Omni:Is Hinduism good?

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Other Religions


Is Hinduism good?


Re: Woman Beat To Death And Killed By Police In Iran Over ... Improper Hijab


HP. Hoodedcobra666




Hinduism never attacked any other Nation for religious reasons. They just defended their own beliefs and territory.

No spiritual wars took place over religious subjects in Ancient religions, there was full tolerance as everyone knew our Gods are the same and only symbolism changed.

Abrahamic religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism, were solely built to create wars. And they have done this.

Hinduism would never persecute people over solely their religion, on a religious basis, until attacked. Islam has attacked before.

The same level of tolerance is in Europe. It's well known Europeans and Hindus are tolerant people, because they aren't bloodthirsty for no reason. But Islam preaches domination and spreading by all means necessary.

If Islamics in general behave peacefully, it's because they are limited from acting further or they are not majority.

Also, a happened with the Yezidis and others, when Muslims have the majority rule, they tend to break everyone else past a point and annihilate them all. It's a matter of time until a government of crazies makes it into power and does this.

The above never happens in Hinduism etc. You never seen any Hindus anywhere doing any of this historically whatsoever.

There are reasons and these reasons are because they follow Ancient religion where attacking others for their own religion is simply not in the book.