Omni:Should I join the military?

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Should I join the military?


Women as Navy SEALs?


Ninja 666



I'm posting these links for good measure. HPS Maxine warned about the military a few years ago.

It's not about the Navy SEALs, but has to do with the military. I'm not sure if it has changed now though.

"I'm making a point of posting this for our younger members and parents of teens, and young adults who might be considering or persuaded into joining the military.

Back some 30 years ago, I was in the Army. Things were bad, but nothing as bad as what is happening today."

10/July/17...Something to Know

"I also want to add here, Satan wanted me to post on this topic, as he let me know, there are a lot of our people who signed up for the military, who are literally begging him to get them out after a short time. Again... Today's military is for the most part, quite different than the military years ago.

What I posted amounted to systematic torture. The sort of thing that the Soviets did to their own psychiatric patients who disagreed with Jewish communism. There is also methods like these in the Russian military as well."

Re: 10/July/17...Something to Know (2)