Omni:Is distilled water good?

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What kind of water is good for my health?


The importance of drinking CLEAN water


Blitzkreig [JG]



TDS does not distinguish between pollutants. A grain of sand is much less damaging than xenoestrogens or other toxic chemicals, for example.

Anyway, the easiest way for most people here to filter their water is through a sink-based attachment. Don't forget to filter the water you shower in. For most people, this is hot water that you are letting diffuse into your skin and lungs.

On a large scale, you can get whole-house filtration systems for like $5,000, more or less.

With all this in mind, do not forget that we can improve our innate vitality, and ability to deal with ALL harmful health influences through our soul's Sun energy.

The importance of drinking CLEAN water





Most people might be surprised to learn that tap water more often than not is not just water, there's a ton of other things in it such as many different minerals, but also additives such as Chlorine, Chloramine, Fluoride among others, and impurities like rust, lead, copper from the pipes, to medicines, blood and other things that people expel from their bodies. Point is 99% of cases the water we drink is not exactly the healthiest.

To give an example, water purity is most commonly measured in TDS - Total Dissolved Solids. Most municipality water treatment plants aim to get water down to 600 TDS milligrams per liter of water (mg/L) or less. That number can fluctuate based on where you live of course, but generally is between 300-600 TDS. So really what the treatment plants don't filter, your body has to, but it doesn't have to be this way.

A cheap way to "clean" your water is to distill it at home. I suggest buying a quality water distiller (not exactly cheap at around 250-400$, but definitely worth it in the long run, though there's many cheaper options). There's ways to do this "manually" but id highly discourage it as you can get some nasty burns if you're not careful because of the steam. You can look up videos online of people distilling water with some pretty whack setups, just trust me its much less effort going with a distiller unit.

Simply boiling water in a pot DOES NOT REMOVE THE IMPURITIES. In fact, as water evaporates from the pot the impurities become more concentrated in what's left in the pot.

Basically how distillation works is, you put water in a closed container and boil it. At the top of the container is a series of tubes that capture the steam from the boiling water and cool it down so it condenses, and channel it to a container for storage. Most water distillers will have a place for a charcoal filter just before the water is collected in the container so it can remove any chemicals that might have carried over with the steam. Whats left in the distiller is honestly disgusting and you might gag the first couple of times, scales form from solids, chalk like stuff accumulates at the top of the scales, and the smell is killer too, look up videos or pictures of that stuff..

And thats all there is to it, the water in the storage container is ready to drink and most commonly has 0-5 TDS depending on your distillation unit and contamination of the water. If you're really anal about it you can distill the distilled water again but at that point theres not much sense in doing that. Some high quality units even have a heavy duty steel that will allow you to distill contaminated water from a pond in the street, rain water, snow etc.

Now if you've been following along you might say, "wait doesnt that remove all the minerals and good stuff from the water as well?", yeah it does. I wont argue if water with no minerals is bad to drink or not, as im not educated in that field, theres arguments on both sides. Most people find no difference drinking distilled water to tap water with a balanced diet. If you're nervous about it you can buy mineral infusions just for that, that can be added to your water to make it more "complete again". Some people also suggest himalayan salt, but im not sure about that one.

Bottled water is slightly better, in that water bottling plants will use reverse osmosis or some other process to remove all the impurities from the water and then add their own "secret sauce" of minerals to the water, depending on the brand so it always tastes the same no mater if you bought the same bottle of water in the USA or Europe. This is not a bad thing, the issue comes with the (most commonly) plastic bottles its in. Ever noticed the expiration date on a bottle of water? Its not for the water, its for the plastic bottle. Either way you're drinking a small amount of plastic as the bottle degrades over time.

Water can hold an incredible amount dissolved solids in it, thats why its often used to clean sterile rooms and laboratories because clean water will soak up all the filth, whereas tap water will mostly only push it around(if you've ever cleaned a floor you'll know). If you cook with distilled water you might find seasonings will be absorbed much faster, and the taste of the food is for me at least better.

