Omni:What is the influence of the Kundalini/Serpent on our soul?

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What is the influence of the Kundalini/Serpent on our soul?


The Origins of Satanism


JoS Clergy



The "Tree of Life" is actually a map of the human soul. The trunk is the spine and the branches are the pathways for the chi (bioelectricity). The serpent is what empowers the soul, bringing the all-knowing state of super consciousness known as "samadhi.

Satanism and the Kundalini Serpent


JoS Clergy



Kundalini is the life force and is very sexual in nature. This is the reason the Christian church and other RHP religions ban masturbation and all forms of sex. Sex is the creative power; it is one's use of the life force to create another human being. When one is trained and adept, the use of this force can be applied to many other objectives. Increased Bioelectricity:

  • Can induce intense bliss.
  • Strengthens and intensifies the aura.
  • Gives a feeling of lightness, floating, glowing and assists in astral projection (where one wills one's soul to leave one's body and return safely).
  • Opens one's mind for spirit contact and telepathic communication. Will enable one to resist disease and also provide the power to heal one's self.
  • Protects the immune system.
  • Provides the power to work magick- true magick without props- empty handed. This is the art of the true adept. Ceremony is unnecessary.

Transformation Through Meditation: The Serpent of Fire


JoS Clergy



The life force, like any electricity is HOT. BURNING HOT. There are different physical responses to extreme heat within the body. Some of which are quite unpleasant. Inflammations, eruptions, burning sensations, and so forth are the most common. Knowledge is everything- to know what can be expected is to understand. One clergy member found his metal pendant that he always wears has become so hot it burned a mark into his skin. This sort of thing passes, though it can take anywhere from a week or two, to a few years. Once the physical self adjusts, the soul has been completely transformed. This is no different than strength and mass building through weight lifting. I remember when I first began working out- there were times I couldn't even get out of bed I was so sore. It took a few years, but the bone density and body strength/mass I have are permanent.

increased understanding, much easier communication with demons and the sixth sense is increased and enhanced greatly. Feelings of extreme bliss, peacefulness.

Kundalini/bio-electricity is hot like molten lead. A warm sensation at the base of your tailbone- some of us have felt a pulling upward- sometimes spinning sensation. This indicates your Kundalini has been activated.

All of the chakras must be completely open and unobstructed. The serpent of fire will ascend piercing through each chakra. For some people, this is as hot as a glowing iron. One must stay focused and direct the energy out of the crown chakra.

The Kundalini will sometimes crackle and roar as it flashes like blinding white lightening as it hits the 6th chakra. This can be brightness beyond anything you have ever experienced or seen in your life. This is where calm, complete control comes in.

The Kundalini is individual for everyone. What some people may experience, others may not.

Here are some links that are informative. Gopi Krishna writes extensively on the subject. He is said to have suffered much during the transformation, but once this was passed, he experienced extreme bliss beyond anything he had ever known until the day he died.


The Effects of Kundalini on the Thoughts and the Mind


JoS Clergy



Kundalini and the energy of the chakras is bioelectricity. Our brains run on bioelectricity. This can be seen when some people experience seizures. Thoughts are electrical impulses. When we revamp our bioelectricity, we stimulate areas of our minds that have been and are normally dormant. Kundalini can kick up old fears, unpleasant thoughts and all kinds of things that have been buried in our minds.

Important Information Concerning Meditation


JoS Clergy



You must be strong both physically and mentally. If your kundalini begins to ascend, it can literally be as hot as molten lead up the spine. You must not lose your concentration at this time, but concentrate intensely on directing the energy out your crown chakra that will act as a vent.

When it hits the 3rd eye, it can flash like lightening and roar. A strong mind that is in control is everything here.

This will raise your life force 100% or more and a strong physical body is needed to handle it. People who have a background in strength training or athletics are better able to handle this energy.