Omni Repository

From JoS Wiki
Revision as of 17:20, 23 September 2023 by Henu the Great (talk | contribs)

Welcome to Omni repository/database organizations!

Source List

One of Omni's pillars is that it feeds from many JoS sources. This allows the best information from the entire ecosystem to be brought together in an organized way. Below is a list of resources that can be used for the questions:

  1. Sermons:
    1. Clergy sermons
    2. Member sermons
  2. Ancient Forums:
    1. Forum topics
    2. Forum messages
  3. JoS Websites:
    1. Main Site
    2. Satan's Library
    3. JoS Astro
    4. JoS Wiki
    5. JoS Rituals
  4. Subsites/Projects:
    1. Exposing Christianity
    2. Third Reich And Satanism
    3. Groups Archive (Old forum and groups)
    4. The Real Holocaust
    5. The Black Sun 666
    6. Death of Communism
    7. The Fourth Reich 666
    8. The National Socialist Archive
    9. White Death of Islam (not so popular, but still important:

Some sources in this list may be disputed. Try to focus as much as possible on the main sources in the ecosystem. You can express your opinions about this list in the group mail.

Category List

Not all categories listed here will be used. It is possible for many categories to be listed here. Some are just for a more organised look. Prioritise the most important ones. Available categories are bolded. If you have suggestions for new categories, simply add them and put a question mark next to them. A category can exist under more than one main category. Simply ignore this, it should not make any difference.

Adding Categories

For a category to be eligible, it must fulfil the following conditions:

  1. The category name should not be excessively long.
  2. It should not be so specific that the content pool is too small, or so general that the content pool is too large.
  3. It should not be perceived as the title of any post, but instead should be understood as a category.
  4. It should be clear what kind of discussion topics or questions it can contain, and not be taken out of context or misunderstood.

For essential categories, these requirements can be ignored.

Our Path

  • Astral Realm
  • Gentiles
  • JoS Ministries
    • Forums
    • Clergy
  • Satanism (General)
    • Satanic Holidays
  • The Gods
    • Communications


  • Jews
    • Jewish Magick
    • Communism
  • National Socialism
    • Adolf Hitler
    • Holocaust
  • Other Religions
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Buddhism
    • Hinduism
    • New Age
  • Rituals
    • RTRs
    • God Rituals
      • Psalms
    • Dedication
    • Protection
    • Banishing
    • Destruction


  • Material Growth
    • Wealth
    • Career
  • Personal Advancement
    • 8 Fold Path
      • Asanas
        • Yoga
      • Cleaning
      • Empowerment
      • Pranayama
      • Meditations
      • Mantras
        • Runes
      • Mudras
      • Bandhas
      • Witchcraft
        • Magick
          • White Magick
          • Black Magick
        • Mind Training
          • Void
        • Numerology
        • Tools/Props
          • Crystals
          • RTR Programs
          • Planetary Square Programs
        • Divination
          • Astrology
          • Tarot
    • Health
      • Traditional Exercise
      • Mental Health
      • Fatigue
    • Soul Mechanics
      • Chakras
      • Kundalini
      • Energy
      • Elements
      • Karma
      • Identity
        • Sexuality
        • Race
        • Gender

Question List

Imagine what a new person might commonly ask, as well as think about what questions frequently appear on the forums.

Adding Questions (GO HERE TO START)

