Omni:Is it okay to be a vegetarian?

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Is it okay to be a vegetarian?


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This is something I need to address here. There are no dietary restrictions in Satanism. However and whatever you choose to eat is your own personal business. Videos and documentaries exposing what is known as 'Industrial Farming' are enough to make many consider vegetarianism.

For those of you who are vegetarian, if it works for you and you are happy with it, this is great and to be given credit.

Years ago, after watching a documentary on Industrial Farming, I tried vegetarianism and I lasted about a month. It didn't work for me, as I was into heavy weightlifting, gymnastics, martial arts, and running some 20+ miles per week, and doing manual labor as a cook. I got sick.

My point here is human beings are omnivores [designed for eating both meat and vegetables]. No matter what we eat, we have to kill to eat. Lions, wolves and other carnivores kill to eat. Every living being on the face of this earth must kill in order to eat. Plants are living organisms. The whole issue is HOW it is done.

Industrial farming is horrific. This is not natural. It is animal torture, exploitation, and abuse in the extreme. This bleeds over into the food chain and the overall quality of the food we consume, as well as society as a whole. The majority of society is unhealthy [especially in the west] in many ways and many are prescription drug dependent. In addition, many unnatural and harmful methods are used in growing and harvesting vegetables which directly affect the health of consumers for the worst. This has been going on for a long time [decades].

For those of us who eat meat, there are certain companies now that sell 'cage free' raised and humanely managed food animals. I have found some of these meats to be even cheaper priced at the supermarket, than the main brands who engage in industrial farming. In the larger cities, there are even eggs available from 'free range' chickens. The more the concerned public becomes aware of the vicious exploitation of food animals, the more changes for the better will be made.

For those of you who choose to be vegetarians, it is important to know HOW to eat in order to have a healthy diet. Certain nutrients come to humans only through animals proteins, such as vitamin B-12, and taurine. Dogs and cats who do not get taurine in their diet can go blind. Both are natural carnivores designed to eat meat. It is important to be knowledgable regarding nutrition and getting a balanced diet, and if any vitamin suppliments are needed. I am mainly writing the above for teens. If you choose to be a vegetarian, it is important to read up on it and to make sure you are getting all of your nutrients. Plants and legumes do supply nearly all of the nutrients we need, but there are a very few you need to be aware of in getting a balanced diet, and in supplimenting these.

Satanism is with nature and natural law. Again- there are NO dietary restrictions in Satanism. How and what you choose to eat is your own personal business. Satan IS VERY strong on treating animals and the environment with respect. Satan is Lord of the Earth. We Satanists are to treat the earth with repect and care.
