Stalin's Order 0428

From JoS Wiki

What is Order #0428 – commonly known as? “Torch-Men-Order” [now confirmed by today's Russian Government] Stalin's Order #0428, commanded on the 17th of November 1941, declared that Partisans wearing German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 – 60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics, it was important to leave a few survivors, who would report the supposed “German Atrocities.” This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian Partisans wearing German uniforms. Almost daily, reports were being issued by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics and aim of a ‘Deutsche Greueltaten’ – translation – ‘German Atrocities’ “scorched earth” approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands most horrifically. Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the very infrastructure necessary for his advancement in an occupied territory, Germany’s program, called “Ostacker Programm” (Eastern fields program) was designed to restore the devastated lands.

(Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General’s Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington) [1][in progress] “Fackelmänner Befehl” (torch men-order) confirmed. Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin’s Order No. 0428, as follows;

“All settlements, in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 – 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas within their the required radius, the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers, and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldiers’ uniforms and uniforms of the Waf en-SS looted from the German army. This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about “German atrocities”. For this purpose, every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population, we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages to punish the Partisans.”

If the Jewish Bolsheviks were purposely sacrificing people in these ways, to create anti german propaganda, there is no doubt they would have photographed these horrors, to drive the message home. No doubt, from this time, originate the “famous” atrocity Photos of mass executions which are the favorites in the press. Furthermore, this does not align with the Official ‘Holocaust’ narrative, of the Germans going to great extent to conceal their crimes by burning records and millions of bodies, which is one of the excuses as to why the Allies could not find any evidence to the purported mass gassings of internees. The ‘Official’ narrative would have us believe that the Germans (in the middle of the war) hunted through millions of documents to dispose of records by burning them, but left hundreds of incriminating photographs accessible for the world to see? Additionally, the single shot to the back of the neck/head, was the method and training of the Cheka and NKVD, for singular executions.