An example of a basic finished question, although more can be added.
  1. Think of a question which is commonly asked on the forums, or use the above categories for inspiration. What would a newb ask about Satanism?
  2. Create a new page for your question.
    1. Open the empty Omni Question Template.
    2. Click 'Edit' (at top right) and copy the content and syntax.
    3. Return to this database page, click 'Edit', then type your question into the table below.
    4. Highlight the question and press the CTRL (control) key + K, or click the Link button on the toolbar (at top middle).
    5. Add the prefix 'Omni' to your question name, then click 'Done', creating a new page with that name.
    6. Open your new page and click 'Create'.
    7. Copy and paste the Question Template inside, then click 'Save page'.
  3. Specify the appropriate category. Pick whatever is closet.
  4. Find sources, which are the answers to these questions.
    • Search the JoS website, forums, or Satan's Library.
    • You should definitely pull specific answers from the sources. It is not the entire source that is important here, but the content of the source. Focus on what is most relevant.
      Follow this GIF carefully for template usage, adding new pages and more.
  5. With each source, fill in the template's title, author, URL, and the specific content which answers the question.
If you edited the template by ACCIDENT, follow this and fix it. Everything will be ok.

To see what the final product looks like, see the example question here. You can edit the content of all existing questions and make improvements. This is strongly encouraged. The more sources each question contains, the better, but they must be relevant. We anticipate a total of 500 questions.

  1. For adding additional sources to the same question, copy the source formatting from the Omni Question Template.
  2. Paste this at the bottom of the page and fill in the details of the new source.
  3. Review Omni:How do I gain money/wealth? as an example of a question with multiple sources.

Questions Which Need Attention

As the Omni project has grown, it is harder to go through the entire list and make note of any problems, then act on this. Instead of this, priority tasks will be pulled from the database and listed here. Please mark them as done when they are completed.

Category Question Comments
JoS Ministries Why should I donate to JoS?

Our Path Questions

Astral Realm
Category Priority Question Comments
Astral Realm High What is energy and how does it operate? Unanswered
Astral Realm High What is Ether/Akasha?
Astral Realm High What is the fourth dimension/astral realm? broad: more sources needed
Astral Realm High What is a thoughtform?
Astral Realm How to enter the astral?
Astral Realm Are ghosts real?
Astral Realm What is Hell?
Astral Realm What is an astral temple?
JoS Ministries
Category Priority Question Comments
JoS Ministries High How to use the Ancient Forums?
JoS Ministries High Where did High Priestess Maxine go?
JoS Ministries How do I become a high priest?
JoS Ministries Does JoS hate mixed people?
JoS Ministries Can I obtain an SS partner?
Satanism: Basics
Category Priority Question Comments
Satanism High What is Satanism?
Satanism High What is the basis of Spiritual Satanism?
Satanism High What is The Serpent?
Satanism High What is heaven?
Satanism High What are the commandments of Satan?
Satanism High Can I mix Satanism with other religions?
Satanism High How can I be free?
Satanism High Will Satan take me back?
Satanism High What is spirituality?
Satanism High Why should I follow Satanism?
Satanism High Why do Satanists follow the Devil?
Satanism High What are the Esbats?
Satanism High What is the Satanic prayer?
Satanism High How does Satanism view sexuality?
Satanism High What holidays do satanists celebrate and how?
Satanism What is the original Vedic religion?
Satanism What is Sanatana Dharma? Source 1: account deleted, user possibly banned?
Satanism Do animals have a Soul?
Satanism How can I handle difficult family or roommates?
Satanism How is Satanism different from mainstream religion?
Satanism What does the Egyptian Ankh represent?
Satanism Is hate a valid emotion?
Satanism What is a Familiar?
Satanism What is Necromancy?
Satanism What is the Tree of Life?
Satanism Who is the Anti-Christ?
Satanism What is Devil?
Satanism What is the Satya Yuga?
Satanism What is the Kali Yuga?
Satanism: Dispelling Myths
Category Priority Question Comments
Satanism High Can I sell my soul for wealth/fame/etc.?
Satanism High Does Satan demand slavish worship?
Satanism High Does Satan really exists?
Satanism High How can I trust Satan?
The Gods High Are the Demons evil or compassionate?
The Gods High Am I bothering the Gods?
The Gods High Do the Gods demand sacrifices?
Satanism Are Satanists forced to do what they don't want to?
Satanism What happens after death?
Satanism I can no longer feel the Gods. Did they abandon me?
Satanism How were humans created?
The Gods
Category Priority Question Comments
The Gods High What do the Gods like as gifts? Needs at least one more source
The Gods High What does Satan look like?
The Gods High How to talk to the Gods?
The Gods How is our Gods' society like? Unanswered
The Gods Can the Demons show me proof? Unanswered
The Gods Do the Gods die?
The Gods Is Satan a fallen angel?
The Gods Is Satan a Pagan God? More can be added
The Gods Where do the Gods live? add source on Gods being in higher dimensions
The Gods Who are the Demons?
The Gods Do the Gods have physical body and needs?
The Gods Who are the Nordics?

