Omni:Was National Socialism really against homosexuals?

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National Socialism


Was National Socialism really against homosexuals?


Newbie- I cannot accept Hitler or ‘racial purity’


HP. Hoodedcobra666



In fact, Germany was of the most lenient and accepting countries for these things in it's time, even compared to the United States. More than a few people in Hitler's cabinet and others have been homosexuals, without any persecution as it was highly the case in many other countries of the time.

This still, did arise from Abrahamic religions, which Hitler was successfully progressively wiping out.

Spiritual Satanism accepts people of any sexual vocation between consenting adults.

Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?





There is no surviving source material that shows us exactly what the so called paragraph 175 had actually said.

The source that can be found online is from "pink triangle pages", which is a gay rights movement that picked up after the second world war, and has literally 0 quoted source material regarding the subject matters they speak of, neither the supposed persecution of homosexuals in NS Germany, nor any of the things they mention such as "paragraph 175".

They state things as facts, and expect all readers to just believe it, with 0 source material to go around.

There are no records publicly viewable to see if NS Germany actually persecuted homosexuals purely for being homosexual, there is in fact no evidence on this anywhere in the world.

If it was so, and was so prolific, where are the sources? Where are the original documents regarding this?

Where is the record of the official ruling on paragraph 175 as supposedly reinstated by Adolf Hitler on May 6 1933?

They say he had reinstated it on that day, and had amended it to what those "pink triangle pages" write it had been, but there are no verifiable sources on this at all. Neither there are no sources on the amended paragraph 175, to verify if indeed it was written as such as spoken about on the "pink triangle pages".

The whole idea of the pink triangle is the same as the lies about the jewish star of david supposedly worn in prison uniforms of jews in concentration camps as a mockery and a label.

These are lies with no basis, no proof, and no source. Made up as slander, and even purposely fabricated to slander the NS for all time to come after WW2.
