Omni:What is Qlippoth?

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Jewish Magic


What is Qlippoth?


Enemy Lies About Demons: The "Qlippoth"


JoS Clergy



The word "Qlippoth" means "Husks" in Hebrew. Those familiar with the corrupted knowledge of the "Left Hand Path", will be familiar with these corrupted jewish invented that always portray Demons as sources of darkness, death and destruction. That is only the jewish opinion on the subject and all of it is pure slander.

Thomas Hobbes, a infamous jewish Rabbi, expounds vividly on this on the source that can be read on the bottom of the page. He admits the crime of the jews was to slander the Gods of the Heathens [Non-Jews]. He explains how the jews defamed the Demons with their Biblical and Jewish lore, creating them into monsters and plunging them into defamation and cultural desecration.

Additionally, most of the “knowledge” about “Demons” of the Left Hand Path, has it’s core in what we refer to as the “Qlippoth” or the “Veil of Negative existence”, a hoax teaching perpetuated by another Rabbi that was named Isaac Luria. From these lies did spring forth a general wrong consensus of corrupted practices and blasphemous meditations, such as the "Qlippothic Tree" and other jewish gimmick. This Rabbi was only continuing on the core of jewish tradition, which is nothing but an anti-Demonic tradition. As stated in another page, the word "Demon" is only a very positive word.

All of the story of the Bible, is just a big hateful cultural reaction of the jewish people against the Gods of the Gentiles and their cultures, but also Nations. All the best and wisest cultures of the world are relentlessly attacked in the Bible, alongside their Gods, who are the Pagan Gods. The Bible indeed constitutes nothing else but a book of hate against the Gentile people and their Gods. Of course everything in these manuscripts that attack the Demons, do contain in corrupted forms knowledge and wisdom stolen from these peoples that these books so openly attack.

Rabbi Luria created all the lies and defamation of the Demons being "dead husks" and "empty husks", "dwelling in the realms of evil" and endless other lies. The denigration of our Gods to the 'qlippoth', this sick filth, was invented by Rabbi Isaac Luria during the 16th century, following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. This expulsion was a major blow to the Jewish community. So major that Luria wrote of the 'qlippoth', looking to answers for the Jewish question, "If God is good, why is there evil?".

Unfortunately, due to jewish influence, all that the Left Hand Path had in regards to this was only opinions and lies created by the jews. Based on these lies, many people destroyed their lives or did at best progress nowhere spiritually, all while remaining disconnected from the Gods and only connected to jewish lies and false opinions.

The Jews have attacked us Gentiles for centuries. Especially our Pagan Gods. The Catholic Church, Christianity, Communism and much more are different faces of the Jewish empire.

In addition to all of this, the Jews have been at liberty to again, DICTATE and TELL us all what Satanism is supposed to be about, so-called "evil" and related. Jews always assume positions of authority where they order Gentiles about.