Omni:What is the spiritual meaning of chess?

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What is the spiritual meaning of chess?


Chess Lessons from Thoth





The practical nature of advancement comes to be very logical.

The chess game contains the practical nature and union between the feminine and masculine in an illustrative game and symbolism.


It has been studied that the game of chess, the concept born from arithmetic and spiritual essence came from Egypt, from Thoth.

In actuality, it carries the essence and message of how we can transform our lives through practical magical workings, namely directly through the magical squares.

The magical squares of Satan are the primary lesson contained within this along with the nature of the work required.

The Game of Chess is a highly logical one and necessitates a lot of focus and effort. The game consists in winning against the "black" pieces.

The white pieces represent the conscious part of our life, what we can control (being the first movers), the defining action of our life.

The black pieces represent the subconscious, the karma, and the uncontrolled, part of the mystery of life, being a part of us but also an external part, seemingly "against" us.

White is the light, you know, you see, you act, Black is the darkness, you don't know, you don't see, you don't act. With light, we defeat the darkness of our life.

The main pieces in this duality, are the Queen and the King, and here we have a very powerful message. The Queen, being the feminine nature of ourselves and nature, can move in any direction as it pleases, she is not limited in any way.

This symbolizes how the spiritual nature of things is not bound by the limited material, it passes by other dimensions and is truly free, and this constitutes the most powerful piece.

The other very important aspects of the chess game are discipline, planning, and execution.

The present-day chess is a board of 8x8 squares, which is 64 in total, being the obvious sign of how Thoth left us with this understanding. The Mercury square is the 8x8 chess of life, of magical working to succeed in the logical mental soul and body connection.

The black and white tiles are appropriated and corrupted by the jews and Larpers. This represents also an opened and expanded Crown chakra, which comes as a grid flowing similar to the motion of a river pouring. It represents a state where the discriminant nature of ourselves is completed, by succeeding in the chess game of life, we open the grid and the Queen moves freely while the King, the material is protected, secured, and sustained. In other words immortal.

We also have deeper symbolism in the chess game, such as how the rook delimits as a pillar and towers the board, representing the watch towers, in pair. The knights which move two squares vertically and one square horizontal, form by direction, the symbolism of the 666 chakra, the swastika.

It also shows, how the pawn by " fighting" the squares, can become the Queen, and how one by completing the squares can crown themselves from a weak pawn to the most powerful queen. This shows also how not only individually, but also as a community, we help and transform the beginners by the shared knowledge to become advanced, yet the effort still stands in the individual to work for that "promotion".

In any way shape or form, we find meaning and support to want and succeed in our spiritual pursuits, in a union of spiritual action and material action.

It is of course still just a part of this vast knowledge, and these games were given to humanity to understand the principles and laws of the universe, and succeed in our journey to overcome death, illness, the unknown, and become.

Life gives us similar chess situations, we many times don't see the influences that gather against us, but certainty is present. We cannot stay as is, comatose, as this means death. The queen cannot move, and neither the King can walk. We have only to take the right choices and actions, and the right planning to succeed, and we come to be promoted, again and again until the dual nature of the grid is fulfilled and endless.

A magical square is a discipline and a gathering of the masculine forces, focus and effort, to make the Queen move freely, and for her to secure the purpose of our work, be it material or spiritual, promoting our soul and defining breakthroughs.

Let's all do our squares and promote our souls to royal immortality!

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; There is no Chance, Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." - Thoth