Warfare Questions

Category Priority Question Comments
Jewish Magick High Is Jehovah Real?
Jewish Magick High How do Jews attack Gentiles? (very broad) Needs more source
Jewish Magick What do angels really look like? Unanswered
Jewish Magick What is the Zohar?
Jewish Magick What is the Qlippoth?
Jewish Magick Can I use demonic Enns?
Jews High Why do Satanists hate all Jews? long

-add recent HPHC sermon

Jews High Why do Jews Appear to Hate "Christianity"?
Jews High Are Jewish souls different from Gentiles'?
Jews High Who are the reptilians?
Jews High Why are Jews bad?
Jews Was Charles Darwin a Jew? Unanswered
Jews Did the Jews create the Soviet Union? long
Jews What is the Talmud?
Jews Did the Jews perpetrate 9-11?
Jews Who are the greys?
Jews Do jews also reincarnate?
National Socialism
Category Priority Question Comments
National Socialism High Did the Holocaust happen?
National Socialism High Were the National Socialists Satanists?
National Socialism High Why is race mixing bad? Unanswered
National Socialism Was National Socialism really against homosexuals? Unanswered
National Socialism Did Adolf Hitler survive World War Two? Unfinished/ Source author needs checked
National Socialism What is Nazism? Unanswered
National Socialism What did Hitler warn us about?
Other Religions
Category Priority Question Comments
Other Religions High Why is there suffering in the world? include statement by Satan on how some bad

things/stress occur due to our level of advancement

Other Religions High My parents are christians/muslims: What should I do?
Other Religions High Who is God? (Christian God)
Other Religions High Did Jews Create Islam?
Other Religions High How is modern yoga corrupted? Could add more source.
Other Religions Is Hinduism good? More resources required
Other Religions What is Bon? Unanswered
Other Religions Is Darwinian evolution true? Unanswered
Other Religions Is Buddhism good?
Other Religions How are modern spiritual teachings corrupted? merge/change category
Other Religions Ex-Christian/Christian looking for answers. What should I do?
Other Religions Why is Christianity bad? Made one source, it is big, but still more can be added.
Category Priority Question Comments
Rituals High How do I perform a ritual to Satan?
Rituals High What are the Gods' rituals?
Dedication High How to dedicate my soul to Satan?
RTRs High How to pronounce the RTRs?
RTRs High What is the FRTR/RTR?
Rituals Can I do rituals in my astral temple?
Dedication What if I messed up the dedication ritual? Unanswered
Dedication Can I perform the dedication ritual more than once?
Dedication I performed the dedication ritual. I could barely get any blood on the paper. Is the ritual still valid?
Dedication Can I reverse the dedication ritual at a later date?
Dedication I can't perform the Dedication ritual because I am a teenager living with my (religious) parents and I do not have freedom (of religion). What can I do?
Dedication What is the purpose of dedication? Why is it important?

