This page contains various GIFs and images of what Omni will look like. So you can see what our work will look like.
Please don't share this with anyone else and if you have any questions, concerns, ideas or criticisms about it, you can express them in the group mail.
The home page will look like this, this is where you search.The search results will look like this. Here you can roughly understand how the data will appear.A typical question page looks like this. These pages are the ones that appear in search results and contain many elements.You can save questions and sources. So you can come back to them later and not forget them.Same as above.
This is how to navigate between pages. Note that page changes do not create a full reload effect.As can be seen, the language changes live and does not reload the page. When the text suddenly switches between English and Turkish, I actually refresh the page with the F5 key. At first it loads English immediately, then it remembers the user preference and loads that language.You can access the search bar without a mouse with the "/" key and pull the focus back with the "esc" key.When the language changes, the search is automatically rebuilt in that language and, as you can see, minor letter differences are tolerated.Now you will see a funnier example. As you can see, the search engine has a very high tolerance. But after a certain point, it cancels this tolerance. There is a thin line between extremely irrelevant results and results that help the user. I think it works like a little AI. I'm going to develop it further.We have infinite scrolling. If the search results are more than 5, they are loaded in packs of 5 as the user scrolls. You're familiar with this system. If you have other ideas to enhance the loading of results, please let me know.Here is a question page. You can copy the link, save the question, see the sources, open and close them, save them too, see the original links and see what you will learn. The saving system is not quite finished, so you can't see the buttons working at the moment.