Omni:How to raise the energy?

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How to raise energy?


The Three Steps of Witchcraft


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



Using Runes and vibration is one of the quickest and most powerful ways of raising energy. Other ways are using the foundation meditation or through just visualization. You raise the energy and should feel it strongly, throughout your entire body. Other ways include Hatha yoga, Tai Chi and/or breathing exercises of your choice.

To invoke energy form an external source, you can do this when you have enough experience by focusing upon what you want to draw energy form and “breathing” in the energy from it.


Now, for black magick, you do not want to come into contact with any negative energy you raise. Those who do not have knowledge do this sort of thing and suffer many times for it. The answer to everything is knowledge.

Now, I am speaking from my own experience here. Most popular grimoires and such will tell you to use black energy. In my own experience, I have found grey energy to be the most devastating. Grey energy is also death energy. It causes illnesses and all sorts of negative things.

For example, in working a death spell, I speak from experience here. Take the death energy from a cemetery or anywhere there is death and pull it out of the ground, using visualization. Program it, as in step two, for example: "The grey death energy is destroying_______." Do this while you are infusing it into the individual you wish to do away with. I have also found through direct experience, this must be done many times on a regular basis.

I also want to add, most popular writings will instruct you to raise as much emotion, such as anger and hatred as possible. Again, this is ok, but not necessary. What is necessary are the strength of your own soul, your will and directing the energy.

Energy Meditation


JoS Clergy



This meditation is excellent for beginners as it helps to give one a feel for energy. This meditation also strengthens the aura when done regularly.

1. Begin by relaxing your entire body. The deeper the trance, the more effective, but this meditation can be done at any time and a trance is not necessary.

2. Breath in and at the same time, draw in energy from all sides of your body, front, back, top of your head and bottom of your feet. For beginners, you should visualize white brilliant light, like the sun. Working with colors is more advanced and most effective when you are a bit more experienced.

3. Exhale and visualize the energy expanding your aura

4. Breathe in again and visualize the energy getting brighter and more powerful, radiating from your entire being.

5. Exhale again and visualize the energy expanding your aura, and the center of your body shining brilliantly like the sun.

6. Repeat this several times, each time visualizing the energy becomeing brighter and brighter as it increases in intensity.

When working with colors, visualize the color becoming more and more powerful and vibrant. You will notice each color has a different feel to it. Colors can be used to attract according to their nature.

You can also breathe in energy from the front and back sides of your body at the same time to meet in the middle, then do the sides and top and bottom. After this, let your aura expand outwards.

With this meditation, you can also practice expanding and contracting your aura.