Growth Questions

Material Growth
Category Priority Question Comments
Material Growth High How do I gain money/wealth?
Material Growth High How do I obtain financial literacy?
Material Growth Should I join the military? Unanswered
Material Growth Does JoS accept every job?
8-Fold Path
Category Priority Question Comments
8 Fold Path High How to stop feeling guilt and punishing myself?
Cleaning High How do I clean my soul?
Cleaning High How do I deeply clean/purify my soul?
Cleaning High Why do I have to clean my aura?
8 Fold Path High What is the most important aspect of any meditation?
8 Fold Path High How do I begin advancing?
Mantras High How to pronounce the mantras?
Mantras High How do I use the runes?
8 Fold Path What should I do after I opened my chakras?
8 Fold Path How long does it take to become a God?
8 Fold Path What are mudras?
8 Fold Path How do I become a God?
8 Fold Path What are Kriyas?
Cleaning What is a Witches' Sabbath?
Mantras Can I chant the mantras in my head/silently?
Mantras How do I keep count of mantras?
8-Fold Path: Asanas
Category Priority Question Comments
Asanas High Is it okay to force myself in asanas? Should I bend forcefully?
Asanas High What types of asanas should be included in every hatha yoga sequence/program?
Asanas Should I be flexible for yoga?
Asanas How to do yoga asanas most effectively?
Asanas Can anyone do inverted asanas?
Asanas What are inverted Asanas?
Asanas Are kundalini yoga kriyas fast or slow?
8-Fold Path: Empowerment
Category Priority Question Comments
Empowerment High How to achieve power?
Empowerment High What is the purpose of meditation and other spiritual exercises?
Empowerment High How can I fix laziness?
Empowerment High How to heal from trauma?
Empowerment Should I clean my soul before empowerment? Unanswered
Empowerment How to improve my masculine energy? Unanswered
Empowerment How do I improve my astral vision?
Empowerment How to improve my feminine energy?
8-Fold Path: Meditations
Category Priority Question Comments
Meditations High How to meditate?
Meditations High How do I feel meditation?
Meditations High How to enter a trance?
Meditations High How do I visualize appropriately?
Meditations High Why do I struggle to meditate/to control my mind?
Meditations High How do I protect myself/my soul?
Meditations High How to do void meditation?
Meditations Which direction do you spin your chakras? Unfinished/ wondering if I should include other answers

[AFODO]: I don't think this is a good answer. I think we should stick with the "they can spin in any direction" answer until this will be proven othervise.

Meditations How to visualize Aura of Protection?
Meditations How do I open my pineal gland?
Meditations What is trance?
Meditations What is pyrokinesis? How to practice it?
Meditations What is telekinesis? How to practice it?
Meditations How to do the flame meditation?
Meditations What is the difference between imagination and visualization?
Category Priority Question Comments
Mind Training High How to detatch from unwanted toughts emotions?
Magick High How to do justice?
Magick High How to raise energy? More source needed
Magick High How do I use planetary Squares?
Magick High What is witchcraft/magick?
Magick High How to program energy?
Magick High How to direct energy?
Magick High How to succeed in magick?
Magick High What is sex magick? How to do it?
Magick High How can I program my aura?
Magick High How to create a thoughtform? How to use it?
Magick High Why did magick working fail?
Magick High How do I return curses?
Magick High How to empower my aura?
Magick High Is my affirmation good?
Mind Training Is it bad to have negative thoughts? Unanswered
Mind Training I have difficulty visualizing the sphere of light. How can I solve it? Unanswered
Mind Training How do I control my drives/passions?
Magick What is a Familiar? How to get one?
Magick Where can I buy Ritual Tools? Unanswered
Magick Why can't I feel energy after yoga? Unanswered
Magick How to do a love spell?
Magick What is a thoughtform?
Magick What are elementals?
Magick How to create elementals?
Magick How to do a death spell?
Magick How to deliver The Evil Eye?
Category Priority Question Comments
Numerology High What is 666 in Satanism?
Numerology High What is the significance of number 9?
Numerology High What is the significance of number 10?
Numerology What is the significance of number 1? added some sources, but definetly more can be added
Numerology What is the significance of number 2?
Numerology What is the significance of number 3?
Numerology What is the significance of number 4?
Numerology What is the significance of number 5?
Numerology What is the significance of number 6?
Numerology What is the significance of number 7?
Numerology What is the significance of number 8?
Category Priority Question Comments
Astrology High What do the Houses represent?
Astrology High What do the Zodiac signs represent?
Astrology High How do I read an astrology chart? Only some parts of this source are suitable

for beginners.

