Omni:What is déjà vu?

From JoS Wiki


Soul Mechanics


What is déjà vu?


Deja vu





It is a mental and pineal condition or situation as it happens for a brief second or more. It is a two faced coin, some mental ilnesses give this feeling non stop, some advancement stimulate for this to happen normal and with insight.

Same as everything, can be a delusion or can be a way to understand things. Some astral projecting and remote viewing in subcounciuos states can be remembered in present times in the act of happening giving the feeling as a deja Vu.

But my personal view of it is that it is same as autism, a certain chemical and spiritual structure condition of the brain and input received. It is definitely a perceptive state which can be either a mental ilnesses if non stop or unbiased on reality, or a brief and passing consequence of certain spiritual actions and advancements on the perception.