The importance of drinking CLEAN water


Henu the Great



[...] reverese osmosis with remineralization. I have such system and I would not have it any other way.

The importance of drinking CLEAN water





This is such an important topic, water goes into every part of the body, brain, organs. Water is the single most important resource that the body needs to properly function. When people drink water that is contaminated with undesirable minerals and chemicals, then over time, their cellular performance will be weakened, in some areas of the body more than others too. The skin is the biggest organ in the body. Its exposure to chemically treated water is to be avoided as well

So not only is it important to drink clean water, but it is equally if not more important to bathe or shower with clean water. The cheapest way to do this is to get a shower head with a built in filter, that has to get replaced every 3-6 months depending on how many people use it. Most municipalities also use some chlorine to disinfect the water. If you shower with unfiltered water at high heat, then the chlorine from the water could break down and potentially be carried by the shower water steam into your lungs.

A more expensive way but the most effective way to have clean water for bathing and drinking is to install a dedicated home water filter system that connects to all water systems in the house. It is probably a few thousand bucks but worth it if you can afford it. I still don't have this yet.

Pools with chlorine treated water are probably not great for your health. Salt water pools are way better.

If the distillation process is eliminating the good minerals, then maybe consider supplementing by juicing green leafy vegetables and other healthy fruits and vegetables in a juicer. The water in the fruit juice is extremely potent. You'd be surprised at how many minerals you can absorb. Only do organic juice or you will accumulate pesticides in your body. Don't go overboard obviously. Try to add variety because then you'll avoid accumulating the natural biotoxins that are contained in each individual fruit/vegetable.

Myths Surrounding Water and Minerals






I don't agree that hard water is healthy and one should opt for soft water. Along with potential traces of fluoride, arsenic, lead, etc, hard water has non-chelated minerals (people colloquially call these "rock minerals"). These are not broken down by the body as easily and may even contribute to kidney stones, plaque build up and other problems down the road. Non-chelated minerals are more bioavailable that chelated minerals.

Spring water is even considered hard water. Some brands even include fluoride in their list of tested minerals.

In terms of other types of mineral supplements: It's better to opt for a mineral has the word "citrate" after it and not "chloride". Citrate minerals have been shown in numerous studies to be the most easy for the body to absorb.

Concerning distilled water... The assertion scientists make regards to the fact that distilled water is negatively charged and they purport that its ions latch onto minerals. However, minerals mostly have 1 to 2 positive ions and 1 to 2 negative ions respectively, equalling a neutral ionic charge of 0.

All pathogens and inorganic minerals found in the body have a positive charge. Distilled water, with its negative charge, binds to the positively charged acidic waste and aids in flushing them from the body.


Re: Myths Surrounding Water and Minerals





Distilled water is fine if you live in a city, as a means of purification. The problem is its acidic, the body needs an alkaline environement to function properly. You are in fact leeching minerals from the body by drinking distilled water.

The water I drink is run through a water ionizer, what this does is it seperates via electrolysis all positive and negative IONS, theses are very easy for your body to absorb unlinke inorganic minerals which your body can not use, if you have Calcium Carbonate (a.k.a Scale) in the water after ionization it seperates into Ca and Co3, you get a a catolyte and an anolyte solution respectively, as well as a lot of extra hydrogen in the catolyte (antioxidant) and Oxygen in the anolyte (Oxidizer, cell fuel, cleanser). Both solutions are good to drink.

I for one drink a glass of OZONATED ph 2.4 anolyte and about twenety minutes later drink my antioxidant alkaline water (Which I store in a COPPER vessel overnight and sometimes add silver to as well), what this does is increase the cell voltage in the same way these metals transmit electricity in non-biological beings. I too drank distilled water for years and my body never functioned so optimallly as now.

You can also try copper bracelets, as copper clears the body of heavy metals (lead, mercury alluminum)and regenerates the brain. Look up the reaction of copper chloride and alluminum Periodic Table Videos, it does the same thing your body, dissolving all deposits be it from vaccinations, ciggarettes and other heavy metals exposures.