Astrology High Where do I learn astrology?
Astrology High Which astrology aspects show wealth?
Astrology High What is a void of course moon?
Astrology High What is planetary rulership? Unanswered
Divination How to predict the future? Unanswered
Astrology How to do synastry? Unanswered
Astrology What is the Chart Ruler?
Astrology What is the precession of the equinoxes?
Astrology Why am I attracted to a certain partner?
Category Priority Question Comments
Health High Is alcohol good in moderation?
Health High How do I quit smoking?
Health High How do I fix my health problems? Unanswered
Health High Is it alright to do drugs?
Mental Health High Endless pain and suffering. Can I suicide?
Health Are cold drinks good for my stomach? Unanswered
Health Is distilled water good? Unanswered
Health How can I get rid of acne/pimples Unanswered
Health How do I free myself from unhealthy sexual fantasies? Unanswered
Health How can I solve menstrual pain?
Mental Health How do I free myself from unhealthy sexual fantasies?
Soul Mechanics: Chakras
Category Priority Question Comments
Chakras High Which is the best meditation to empower my chakras?
Chakras High Why are chakras not open by default?
Chakras High How many Chakras do I have?
Chakras High What do the chakras look like?
Chakras High How to open my chakras? How do I know when they are open?
Chakras High What does it mean for a Chakra to rule? Unanswered
Chakras Does Mercury or Venus rule the middle chakra? merge with other Venus/Mercury Q
Chakras Does Venus or Mercury rule the throat chakra?
Chakras Are the 6th chakra and pineal gland in the same place?
Chakras Is the base chakra at the tailbone or near the perineum?
Chakras What are the Chakras?
Chakras What is the Third Eye and how does it function?
Chakras How do I get astral wings?
Chakras What are the Granthis in the Soul?
Soul Mechanics: Chakra Openings
Category Priority Question Comments
Chakras How do I open my third eye?
Chakras How do I open my 7th/crown chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 6th chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 5th/throat chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 4th/ heart chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 3rd/solar plexus chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 2nd/sacral chakra?
Chakras How do I open my 1st/base chakra?
Chakras How do I open my shoulder/8th and 9th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my temple/10th and 11th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my hip/12th and 13th chakras?
Chakras How do I open my hand chakras?
Chakras How do I open my feet chakras?
Soul Mechanics
Category Priority Question Comments
Identity High How do I heal problems with certain people? Unanswered
Identity High Am I a jew?
Karma High What is karma? [Stormblood] There are much better sources for the nature of karma, such as this sermon in two parts by HP Hooded Cobra: part 1, part 2 Also, this which was even added to the official library, as well as this other sermon by HP Hooded Cobra.

[AFODO] added part one but its really long.

Karma High What is a sexual hangup?
Karma High How to get rid of negative karma?
Soul Mechanics High What is the Soul? Maybe more source can be added
Soul Mechanics High What are the three main nadis Ida, Pingala and Sushumna?
Soul Mechanics High What is the Kundalini?
Soul Mechanics High What is bioelectricity/chi/vrill?
Soul Mechanics High Is Race Mixing Bad?
Soul Mechanics High What is the energy buzz? How to get to it?
Identity Why am I ugly? Unanswered
Soul Mechanics What is the Shakti? Unanswered
Soul Mechanics What is the holy grail?
Soul Mechanics What are signs my kundalini is about to rise?
Soul Mechanics What are the Levels of the Magnum Opus? merge with "What is the Magnum Opus?"
Soul Mechanics What is the Magnum Opus?
Soul Mechanics What is the pineal gland and how does it work?