Omni:What is astrology?

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What is astrology?


About Astrology


HPS Maxine



Astrology, when interpreted accurately, is the most detailed and advanced method of divination and is essential to timing rituals and working magick. Nearly all of the ancient megalithic structures were designed to observe the stars and their movements. The four cardinal points used in ritual are based upon the points of the Zodiac, as are the elements. One's astrology chart is a map of his/her soul.

Astrology is a very detailed and advanced subject, but is well worth the time and study. Most of those who call themselves "astrologers" never advance beyond the elementary level. Most of the mainstream astrology books available are elementary and this makes astrology look bad in the eyes of the public. Many of the books available only tell you about the various *methods* of interpretation, they are unable to interpret the information, so they are useless. When an author writes about "growth," this is a cover-up for "I don't know." A competent astrologer will reveal events in the life.