Knowledge of Self Questions

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Soul Mechanics: Chakras

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Chakras High Which is the best meditation to empower my chakras? chakras, empowering chakras, chakra meditation
Chakras High Why are chakras not open by default? chakras, open chakra, opening chakras
Chakras High How many Chakras do I have? chakras, number of chakras, major chakras
Chakras High What do the chakras look like? chakras, look of chakras, shape of chakras
Chakras High How to open my chakras? How do I know when they are open? chakras, open chakra, opening chakras, opening the soul, chakra meditation
Chakras High What do chakra rulerships represent? Unanswered
Chakras What planets rule the 4th and 5th chakras? chakra, fourth chakra, fifth chakra, middle chakra, planets, venus, mercury
Chakras Are the 6th chakra and pineal gland in the same place? chakras, sixth chakra, pineal gland, location of chakras
Chakras Is the base chakra at the tailbone or near the perineum? chakras, base chakra, first chakra, tailbone, perineum
Chakras What are the Chakras? chakras, meaning of chakras, soul
Chakras What is the Third Eye and how does it function? chakras, third eye, sixth chakra, pineal gland, clairvoyance
Chakras How do I get astral wings? chakras, astral wings, wings, shoulder chakras
Chakras What are the Granthis in the Soul? chakras, granthis, soul, knot, watchtowers

Soul Mechanics: Chakra Openings

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Chakras How do I open my third eye?
Chakras How do I open my 7th/crown chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 6th chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 5th/throat chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 4th/ heart chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 3rd/solar plexus chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 2nd/sacral chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 1st/base chakra?
Chakras How do I open my shoulder/8th and 9th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my temple/10th and 11th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my hip/12th and 13th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my hand chakras?
Chakras How do I open my feet chakras?

Soul Mechanics

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Karma High What is karma? [Stormblood] There are much better sources for the nature of karma, such as this sermon in two parts by HP Hooded Cobra: part 1, part 2 Also, this which was even added to the official library, as well as this other sermon by HP Hooded Cobra.

[AFODO] added part one but its really long.

Karma High What is a sexual hangup?
Karma High How to get rid of negative karma?
Soul Mechanics High What is the Soul? Maybe more source can be added
Soul Mechanics High What are the three main nadis Ida, Pingala and Sushumna?
Soul Mechanics High What is the Kundalini?
Soul Mechanics High What is bioelectricity/chi/vrill?
Soul Mechanics High Is Race Mixing Bad?
Soul Mechanics High What is the energy buzz? How to get to it?
Soul Mechanics High Is the soul immortal?
Soul Mechanics What is the Shakti? Unanswered
Soul Mechanics What is the holy grail?
Soul Mechanics What are signs my kundalini is about to rise?
Soul Mechanics What is the Magnum Opus?
Soul Mechanics What is the pineal gland and how does it work?
Soul Mechanics What is a soulmate?
Soul Mechanics How do I know my elements are balanced?
Soul Mechanics What is déjà vu?
Soul Mechanics How to balance the element of water?
Soul Mechanics What is the spiritual meaning of chess?

Personal Identity

Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Identity High How do I heal problems with certain people? Unanswered
Identity High Am I a jew? jew, gentile or jew
Identity Why am I ugly? ugly, ugliness, ugly appearance, appearance, self-confidence, beauty
Identity What is nihilism? nihilism, negativism, negativity
Identity How to be confident? self-confidence, confidence, being confident, Sun, Sun square, solar plexus, solar energies
Identity Is it okay to watch porn? porn, masturbation, adult videos, sex, sexuality, fetishes
Identity Can SS adopt a child? adoption, family, parenting, adopting, race
Identity Is prostitution necessary? prostitution, prostitute, brothel, sex
Identity Is being transgender a mental illness? transgender person, transsexuality, transsexualism, transgender, transgenderism, dysphoria
Identity How to be more intelligent? intelligence, learning, understanding, knowledge, teaching, mercury, logic
Identity How to develop photographic memory? photographic memory, memory, third eye
Identity How to increase musical talent? musical talent, music, venus, musical instruments, singing
Identity How to stop daydreaming? daydreaming, dreaming
Identity How to be beautiful? being beautiful, beauty, beautiful, beauty spell
Identity What is the significance of the birthmarks? birthmarks, skin, marks,
Identity Did Satan create the non-whites? Satan, non-whites, DNA, creation, humans, mankind, humanity