Omni Section: Our Path Questions

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Astral Realm

Category Priority Question Comments CollapseTags
Astral Realm High What is energy and how does it operate? astral realm, astral, energy, witchcraft
Astral Realm High What is Ether/Akasha? astral realm, astral, aether, akasha, ether
Astral Realm High What is the fourth dimension/astral realm? astral realm, astral, fourth dimension, dimension
Astral Realm High What is a thoughtform? astral realm, astral, thoughtform, servitor
Astral Realm How to enter the astral? astral realm, astral, astral projection, oobe
Astral Realm Are ghosts real? astral realm, astral, ghost, ghosts, soul, poltergeist
Astral Realm What is Hell? astral realm, astral, hell, death, afterlife
Astral Realm What is an astral temple? astral realm, astral, astral temple
Astral Realm How to get rid of unwanted energies/ghosts? astral realm, astral, unwanted energies, unwanted ghosts, ghosts, banishing ritual, spirits, malevolent
Astral Realm What is ectoplasm? astral realm, astral, ectoplasm, ghost, ghosts

JoS Ministries

Category Priority Question Comments CollapseTags
JoS Ministries High How to use the Ancient Forums? ancient forums, forum, new member, newbie
JoS Ministries High Where did High Priestess Maxine go? HPS Maxine, Maxine, clergy
Jos Ministries High How can I socialize with other SS? friends, attracting friends, friendship with SS
JoS Ministries How do I become a high priest? high priest, becoming high priest
JoS Ministries Does JoS hate mixed people? mixed people, race-mixing
JoS Ministries Can I obtain an SS partner? partner, SS partner, love, relationship, perfect partner
Jos Ministries Why should I donate to JoS? donate, donation, money, bitcoin
Jos Ministries How can I become a JoS Guardian? JoS Guardian, guardian
Jos Ministries How can I be useful to JoS? being useful, usefulness, useful for JoS

Satanism: General

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Satanism Who is the Anti-Christ? Anti-Christ, antichrist
Satanism High What are the Esbats? esbats, coven, moon cycle, lunar cycle, moon
Satanism What is Sanatana Dharma? Source 1: account deleted, user possibly banned? Sanatana Dharma, Spiritual Satanism, Satanism
Satanism How can I handle difficult family or roommates? family, family members, roommates, xian family
Satanism What is a Familiar? familiar, animal
Satanism What is Necromancy? necromancy, death, dead, afterlife, ghosts, ghost, spirit
Satanism What position does Satanism have regarding funeral rites? Satanism, rites, funeral, death
Satanism Are We Polytheism or Monotheism? Satanism, Polytheism, Monotheism, Gods

Satanism: Basics

Category Priority Question Comments CollapseTags
Satanism High Spiritual Satanism, what is it? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Godhead
Satanism High What is The Serpent? serpent, kundalini, Satanism
Satanism High What is heaven? heaven, crown chakra, top chakras
Satanism High What are the commandments of Satan? commandments of Satan, commandments, Satan
Satanism High Can I mix Satanism with other religions? other religions, religion, Satanism
Satanism High How can I be free? free, word of power, freeing the soul, freedom
Satanism High Will Satan take me back? coming back, return, get back
Satanism High What is spirituality? spirituality, Spiritual Satanism, occult
Satanism High Why should I follow Satanism? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, following Satanism
Satanism High Why do Satanists follow the Devil? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Devil
Satanism High What is the Satanic prayer? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Satanic prayer, prayer, communication
Satanism High How does Satanism view sexuality? Satanism, sexuality, homosexuality, sex
Satanism High What holidays do satanists celebrate and how? Satanism, Satanic Holidays, holidays, celebrating holidays
Satanism High Why is there suffering in the world? suffering, pain, agony
Satanism High How does Satanism view women? Satanism, woman, feminity, female
Satanism High For what purpose is meditation and other spiritual exercises? Satanism, meditation, spiritual exercises, Power Meditation, Godhead, Magnum Opus
Satanism What is the original Vedic religion? Vedic religion, religion, Vedic
Satanism Do animals have a Soul? animal, soul, pet, animal soul
Satanism How is Satanism different from mainstream religion? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, new member, novice, newcomer
Satanism What does the Egyptian Ankh represent? Ankh, Egypt, symbol, ancient Egypt, Satanic Symbols
Satanism Is hate a valid emotion? emotion, emotions, hate, destruction, negative emotion
Satanism What is the Tree of Life? Satanism, Tree of Life, Origins of Satanism, origin
Satanism What is Devil? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Devil
Satanism What is the Satya Yuga? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Satya Yuga, Golden Age, aeon
Satanism What is the Kali Yuga? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, Kali Yuga, Kali
Satanism Does Satanism support abortion? Satanism, abortion, woman, feminine, female, pregnancy
Satanism Do animals know that someone is SS? Satanism, Spiritual Satanism, animal, soul
Satanism What are the five ages? Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Heroic Age, Iron Age
Meditation What meditations/rituals should a new SS do? Meditation, Meditations, Rituals, Spirituality, New

