Omni Repository

From JoS Wiki

Welcome to Omni repository/database organisations!

Source List

One of Omni's pillars is that it feeds from many JoS sources. This allows the best information from the entire ecosystem to be brought together in an organized way. Below is a list of resources that can be used for the questions:

  1. Sermons:
    1. Clergy sermons
    2. Member sermons
  2. Ancient Forums:
    1. Forum topics
    2. Forum messages
  3. JoS Websites:
    1. Main Site
    2. Satan's Library
    3. JoS Astro
    4. JoS Wiki
    5. JoS Rituals
  4. Subsites/Projects:
    1. Exposing Christianity
    2. Third Reich And Satanism
    3. Groups Archive (Old forum and groups)
    4. The Real Holocaust
    5. The Black Sun 666
    6. Death of Communism
    7. The Fourth Reich 666
    8. The National Socialist Archive

Some sources in this list may be disputed. Try to focus as much as possible on the main sources in the ecosystem. You can express your opinions about this list in the group mail.

Category List

Not all categories listed here will be used. It is possible for many categories to be listed here. Some are just for a more organised look. Prioritise the most important ones. Available categories are bolded. If you have suggestions for new categories, simply add them and put a question mark next to them. A category can exist under more than one main category. Simply ignore this, it should not make any difference.

Adding Categories

For a category to be eligible, it must fulfil the following conditions:

  1. The category name should not be excessively long.
  2. It should not be so specific that the content pool is too small, or so general that the content pool is too large.
  3. It should not be perceived as the title of any post, but instead should be understood as a category.
  4. It should be clear what kind of discussion topics or questions it can contain, and not be taken out of context or misunderstood.

For essential categories, these requirements can be ignored.


  • History
    • National Socialism
    • Adolf Hitler
    • Holocaust
  • Jews
    • Communism
    • Jewish Magic
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Judaism
      • Torah
  • Rituals
    • RTRs
    • God Rituals
    • Protection


  • Material Growth
    • Money/Wealth
  • Health
  • The Gods
  • Divination
    • Astrology
    • Communication
    • Elements
    • Tarot
  • Witchcraft
    • White Magic
    • Black Magic
    • Numerology
    • Energy
  • Advancement of Soul
    • Runes
    • Cleaning
    • Empowerment
    • Physical Exercises
      • Workout
      • Yoga
    • Soul Mechanics
      • Chakras
      • Mind Control (void, visualization, etc)
      • Kundalini
      • Pranayama
      • Soul
      • Karma

Identity and Social Behavior

  • Sexuality
  • Race
  • Gender


  • Ancient Forums
  • Clergy

Question List

Imagine what a new person might commonly ask, as well as think about what questions frequently appear on the forums.

Adding Questions (GO HERE TO START)

An example of a basic finished question, although more can be added.
  1. Think of a question which is commonly asked on the forums, or use the above categories for inspiration. What would a newb ask about Satanism?
  2. Create a new page for your question.
    1. Open the empty Omni Question Template.
    2. Click 'Edit' (at top right) and copy the content and syntax.
    3. Return to this database page, click 'Edit', then type your question into the table below.
    4. Highlight the question and press the CTRL (control) key + K, or click the Link button on the toolbar (at top middle).
    5. Add the prefix 'Omni' to your question name, then click 'Done', creating a new page with that name.
    6. Open your new page and click 'Create'.
    7. Copy and paste the Question Template inside, then click 'Save page'.
  3. Specify the appropriate category. Pick whatever is closet.
  4. Find sources, which are the answers to these questions.
    • Search the JoS website, forums, or Satan's Library.
    • You should definitely pull specific answers from the sources. It is not the entire source that is important here, but the content of the source. Focus on what is most relevant.
      Follow this GIF carefully for template usage, adding new pages and more.
  5. With each source, fill in the template's title, author, URL, and the specific content which answers the question.

To see what the final product looks like, see the example question here. You can edit the content of all existing questions and make improvements. This is strongly encouraged. The more sources each question contains, the better, but they must be relevant. We anticipate a total of 500 questions.

  1. For adding additional sources to the same question, copy the source formatting from the Omni Question Template.
  2. Paste this at the bottom of the page and fill in the details of the new source.
  3. Review Omni:How do I gain money/wealth? as an example of a question with multiple sources.
Category Question
Cleaning How do I clean my soul?
Cleaning How do I deeply clean/purify my soul?
Money/Wealth How do I gain money/wealth?
White Magic How do I use planetary Squares?
Astrology Which astrology aspects show wealth?
Protection How do I protect myself/my soul?
Astrology How do I read an astrology chart?
The Gods How do I summon the gods/demons?
Karma What is karma?
Christianity Who is God? (christian god)
Empowerment What is Magnum Opus?
The Gods Who is Satan? / Is Satan evil?
Advancement of Soul How do I begin advancing?
Chakras How do I know if my chakras are open?
Chakras How to open my chakras?
Yoga What is mudras are?
Astrology Where do I learn astrology?
Jewish magic? Who is greys are?
Jews Why do Satanists hate the Jews?
Divination How to predict the future?
Advancement of Soul What is a god?
Empowerment How to meditate?
Runes How do I use runes?
Empowerment How do I feel meditation?
Clergy Where did Maxine go?
Empowerment How do I enter a trance?
Holocaust Did the Holocaust happen?
The Gods How do I find my guardian demon?
Adolf Hitler Did Adolf Hitler survive WW2?
The Gods Who is the anti-christ?
National Socialism Is Joy of Satan a Nazi organization?

Questioning Brainstorming

Section for writing down various ideas for new questions (not part of the database).