eyesight?


Re: New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine


Blitzkreig [JG]



CAN it also help cure myopia? Wearing Spectacles is so annoying fir me

Maybe it may have some positive influence, I am unsure. However, myopia is generally caused by negative influences imposed on people by corrupt medical science. You can read more below and attempt the given solutions:

How to improve eyesight?





Glasses will make your eyesight worse. Doctors know that, yet they keep blaming it on age. You can wear contacts and those will keep your eyesight at a stalemate.

The sun rules the sight. If you want to improve your eyesight, you need to to work on your solar plexus chakra. If all your main chakras are open, you may as well perform a sun square with the purpose of enhancing your eyesight.

Warning: avoid laser surgery. It would fix your eyesight right now, but it in some years it will suddenly drop, becoming much worse. There have been many reports of this. This is why in the military they don't accept pilot candidate who have undergone laser surgery. The fact your sight can drop at any moment without fore-warnings is too much of a risk for militaries to accept people like this


Re: Feedback on HPS Maxine's formula for sight healing





There are a couple of eye exercises that you can do to improve eyesight as well. Your pupil is being held in place by 2 small muscles, if these 2 muscles are constantly in the same contraction they will get ''tired'' over time so to speak. this tiredness can cause headache's, drowsiness and vision problems, wearing glasses will only make the strain on these 2 muscles worse, so anyone that wears glasses be aware of this!

One of the most important things to do is to relax yourself and your eyes, one of the best ways to do this is to go outside and sit in a field or a park somewhere. Do not think about anything in particular, just relax and listen to your environment.

Exercise one:

Look / focus on objects in the distance. often times people look at objects that are close by to them, and rarely focus on anything that is in the distance. So take the time to focus on trees, animals, buildings that are 100m / 500m/ 1km or so away from you, do not strain your eyes over time your eyes will automatically focus on whatever you are looking at. You can do this for however long you want, be it 10 minutes or an hour.

(People tend to look at screens for the majority of the day be it a phone, tv or monitor, people also tend to look down at their feet when they are outside. This makes it so your pupils are always in a contracted state)

Exercise two:

Switching between 2 different object that are at different distances away from you can also be very helpful. You can for example focus on your hand, directly after wards focus on an object that is 100m away from you, now focus back to your hand. There should be no to almost no delay between focusing between the object and your hand, if there is a delay this means that your eye's are ''lazy / tired'', doing this exercise and the other one above will help to fix this problem.


On a completely different note, if you or anyone has ''blobs / floaters'' inside of your eye impeding your vision (these blobs are vitamins etc. that stuck together and are now floating around inside of your eyeball), you can get rid of these by eating 1 or 2 slices of pineapple every day.