Satanism: Dispelling Myths

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Satanism High Can I sell my soul for wealth/fame/etc.? sell my soul, soul, wealth, money, fame
Satanism High Does Satan demand slavish worship? Satan, worship, new member, newcomer, novice
Satanism High How can I trust Satan? Satanism, Satan, trust, faith
The Gods: Satan High Does Satan really exist? Satanism, Satan, existence of Satan
The Gods High Are the Demons evil or compassionate? Satanism, Demons, Gods, evil
The Gods High Am I bothering the Gods? Gods, bother, bothering
The Gods High Do the Gods demand sacrifices? Satanism, Gods, sacrifice
Satanism Are Satanists forced to do what they don't want to? Satanism, Satanists, forced
Satanism What happens after death? death, afterlife, hell, astral, soul
Satanism I can no longer feel the Gods. Did they abandon me? Gods, feel the Gods, abandoned by Gods, abandoned, abandonment
Satanism How were humans created? A better source is needed, it has misinformation. Satanism, race, DNA, humans, humanity, mankind, genetic engineering
Satanism Do Satanic Jews and Christian Nazis really exist? Satanism, Nazism, jews, Christian
Satanism Is ToZ a cult? Satanism, Cult, Manipolation, Slavery
Other Religions Is Darwinian evolution true? Darwin, evolution, Darwinian evolution, eugenics, spirituality

The Gods

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
The Gods: Satan High What does Satan look like? Gods, Satan, Satan's appearance
The Gods High What do the Gods like as gifts? Gods, gift, Thanksgiving Ritual, something in return
The Gods High How to talk to the Gods? Gods, messages of Gods, communication, talk, talking
The Gods High How were Gods bound? How were they freed? Gods, Demons, binding
The Gods: Satan What are the other names of Satan? Satan, divine name, name, Satanic Religions
The Gods: Satan Is Satan a fallen angel? Satan, fallen angel, Demons, Gods
The Gods: Satan Is Satan a Pagan God? Satan, Pagan God, Gods, Demons
The Gods What is the Gods' society like? MiniMe3388: I searched the ancient forum for the answer to this question and couldn't find it.
The Gods Can the Demons show me proof? Gods, Demons, proof, proof of Satan, proving
The Gods Do the Gods die? Gods, Demons, age of Gods, ageing
The Gods Where do the Gods live? Gods, Demons, Orion, dimension, Empire of Orion
The Gods Who are the Demons? Gods, Demons, Daemon
The Gods Do the Gods have physical body and needs? Gods, Demons, physical body, body
The Gods Who are the Nordics? Gods, Demons, Nordic
The Gods How do I know who my Guardian Demon is? Demons, Demon, Guardian Demon, dedicating, dedication
The Gods Who are the Annunaki? Gods, Annunaki, Nordic
The Gods How do the Gods and Demons help and teach us? Gods, Demons, Demon teaching, teaching, learning, knowledge
The Gods Who is Zeus? Satan or Beelzebub? Gods, Demons, Zeus, Satan, Beelzebub